Chapter 11- Reginald

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A/N: Welcome back and thank you so much for reading! We have 2 officially planned chapters left so I hope you're excited!

Last Time: '"GREAT! So, we all know the world is ending but dad has a way to fix that."'

"You spend the rest of the night dancing and laughing, it's by far the best time you've ever had."

"I stagger forwards trying to figure out who he's talking to only to pass out right before I can."

Warning: Descriptions of gore

Readers POV. 2nd Person:

You are so glad that you don't drink...

You are sitting on a barstool in the lobby of the hotel, Fei is leaning on your shoulder nursing her hangover. The rest of the group are slowly making their way to the bar. No one is drinking anymore though. Everyone but you and Deigo are hungover, you because you hate alcohol and Diego because he claims to not trust this place. Sloane and Luther are some of the last people to enter and by the looks of it, the wedding was a success. However, you don't bother talking to them considering Fei would probably shove you off your stool. You whisper, "I wonder where Ben and Klaus are." Just as you're saying that they both walk in, Klaus is trying to get Ben's attention and Ben is NOT having it. Klaus continues to talk animatedly despite the pounding headache he no doubt has. You see an object fly though the air, hitting Klaus right in the forehead which is enough to make him finally shut up. Ben must think that you and Fei will be better company than Klaus because he makes his way over. You can tell he's super hungover, he's rubbing his forehead and keeping his eyes closed. "How's the hangover?" You whisper weary of the group. He simply groans in response before sitting in an empty stool besides Fei and pressing his face against the bar. He groans again, you can't help but chuckle slightly jarring Fei. She only shifts before quickly relaxing once more.

The entire room is silent and in decent spirits when the "one and only" Reginald just HAS to ruin it. "Morning children. I am glad the celebration was a success." You roll your eyes only for him to continue on with his speech. "As I am sure you have heard by now the world is ending and I know how to stop it." "Shut up..." Someone mumbles, you think it may have been Ben. "We just need to find these sigils" he holds up a notebook with pictures of star looking patterns. The group starts booing him, but he continues on undeterred "we've had our fun and now it's time to actually do something!" Five speaks up "listen, every time we try to do something it only ends with another apocalypse, I am DONE wasting my time." Reginald releases a breath before retorting "how about we take a vote sometime later? Those who want to follow me into saving the world and those who don't." Mumbles of agreement flow throughout the room, Reginald finally leaves with a self-satisfied smile on his face. You don't trust him. Fei, who sat up during the speech has her crow sit in front of you on the bar. She turns to face you despite it. "So, do you trust him?" You narrow your eyes "not at all." With that said you and Fei know what you're voting for... it's just a matter of time.


The group is gathered around a beaming Klaus and a neutral looking Reginald. "I suppose we'll get right to it..." Reginald looks around "... I hope you'll make the right choice." "Enough with the manipulation let's just get this over with" It's you who tells him off. Reginald sighs. "Those who are for my plan, please step towards me." At first no one moves and then Allison, Lila, Diego, and Ben step into the middle. Klaus stays where he's standing by Reginald's side. You look at Ben with wide eyes, but he avoids eye contact. Diego breaks the silence "listen I just want revenge for what those monsters did to me" he holds up his hand where his missing fingers reside. You wince. 'How did I miss that?' you wonder. Reginald is quick to correct Diego "they are called Guardians." You ignore him to take a look around to see that those who didn't vote for Reginald are Viktor, Sloane, Luther, Fei, and yourself. Five simply went over to the bar, leaving him out of the voting process. Meaning there's a tie.

"Luther my boy, don't you want to fight for your wife? You could have a life together." You shake your head, of course Reginald is back with his manipulation tactics. Surprising you however is Luther standing his ground. "No dad, me and Sloane have made peace with our fate. We just want to spend our last few days together." This angers Reginald, you can actually see his face turn red. "YOU IDIOT KIDS WE DONT HAVE DAYS! WE HAVE HOURS, MINUTES EVEN!" With that he storms off. No one seems bothered by this besides for Klaus and Luther. Luther gives a quick kiss to Sloane and says, "I'll go check on him." Then he's gone too.

"You guys are worthless." Its Allison who states this while staring at those of us who voted against saving the world. Fei shrugs "oh well." You laugh at seeing her so unbothered. Lately people would be cowering at the site of a pissed Allison. You suppose this side of Allison is the new normal. However, Fei's comment only seems to have pushed Allisons buttons. She goes to retort but Reginald runs into the room looking very pale. He gains everyone's attention once he says, "Come quickly something terrible has happened." The group is quick to run after Reginald, he leads us to a suite called the White Buffalo and inside is a site you never thought you'd see.

Luther is on the ground, covered in blood. His stomach seems to be split open, it's enough to make you gag. Fei must have noticed your reaction as she's quick to wrap an arm around you. She pulls you into her side as Sloanes cries of misery reach your ears. She wails over the body of her husband, the scene making everyone emotional. Even if you weren't close with Luther, you never wished death upon your siblings. In the commotion you failed to see a scythe like weapon near the body until Diego shouts, "HEY! Thats the weapon that took my fingers!" Reginald jumps at the opportunity. "YES SEE! THIS IS WHY WE MUST FOLLOW MY PLAN!" You glare at the man "let Sloane mourn her loss old man." Sloane has other ideas though. She stands from where she was leaning against Luther and wipes her tears. "No, I vote for saving the world and getting revenge." Reginald claps in delight. "Wonderful, we must go now!" You want to question why but suddenly the room starts breaking apart. The Kugelblitz is here.

A/N: When I watched this episode the first time I have to admit that Luther's death didn't affect me, only Sloane's  reaction.

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