Chapter 3- Kidnapping

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A/N: Welcome back ;)

Recap: " great as this has been we need to figure out what to do against the self-called Umbrella Academy."

"Thank you for convincing Ben and Marcus into letting me stay."

Reader POV 2nd Person:

You slowly blink your eyes open only to snap them closed again. The sunlight is too much for your sensitive eyes. You take a second to adjust to the brightness before opening them once more. You look around confused for a moment before remembering where exactly you are. 'Oh, right the Sparrow Academy... because my family abandoned me.' The thought upsets you but before you can dwell on it there's a knock at your door. "Come in." It creaks open to reveal Fei. She's wearing a red outfit with her signature glasses that you can't help but admire before she clears her throat catching your attention once more. She smirks "normally I would be all for letting you check me out but there's more pressing matters at the moment." "More pressing matters?" Her cocky look turns dark "Marcus is missing."

Fei leads you downstairs where the rest of the Sparrows have already gathered. Their eyes follow you as you make your way towards them. Jayme decides to speak up first "so what did you do to Marcus huh Y/N?" Your head whips towards her "what do you mean?" "He's gone, missing, nowhere to be found and I think YOU had something to do with it." She steps closer to you as she says this- that way you're standing face to face. You nervously back away "I have no idea what happened to him, I was here all night." Alphonso speaks up next. "How do we know you didn't sneak out" he looks apologetic while saying this. "Don't you guys have cameras around here or something?" You question as a last-ditch escape. Jayme looks as if she's about to argue but Ben's voice cuts her off "Y/N didn't sneak out." All heads snap to Ben. He's awkwardly standing in the shadows and looks like he wants to be anywhere but here. "How do you know?" Jayme's voice is sharp. "Because they came to my room last night..." It's Fei's turn to look angry until Ben continues his statement. "...they were asking for a sketchpad and some pencils; I'm assuming so they can draw." This calms down Fei. 'I wonder why that made her so mad?' Before you can continue this thought Jayme states, "How do we know they didn't just leave the academy after visiting you?" Ben rolls his eyes "give it up Jayme. Y/N didn't do anything to Marcus." "I agree with Ben" Fei declares. You send a grateful look her way to which she responds with a small smile. "I don't think Y/N did anything either" states Sloane. Christopher makes a noise in response which you take to mean he agrees with Sloane. You smile at the both of them as Jayme simply huffs and stomps away. Alphonso follows suit.

"Geez what's her problem?" Ben's tone is one of pure annoyance. Fei glances at you "I believe it has to do with our new Sparrow member." "I don't want to be causing any trouble between you guys... I can leave." You go to walk away but Fei grabs your hand before you can take a step "please don't, Jayme is never pleasant to be around, so this is nothing new." Her gaze is serious but still somehow soft, it causes a blush to spread across your face and you have to try extremely hard not to summon a rainbow. Fei finally relents and let's go of your hand when you stutter out an "ok-okay." Ben is glancing between you and Fei when you finally look back at him. He scoffs "listen what are we gonna do about Marcus?" Sloane speaks up "I suggest asking Grace." Ben immediately shakes his head "what a dumb plan, any other ideas." You see Sloane shrink back which prompts you to defend her "don't be so rude Ben." Out of the corner of your eye you can see Fei freeze up while Ben's eyes seem to analyze you before he responds "fine, Sloane I disagree can we possibly get another idea." His voice radiates sarcasm but it's better than nothing. The group of you, Fei, Ben, Christopher, and Sloane are silent before you get an idea. "Why don't we just ask my siblings?" "Do you think that could work?" Fei questions. "Well... probably not but if it doesn't you could always just kidnap one of them." "I'm in" Ben immediately responds. Fei rolls her eyes "of course you are." He simply sends her a mocking smile. "Get to it then" Fei snaps. "All of you are with me besides Fei and Y/N, let's leave the little lovebirds alone." You want to blush, but a question passes your mind before you can. "Wouldn't you want me to go with you, considering I know them all?" "I get the feeling that they wouldn't be so happy to see you." His response though deep down you know to be true still angers you. "They're my family!" "Are they?" And with that Ben along with his group walks out of the academy.

You're left there feeling defeated, so much so that you forget Fei is standing right beside you. "That was uncalled for, I apologize for him." Looking towards her you can see that she's already staring at you. "It's fine, he's right anyway." "I know you already gave me a brief overview of your life, but would you mind telling me what occurred between you and the rest of your family? I won't judge, promise." Her gaze is reassuring and before you know it, you're spilling out your life story in more detail than before. You tell her about how Klaus, Ben, and yourself used to be the best of friends until Ben died and Klaus distanced himself from you. You also tell her about how Reginald used to manipulate your emotions that way your powers would be triggered, only to call you weak afterwards for not being about to stop the weather attacks. Throughout your ranting Fei listens intently and offers words of comfort when prompted. "I'm sorry you had to go through that Y/N... how are you feeling knowing one of your siblings could potentially be brought here?" "I guess it depends on who it is..."


About an hour passes before the group returns, with a sleeping Luther floating inside after them. You and Fei stand from where you've been sitting, allowing Sloane to gently place Luther onto the couch. Fei leans over to you "is this someone you were hoping to see?" "No... not at all" you mumble. Ben goes over to wake Luther while Fei gently drags you behind her, somewhat keeping you hidden from your brother's view.

Luther jumps up with a start, he takes a moment to look around when his eyes land on you, half hidden behind Fei. "Y/N? What is going on?" Thankfully Ben responds so you don't have to "thank you for joining us. We simply have a small issue with you and your siblings." Luther looks beyond confused "issue? why?" "Marcus is missing and we suspect you have something to do with it." Luther's confusion only seems to grow "whose Marcus and why is Y/N here?" Ben goes to speak for you again, but you decide to respond this time "I'm here because you guys LEFT ME HERE" "What... no we didn't." "Wow, you guys didn't even notice I was missing, did you?" He looks sheepish "of course we did." This just makes your blood boil even more "I cannot believe you guys!" You feel a storm about to be summoned until he speaks his next words. "Listen we were a little busy okay. Deigo's got a kid now, Lilas back, and were missing the damn briefcase." You go to respond but Sloane cuts you off "listen Luther, that's your name right, Luther?" "That's me" he visibly checks her out which makes you roll your eyes. Sloane continues "we just want our brother back so how about you head on back to your family and tell them that we want to make an exchange. Marcus for the briefcase you're looking for, tomorrow, here." "Deal." With that Sloane is leading Luther out. You take a calming breath and feel Fei's crows' eyes on you but before she can talk, you take your leave, heading off to your room.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! We're about to start getting into the heavy plot stuff so be prepared for that!

In the mean time consider checking out my other books or check out my Tik Tok

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