Chapter 7- 1963

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A/N: Welcome welcome! The plot starts to thicken in the next chapter so take this lighthearted one as a peace offering.

Last Time: "Y/N the Kugelblitz is coming! ITS THE END OF THE WORLD."

"Fei, can I speak to you."

Reader POV. 2nd Person:

You wake to the sound of yelling. Distantly you know who the voices are but with your sleep mettled mind it doesn't come to you immediately. You perk up when someone says your name. "Y/N won't be happy." "I know Fei but what else are we supposed to do?" the voice sounds annoyed and over the entire conversation. Its silent before the voice you now know to be Fei speaks again "I agreed to let him stay with Sloane but NOT to him JOINING US!" "I KNOW FEI BUT WE NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON HIM PLUS IT'LL MAKE SLOANE HAPPY!" With that you figure it's about time you make your presence known. You stand from your bed and leave the room heading straight to the dining room where most events seem to take place in this house.

Entering the room, you see a somewhat familiar sight, Fei and Ben in a heated argument. Though this does confuse you because you thought that they'd sorted everything out last night when Ben asked to talk to Fei. Neither of them seemed to notice you but you don't want to interrupt their argument because of what happened last time. You still haven't figured out why they're fighting, and you're so engrossed in listening that you don't notice Christopher float up behind you until you hear the all familiar bleeping. You jump at the noise, Christopher makes a small apologetic sound, but you wave him off. "Don't worry about it, you just scared me is all." Christopher makes another noise before floating over to where Ben and Fei are about to tear each other's heads off.

The screech that comes out of him is so loud- it makes you cover your ears. You can see Ben and Fei do the same, nevertheless it managed to stop their bickering. Christopher makes a few more beeping sounds, in which one of them causes Ben plus Fei's crows to look over at you. Fei looks apologetic whereas Ben's face is unreadable. Christopher continues on what you assume to be a rant before falling silent and floating away, passing you as he goes. As he passes Fei slowly makes her way over to you. She offers you a small smile "sorry to wake you Y/N." "It's no big deal I was just wondering what could possibly make you guys fight like that" you glance at Ben while saying this. Ben avoids eye contact while responding "I may have done something." Before you can question him any further- Luther and Sloane walk into the room. Sloane lights up when she sees you "did you guys tell Y/N the good news?" You eye Ben with suspicion "what good news Ben?" You don't think you've ever seen Ben look so awkward before... your kind of relishing in it. He scratches the back of his head "well-" Luther cuts him off "I'm joining the Sparrows." His tone is so beyond smug that it immediately makes you angry... and then what he said sinks in. "HE'S WHAT!"

You don't remember much after that. You think you summoned a storm, but you can't be too sure. You rushed out of the room as soon as you could. Fei was yelling after you, only you were too angry to be rational at the moment. Once you reached the door to your room you ran as fast as you could and slammed the door closed. Taking a moment to calm yourself you think about what just happened. You were happy for Sloane; she gets to be with the man she loves...even if that man is your bully of a brother. You also know that you have no say in who can and can't join the Sparrows. It was a matter of Luther being there and his stupid smug face that set you off. You decide to start drawing to keep your mind off the past events before you go back out there and apologize to Sloane... maybe Ben too.

You're drawing a picture of Fei when the woman herself walks in. She has a crow with her allowing her to see you sitting on your bed. She visibly relaxes. "Thank god, I wasn't sure if I was gonna walk in here just to see your room underwater." You chuckle at her joke before going back to your drawing. You should have expected Fei to get curious, but you didn't, so when she walks over and snags the sketchpad from your grasp it catches you by surprise. "Hey!" You go to snatch it back, but Fei simply backs away out of reach. She's smiling but once she gets a good look at what you've been drawing it turns strained. Her crows head tilts. "Is this me?" You frown "you don't like it?" She looks momentarily shocked "no, no I love it, it's wonderful." "Then what's wrong?" She hands the sketchbook back to you. "I was just remembering when Ben saved you from Jayme's wrath." "Oh yeah... that seems so long ago." "It does, doesn't it" she sits down next to you. There's an uncomfortable silence before Fei speaks up "where did you learn to draw like that?" She motions to your sketchpad while saying this.

You stifle a laugh "it's kinda a weird story, you sure you wanna hear it?" "Of course." "I warned you; it started when me and siblings got stuck in 1963." She perks up, "stuck in 1963!?" "Yup" "How did that even happen?" Her exasperated tone makes you laugh before you continue on with your story. "Well, we were doing what we always did, trying to stop the apocalypse." "Right." "Basically, something went wrong, I arrived in 1963 with my siblings nowhere to be found." Fei 's smile drops "you were stuck there with no one you knew around?" "Pretty much. I decided that if I was finally away from my family that I'd make the best of it." You look over at Fei to see her crow staring intently at you. You clear your throat before continuing. "I became an artist, a famous one too. I made thousands of dollars by simply drawing... it was amazing." Fei opens her mouth to respond but an all-familiar voice stops her. "Y/N... I'm sorry about inviting Luther. I just need to keep an eye on him, especially if he's gonna be with Sloane." Ben is standing in the doorway looking extremely apologetic. You can feel Fei put her hand on your leg as a comforting gesture while you reply, "I understand why you did it, I was just reacting irrationally." "How about a truce, we were both wrong." He sticks out his hand for you to shake. You decide to humor him by exaggeratingly shaking his hand. "Truce." He smirks before turning to leave your room, only you're not done messing with him just yet. "Hey Ben!" He turns back around "yes?" "I won't tell anyone that you're a big softie so don't even worry about it." That startles a laugh from Fei and a mock glare from Ben. He jokingly shakes his hand in your direction as he says, "why I outta-" Sloane yelling from down the hall makes you all freeze "BEN, FEI, Y/N ONE OF THE UMBRELLA'S ARE HERE WITH THE OLD MAN!"

A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Until the next chapter consider reading my other books or possibly checking out my Tik Tok

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