Chapter 9- Hotel Oblivion

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A/N: This is a short one!!

Last Time: '"Chris... what's going on?" He shakes and shakes and shakes and shakes until all you see is a bright light consuming you..."

Fei's POV. 1st Person:

I have my hand on Y/N's shoulder as I pull them away with me. Chris is seizing and I immediately know something went wrong with the Kugelblitz, Chris is about to blow. I yank Y/N back before yelling "CHRIS IS GONNA BLOW GET DOWN-" and then he explodes.

My ears are ringing but there's only one thing on my mind, Y/N. I can feel them moving in my grasp and just knowing that they didn't get killed is enough to make me feel like crying. I summon a crow hoping to get a good look at them. They look up to me and I can see tears in their eyes. We don't get time to dwell on what happened though because Five is yelling at everyone to run. I take Y/N's hand and pull them along with me as we run away from the Kugelblitz, considering it's currently larger than ever and rapidly spreading. Using a crow, I take a quick survey of everyone running and am pleased to see that everyone is alive however my legs almost give out when I see Reginald has made it as well and is currently leading the charge. Y/N's hold onto me is the only thing that keeps me from freezing up- then marching right over to him and giving him a piece of my mind. I distract myself by watching the world around me, or what's left anyway. I can only describe the site as the world simply... breaking.

After what seems like hours of endless running, we make it to a hotel named 'Hotel Oblivion' which seems a bit too ominous for me. It's the only building standing as the black nothingness gets closer and closer. We don't hesitate to run into the building- slamming the door shut behind us. It gives me a false sense of security, but one look outside will help you think otherwise.

Readers POV. 2nd Person:

We make it into Hotel Oblivion, and you take a second to catch your breath. Fei's crow tilts its head as it watches as you slide down the nearest wall to momentarily relax. The others stand in the lobby doing various things. Luther and Sloane embrace each other, Lila is resting her head on Deigo's shoulder, Allison and Viktor are glaring at each other, Klaus is annoying Reginald, and Five and Ben are having a heated argument that ends when Ben stomps his way towards you. "Uh oh" you mumble which causes a chuckle to leave Fei, who has joined you on the floor. "Your brother is annoying you know that?" "Yeah man I could've told you that myself." He drops to the floor with you and Fei before giving you both a once over. "You guys are okay right?" Fei throws her arm around your shoulder and gives you smile; you notice her crow is gone "yeah were alive and kicking" her grin falters "Chris... he's gone." The thought upsets you, you'll miss his endering beeping sounds. You slowly lean against Fei hoping to offer some form of comfort. Ben voices his thoughts on the matter by saying "yeah but we still have each other." He then hops up and starts walking away but you yell after him. "SOFTIE!" He doesn't look back as he flips you off. Fei snorts and gently moves you from her shoulder. You go to question her but her lips on yours stop all your pondering. You kiss back but she pulls away all too soon. You wish for the kiss to continue until her words distract you "I almost lost you..." The words make you pause. Taking a deep breath you respond, "and I almost lost you... but were both still alive and kicking just like you said." She smiles just as Sloane and Luther walk up to you.

"Hey Fei, Y/N" Sloane is the one to greet the both of you. Surprising you however, Luther decides to speak up, "listen Y/N I know I've been sort of an ass but me and Sloane have something to ask you guys." You glance at Fei whose head is tiled simply listening in. "What's going on?" You question. Sloane responds, "Since the end of the world is gonna happen, we figured why not make the most of it." You're intrigued, "how?" She continues "we want to spend time with our families and what better way to do that than at a wedding!" ...That is not what you expected but... it could be fun; you do however have one thing that's bugging you. You turn towards Luther "you actually want me to be there?" He offers you up a shaky smile before simply saying "yes." If it was only Luther asking, you'd say no without a doubt. Sloane is looking at you with hope shinning in her eyes and you just can't deny her. "I'll be there" you then focus on Fei "what do you say Fei?" She tilts her head "sounds like fun."

A/N: We're entering the final stretch now! A few more chapters remain! Thank you so much for 300 reads, I seriously appreciate it!

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