Chapter 5- The Aftermath

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A/N: hehe

Warning: Minor cursing

Last Time: "Distantly you hear Luther yell for someone, and you can feel someone wrap their arms around you before it all goes black..."

Fei's POV 1st Person:

It all happens so fast. The Sparrows and I are arguing with the Umbrella's when this old man walks into the room. The Umbrella we know to be Viktor starts yelling for him to leave but the old man doesn't seem to hear... he seems to be in pain. The old man starts to visibly struggle when Viktor screams "GET DOWN." Looking through my crows I see Y/N out of it so before I can think twice, I make a grab for them. I pull them down with me right as a blinding light covers the room. I protect Y/N to the best of my ability and once the light disperses, I look around. The carnage around me makes my heart stop. Jayme and Alphonso are dead. Burnt up and disintegrated. Sloane seems to be dead, but I can't be too sure considering the big monkey man is covering her and Y/N is... I dread looking down, but I know I have to. I take a deep breath and send out another crow. Their eyes are closed and if it were under different circumstances, I'd say they look peaceful. But I know what the stakes are here, I quickly check their pulse and release a breath I didn't know I was holding when I feel it drumming under my touch. Breaking me from my thoughts is Ben yelling "Fei! Fei come on let's get out of here!" I look at him and am happy to see that Christopher is floating beside him. Looking back at Y/N I know I can't leave them. "Ben! Help me carry them!" I know Ben has somewhat of a soft spot for them, even if he won't admit it. Just like I predicted, Ben takes one look at me hovering over an unconscious Y/N and he's making his way over. "Come on let's get out of here." He helps me hoist them up and with Y/N in our grasp we quickly get out of the hotel and back to the academy.


Readers POV. 2nd Person:

Your head is pounding when you finally wake up and your eyes are too heavy to open. You feel dizzy and you're unsure as to why. It takes a moment for the memories to return but once they do you spring up only to deeply regret it. The throbbing in your head hits you hard, so hard that it almost knocks you out again. "It's okay just lay back and relax." You know that voice... You're determined to open your eyes. You have so many questions. Willing them to open reveals a distraught looking Fei. You don't think you've ever seen her look so disheveled. Her clothes are all rumpled, and her glasses are missing, leaving her torn out eyes and scarred face open for you to see. You still think she looks beautiful. She speaks before you can ask the questions you so desperately want to ask. "I uhm knocked you to the ground in the hotel and it made you pass out... sorry." She looks extremely apologetic, but you know that, that's not the only think bothering her.

"What-" your dry throat makes itself known. Fei stands up and grabs you a cup of water that was already waiting for you. She hands you the cup allowing you to greedily sip the contents. After drinking all the water, you hand it back to her and finally ask what's been on your mind "what else happened?" Fei freezes before slowly throwing the cup away "Jayme and Alphonso are dead... Sloane is missing, presumed dead. I don't know what to do..." She trails off but you've heard enough. You slowly sit up and place a hand on her arm. "Come here." She pauses before slowly making her way over to you. She sits down, careful not to jostle you too much. Once she gets herself comfortable you reach over and hug her. You hope to convey how sorry you are and how you'll always be there for her. Her body stiffens before going lax in your arms. She turns around to hug you back and though it catches you off guard you're careful not to show it. Her body starts to shake, giving away her grief.

The both of you sit there, hugging in a comfortable silence until Ben walks into the room. Fei must have heard him coming because right before he walks in, she's out of your arms and composing herself. You have to admit that having her in your arms felt good, maybe next time it will be under better terms. Ben gives the both of you a suspicious look but thankfully doesn't comment on it. "Fei, I have to speak with you for a moment." Fei frowns, "can Y/N be here?" Ben rolls his eyes "yes, your little lover can stay in the room." Fei doesn't respond she only summons her crows as an obvious threat. Ben holds his hands up in mock surrender "yeah, yeah I was kidding." Just like that the crows disappear "continue then." "What are we going to do about the old man... you know the one who killed Alphonso and Jayme, maybe even Sloane." Fei takes a moment to think before stating "we kill him." This makes your eyes go wide, even Ben looks somewhat disturbed. "Just like that? We kill him?" "Do you have a better idea, Ben?" Fei is becoming annoyed, but Ben doesn't care. "I don't know Fei how about we don't mess with the crazy old man with the crazy powers." Fei glares "fine almighty number one what do you suggest we do then?" You zone out after this. The both of them continue yelling at each other for an extremely long time, even Chrisopher stops by to check out the noise.

Eventually you get sick of the yelling as it's making your headache return. "BOTH OF YOU KNOCK IT OFF!" They both stop. Ben looks somewhat impressed while Fei only looks angrier. You go to declare that they're both being irrational, but Fei cuts you off. "STAY OUT OF IT Y/N!" You can feel your heart stop; she's never risen her voice towards you before. Ben must not be happy about this either considering he says "wow Fei that was super nice of you" in the most sarcastic tone you've heard him use yet. "No, it was a reasonable reaction I mean I'm not involved, right?" "Y/N, I'm sorry I had no right to yell like that." Fei looks extremely upset which catches you by surprise. "Fei it's alright, no harm done. I get you were just mad at the world." "But that gives me no right to raise my voice to you." She walks over to you "let me make it up to you." You start to get nervous especially since you don't think Ben ever left the room. Knowing him- he's probably in the corner laughing his ass off but you're a bit too preoccupied to focus on that. "Make it up to me how exactly?" You can't help but ask. "Let me take you on a date." You blink. 'A date? At a time like this?' You voice your thoughts. "I'm sure the world can wait a day." "Are you-" Fei must have known you were going to question her as she cuts you off "yes I'm sure Y/N." She smiles "I've been wanting to ask you out since we met." That makes you blush. "Really?" She doesn't respond verbally she only starts leaning closer to you. Right before your lips connect a voice rings throughout the room "no PDA while I'm here."

A/N: Thank you so much for reading!
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