Chapter 6- Date Day

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A/N: Thank you so much for 200 reads and all the lovely comments! I seriously appreciate it!

Warning: Minor cursing

Last Time: "Let me take you on a date."

"Right before your lips connect a voice rings throughout the room "no PDA while I'm here."'

Readers POV. 2nd Person:

The very next morning you're awoken by a knock on your door. You climb out of bed and open it, expecting Fei but to your surprise Ben is on the other side. He wears a mildly annoyed expression when he says, "you better get your ass up because if I have to keep watching Fei pace around the room as she waits for you, I'll lose my mind." And with that he leaves you feeling dumbfounded. However, you decide to take his advice and get ready for your date with Fei. You quickly style your hair and change into clothes that you barrowed from Sloane/Ben (Depends on what you want to wear). With that done you head into the dining room where everyone is gathered once more. Like Ben told you Fei is currently pacing the room and not eating breakfast with everyone else. "I think you'll break through the floor at this rate." Her head snaps towards you upon hearing your voice. "I didn't hear you enter." You can't help but laugh "of course not you were too busy in your own head." "BARF, can you guys just leave already." Ben interrupts your playful banter with his own annoyance. Though you can see that he's trying to hide a smile. Fei waves him off "we were just leaving anyways." Fei gently takes your hand in hers and drags you out of the academy but not before grabbing a picnic basket that was sitting on the table beside her.

She summons her crows and leads you to the back of the academy where a beautiful garden resides. She must have decorated the area before you woke up because the entire garden is covered with lights and a picnic blanket is laid out. "Fei this is amazing!" "Yes, it is." You turn to look at her only to see that her crows have been staring at you the entire time. You can physically feel your face turn red and before you know it a bright shining rainbow is floating above your head. "Adorable." Her comment only makes the rainbow glow brighter. She chuckles before gently pushing you towards the blanket. "Take a seat, I packed us some breakfast." You sit on the plush blanket and Fei takes a seat next to you. She sits so close that you can feel the warmth radiating off her. She opens the picnic basket revealing quite the array of foods. "I chose the foods I noticed you ate the most of during your stay here." The sentiment is not lost to you. "Thank you so much." She smiles "it's not a problem."

You bask in the sunlight and the comfortable silence of your date. A soft breeze flows through the air and you're unsure as to if you caused it or if it's natural. Fei breaks the silence "would you mind if I let a few of my crows loose?" "No, feel free." Without wasting a second a murder of crows flow from Fei -besides one of them that she keeps trained on you. The series of squawks and feathers are so sudden that you can't help but jump in surprise. "They will not harm you... in fact I think they like you more than they like me." Fei says this just as a crow lands on your head. You look to Fei with wide eyes "what do I do!" Your body is frozen, and you don't move until Fei starts laughing. Her laugh scares the crow, but you don't notice, you're too busy staring at Fei. She's wearing casual clothes for once and decided against wearing the glasses she's normally sporting; her laughter only makes her that more beautiful in your opinion. She eventually calms down enough to say, "I'm sorry but I've never seen my crows do that before, I told you they like you more than me." You laugh. "So glad to know my terror is amusing to you" you make sure that she can tell you're only kidding. You shift your focus to the rest of the crows flying around the two of you. They weave in and out of each other in stunning patterns, almost like they're dancing. "You have a very beautiful gift" you can't help but state. "Thank you, I used to hate it you know?" This surprises you "you used to hate your gift?" "I used to think that it was useless... but then I realized they can be used for more...incognito missions..." She pauses "or to just spy on Ben." This causes a loud snort to leave you. "You spy on Ben?" She looks amused "of course, he's Ben why wouldn't I spy on him?" "Fair enough."

Fei's POV 1st Person:

"I used to think that it was useless... but then I realized they can be used for more...incognito missions..." I pause "or to just spy on Ben." A loud snort leaves them which amuses me to no end. "You spy on Ben?" I can't help but respond "of course, he's Ben why wouldn't I spy on him?" "Fair enough." They're so perfect. Everything about them- their powers, their looks, their humor... everything. I don't realize how long I sit there admiring them until their voice disturbs my thoughts. "Fei? Why does your crow look like it wants to eat me?" I smile "you're just... amazing." I can tell by their face that, that's not what they were expecting to hear. "I'm not amazing... I'm just... me." I scoff. "Exactly and YOU are amazing." Their signature rainbow appears above their head, and it only makes me like them even more. They bite their lip and turn away from me, but I make sure my crow tracks their every move. I grasp their chin and turn them to face me once more. The rainbow only glows brighter. Their eyes are wide but not scared so I bring them closer to my face and right before our lips can touch, I hear Ben's voice call out to us. I back away and take a deep breath 'again! are you kidding me.' Y/N looks more embarrassed than annoyed, but their rainbow disappears as they stand up. "Come on let's go see what he wants, it must be important." "It better be" I can't help but mumble.

Readers POV. 2nd Person:

Upon reaching the academy you see Luther and a person you didn't think you'd see again. "Sloane!" You rush over to her and pull her into a hug. She hugs back and squeezes you a bit before releasing only to be pulled into another hug by Fei. Sloane looks caught off guard by this, but still hugs her sister back. Fei eventually steps back just for the happy atmosphere to be ruined by your oaf of a brother speaking up "what no hug for me Y/N?" You glare at him "I knew you were alive Luther, we thought Sloane was dead." "So, no hug then?" Fei grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze; you shoot her a grateful look. Luther catches this "oh so you're dating the enemy now?" Sloane looks put off by this "Luther me and you are dating too..." Ben fake gags and Luther decides to dig himself a bigger grave "yeah but Y/N's a traitor and I'm not." Fei's once happy expression is replaced with pure annoyance. "Sloane please take this idiot away before I allow my crows to peck his heart out." Being the smart woman she is, Sloane takes Luther away from you but not before Luther can yell back, "Y/N the Kugelblitz is coming! ITS THE END OF THE WORLD." You share a look with Fei. Ben finally speaks up "what an oaf." "I know right" you agree. "Anyways, I say we take the rest of the day off and we deal with him tomorrow." You and Fei nod in agreement but before you can walk away Ben speaks again "Fei, can I speak to you." Fei's crow looks back at you, but you assure her that you'll be fine before heading to your room and passing out for the night with thoughts of your date on your mind.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Check out my other books in the meantime or consider checking out my Tik Tok

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