Chapter 13- Sigils

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A/N: Welcome to the final chapter... for now... :)

Last Time: "Let's go back to the lobby, I have a feeling dear old dad had something to do with the guardians appearing."

Readers POV. 2nd Person:

You reach the balcony of the lobby with Ben on one side and Fei on the other. Even though you insisted you could walk on your own, they both refused to listen. Peering over the balcony you're met with something that you simply cannot comprehend. Klaus. Alive. You look at Fei with wide eyes and say "get me down there. Please." Fei gives you a knowing smile and juts her head in Ben's direction. "You heard them. Let's go." You distantly hear Five say that he'll be staying on the balcony but you're too ecstatic to care. If you could run at the moment, you would. "KLAUS!" You scream. The man in question looks your way and though he looks confused as to why you're yelling at him he meets you at the end of the stairs. Fei and Ben carefully let you go as you throw your arms around Klaus. You wince at the movement, but you're not concerned about that right now. Klaus cautiously hugs back "woah sis since when do you like ME?" That makes you emotional all over again. "I'm so sorry Klaus! You're still my best friend!" You feel him stiffen before he hugs you even tighter. "No Y/N I'M sorry. I shouldn't have ever ignored you after Ben died... I'm a terrible brother." "I forgive you" you lean back "can you forgive me?" Klaus stares at you like you've gone mad "of course Y/N you didn't do anything wrong." You smile at him as a light breeze flows through.

"This was cute and all, but shouldn't you be resting or something Y/N?" Ben speaks up from where he's been sitting on the stairs. This catches Klaus' attention "are you hurt??" "Just scratched is all." Fei scoffs. "You're gonna rest either way." You go to respond but a crash and a scream distracts you. You look up on the balcony to see Five holding his hand to his chest and a guardian standing above him. A closer look reveals that Five no longer has that said hand. Thankfully for Five the guardian decides to spare him. Unfortunately for you it jumps down in front of where Klaus, Ben, Fei, and yourself are gathered. The crash must have informed the others of a problem because Viktor, Sloane, Allison, Reginald, Diego, and Lila come running into the lobby. Sloane looks furious. 'I guess killing one guardian wasn't enough for her.' Your suspicions are confirmed when Sloane starts levitating the beast. The others go to attack, but the guardian still manages to push them away. It struggles for a moment before breaking free of Sloanes hold and advancing towards her. Fei sends out a murder of crows to hopefully distract the beast but to no avail, its sights are set on Sloane. You tilt you head in curiosity when all Sloane does is stand there. "Sloane, run!" Its Ben who yells but she either doesn't hear or doesn't care.

Just as the guardian takes a swing a hand appear and stops the attack. You can't believe what you're seeing as Luther appears out of thin air. Sloane is looking up at him with wide eyes, but Luther's crazed eyes are laser focused on the guardian. "NO. ONE. TOUCHES. MY. WIFE." Each word is punctuated with a punch to the beast. With the help of Viktor and Lila, Luther manages to at least incapacitate the guardian for now. Now that he has no distractions you watch as Sloane and Luther embrace. Sloane has tears running down her face but you're happy for her. That is until Luther starts disappearing. "Uh g-" You stop yourself when you see a look of concentration on Klaus' face. 'This must be his doing.' When you see Luther give a quick nod to Klaus before speaking in hushed tones to his wife you know it must be true. You avoid looking at the couple to give them some form of privacy.

Before you know it, Luther is completely gone and Five is screaming at the lot of you from the balcony where he still lays. "Guys, I see the sigils!" Reginald is now intrigued. "Where! Where boy where!" "They are on the lobby floor." After he says this everyone peers down trying to understand what Five is seeing. Diego yells back "I SEE THEM!" Suddenly a control panel appears from under the floor, Reginald quickly rushes over to it. He study's it for a moment before pressing a button. Nothing happens until suddenly the floors start to shake, Fei pulls you back as seven beams of light shoot out from the sigils. "Children, one of you must step into each beam of light." The group members all exchange a look. There are 7 beams of light and 10 of you, not counting Reginald. There is one thing everyone has in common though, none of you trust Reginald. "Why should we old man?" No one is shocked when it's Five who questions him. "HAVE YOU CHILDREN LEARNED NOTHING?" Reginald is getting angry now which only makes you more curious. "I'm with Five here." Murmurs of agreement come from everyone. Reginald releases an agitated huff "it's to save the world." You watch as Diego and Lila make eye contact before they each step into a beam of light. Klaus from your side shrugs and steps in next. Viktor takes a long look at Allison before stepping in as well. The remaining people are hesitant, including you and Fei. Reginald screams again "STEP INTO THE LIGHT!" Ben takes a deep breath before pulling you and Fei into a hug. "I'll see you on the other side." With that he steps into the light. There are only 2 beams left with 5 people remaining. Fei grabs your hand and squeezes tight before giving you a quick kiss. You look Reginald dead in the eye before saying "screw you" and pulling yourself and Fei into the same beam of light.

It feels like nothing... through bleary vision you see Reginald and Allison arguing. Then Reginald presses a button. Then comes the pain. It feels like your skin is being cut off and disintegrated at the same time. You hardly notice yourself screaming in agony. Fei, still holding your hand, is screaming as well. In fact, you think everyone is. Whatever Reginald did is killing you. There's only one thing on your mind during those last few seconds. "FEI!" You scream. "Y/N" Her voice breaks as she yells back. "I LOVE YOU TOO-" Then nothing.

A/N: Sorry :) Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this story please comment, I'd love to read about everyone's favorite parts! Also if you're interested in bonus chapters let me know!!!

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