Chapter 12- White Buffalo

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A/N: One more chapter to go! I was thinking about doing some bonus content if that's something people would be interested in? If so please comment some short stories you'd be interested in seeing!!! Maybe different peoples POV's from different chapters?

Last Time: "You want to question why but suddenly the room starts breaking apart. The Kugelblitz is here."

Readers POV. 2nd Person:

The walls are shaking, and the nothingness is spreading rapidly. Your group is rallied by Reginald. "LET'S GO! INTO THE TUNNEL!" He reveals an opening in the wall that leads to a very brightly lit tunnel. The rumbling is deafening so you're grateful when Diego and Lila take charge and start crawling into the passageway. They are followed by a very distraught Sloane who doesn't want to leave her husband, she is pushed along by Ben. Next is Five, Allison, then Viktor. The Kugelblitz is getting closer and closer, by the time it's yours and Fei's turn you can almost feel the pull of it. Behind you, you can hear Reginald and Klaus arguing but you think nothing of it, after all it IS Reginald. You crawl your way through the tunnel, often having to keep your eyes closed due to the bright lights. Distantly you hear Fei yelling back at you "we're close to the end!" Right as she says that you can just barely see Fei disappearing from in front of you. "FEI?" You start to panic until a hand reaches inside and helps pull you out. You will your heart to calm down as you notice Fei was the one to help you out. You're quick to pull her into an embrace. She hugs back and whispers soothing words into your ear.

After breaking the embrace, Reginald reaches the end of the passage and locks it shut... without Klaus. "Hey, where's Klaus?" Five questions for you. Reginald puts on a devastated expression "he... he didn't make it." And that breaks your world. "Wait, he was right behind me I SAW HIM!" You're quick to deflect, you even heard him... You look directly at Reginald and point at him, "He was arguing with you. I HEARD IT! WHAT DID YOU DO!" You attempt to run at him, but Fei holds you back. Reginald holds his hands up "I did nothing. The Kugelblitz got to him before he could enter the tunnel." You can feel tears start to fall and a hailstorm in the works. "LIAR!" Fei struggles to wrestle you into her hold, you eventually give in. Fei's touch prevents the brewing hailstorm, but your emotions can't be prevented. You sob against her shoulder. First Ben and now Klaus. You may have been mad at him for abandoning you, but he was still your best friend deep down. You regret every argument you've ever had.

The group watches you mourn in silence. "We don't have time for this. We must find the sigils!" Reginald's voice is urgent. You sigh and back away from Fei. She gives you a small smile before turning to give Reginald her attention. "Let's go then." He huffs "finally someone with some sense." He continues "we should split into groups as I look around the-" Deigo cuts him off "DON'T PRESS THAT!" You whip your head around to see Five very nearly ringing a bell that VERY CLEARLY has a sign that says, 'don't ring the bell.' You snort at his moment of stupidity. Regniald presses on. "As I was saying. I will look around the lobby as three groups are formed to search the rest of the hotel." Noises of agreement flow through the room. You find it convenient that Reginald will be left all alone. Reginald of course looks pleased. "The groups shall be Allison, Five, and Viktor. Lila and Diego. Then Y/N, Fei, Ben, and Sloane." You glace at Sloane and wince, she looks so defeated. You're unsure how much help she'll be though you understand, her emotions are reasonable.

The three groups split up and walk off in different directions. You walk alongside Fei and Ben while Sloane lingers behind, staring at the floor. You decide to take the chance to speak with Ben considering how much it shocked you that he wanted to originally go along with Reginald's plan. "So, Ben." He already looks uncomfortable. "Why'd you go along with Reginald during the vote?" He spares you a glance, "honestly I'm not too sure." You hum, that was not the answer you were expecting and by the look on Fei's face, neither was she. "You're not sure?" Fei seems dubious. "Yes Fei, I'm not sure" Ben's clearly getting angry, so you decide to drop it. You start petting Fei's crow hoping to distract her. It works. She tilts her head and smiles a very fond smile. You smile back when a loud tolling of a bell echos across the hall you're in. Fei's smile drops, "that was the bell we weren't supposed to ring wasn't it." "You betcha" Ben responds as he looks around the hall for any potential danger. You look back at Sloane to make sure she's still following, even if she's clearly out of it.

The four of you decide to take a moment to rest when all of a sudden, a giant beast dressed in full armor drops through the roof. You jump in surprise before standing in a defensive stance. Though one look at this thing tells you, your powers aren't going to be of much use here. Ben and Fei are also standing at the ready while Sloane takes a moment longer to pay attention. The beast, which you quickly realize is one of the guardians Reginald mentioned earlier, stands completely still before jumping into action. It chucks the axe towards the four of you, narrowly missing Ben. Fei starts summoning crows left and right hoping to somehow distract the beast. You follow her lead and summon a sandstorm, hoping some gets inside the guardian's mask. Sloane starts to levitate the beast while Ben's tentacles start ripping apart the armor. The Guardian struggles for a brief pause only for its axe to swing out and cut off one of Ben's tentacles causing him to yell out in pain. This breaks Sloanes concentration. You're quick to rush to Ben's side only for the guardian to turn its attention towards Fei- who is still using her crows as a distraction. You can only watch as it gets closer and closer to her. You try and fail to use your lightning to harm the beast only for it to shake it off and continue advancing towards Fei. Fei stands her ground and right before the guardian brings the axe down onto her Five teleports onto its back and starts strangling it. Ben finally stands from where he's been laying to help Five. You call out to Fei "are you alright?" She sends a crow over to you instead of answering.

The five of you keep up the attacks but nothing seems to work, the armor is impenetrable. You can feel yourself starting to get tired, but you know you can't stop now. You're so lost in your thoughts that you miss the guardian charging right at you. You sidestep at the last second but it's too late. The guardian's axe slashes right through your side, leaving you gasping for air. You fall to the ground and through blurry vision you see Fei running to your side. Her hands are quick to cover the wound, preventing more blood from spilling through. You can see the panic in her eyes so you're quick to reassure her "Fei. Fei! I'm okay, I'm okay." You place a hand over the top of hers which seems to make her snap out of it. Her crows anxiously fly around the both of you, creating a barrier from the outside world. "Fei I'll be fine, the axe only grazed me." She takes a breath "promise?" "Promise" you jokingly hold out your pinky to create a 'pinky promise'. She throws her head back and laughs and just for that moment you forget all about the present danger you're in. She locks her pinky with yours. Then she says something that you'll never forget "I love you so much."

You don't get to say it back though, Fives voice ends the moment "Fei! We could use your crows for a second!" She takes her attention off you and sends her crows towards the guardian you can now see is currently being torn apart by Sloane. 'Damn' you think. With the crows properly distracting the beast, Ben uses his tentacles to grab the guardian's axe and sends it straight into its head. The beast drops to the floor and the five of you take a moment to celebrate. You slowly rise to your feet with the help of Fei. You're thankful for her holding up most of your weight. "Let's go back to the lobby, I have a feeling dear old dad has something to do with the guardians appearing." Five states. And with that- your group heads off in the direction of the lobby.

A/N: Can you tell I like hurt comfort?
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