Chapter 8- Kugelblitz

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A/N: Hehe


Warning: Minor cursing

Readers POV. 2nd Person:

After Allison showed up with, who you now know to be Harlan, sh*t hit the fan. Allison swifty killed him in front of you all. Leaving you distraught and the Sparrows decently happy with the revenge, even if it wasn't dished out by their own hands. However, that led to where you are now in one of the most uncomfortable situations you've ever been in. It's you, Fei, Ben, and Christopher standing across from Diego, Lila, Klaus, and Five as Viktor and Allison fight in the middle. Sloane and Luther are trying to mediate the fight though they get little to no results. Ben, Diego, and Lila are basically cheering the fight on. You're just glad the attention isn't on you for once. "Y/N my favorite sibling how've you been?" You spoke too soon. "Klaus, hello." He pouts. "Why don't I get a warm welcome?" "Why would you?" He manages to pout even more if that's possible. "Because we used to be besties back in day, haven't you missed me at all?" Fei must have known this was the wrong thing to say because she's by your side in an instant, holding onto your hand. You squeeze her hand back, grateful for the silent support. "Look Klaus we were friends once but after Ben..." you pause to prevent yourself from getting too emotional. "...after he died you started ignoring me. Hell, I bet you didn't even notice me missing until just now!" Klaus at least has the decency to look ashamed but before he can retort Allison's voice echos throughout the room.

"YOU'RE JUST THE BITCH THAT TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME!" Your eyes widen, you've never heard Allison speak like that. 'I guess I was right about something happening to her.' Viktor looks just a surprised as you, though Ben is loving this. 'Where did the popcorn come from' you wonder. Allison continues before you can ask. "I LEFT MY FAMILY IN 1963 TO HELP YOUR SELFISH ASS ONLY TO GET HERE AND HAVE MY OWN KID NOT RECONIZE ME!" You can feel your body tense, Fei starts rubbing her thumb across your knuckles. You shoot her a grateful smile. "Allison, I didn't know this would happen... I said I was sorry!" Allison's glare intensifies "sorry won't give me back my family" and with that she exits the room. Viktor takes one look around before following after her.

There's a tense silence that Ben decides he needs to break "wow you guys fight like we do." "No, this is not normal." "Hey guys I think I know what's causing the death of you know... the world." All heads snap towards Klaus. You throw your hands in the air, dislodging Fei's hand in the process "you didn't think to mention that until now?!" "Well Viktor and Allison were busy, and I didn't wanna interrupt." Five rolls his eyes so hard you're surprised they don't get stuck. "Klaus you're a bumbling idiot, please share with the class what you've learned." Ben leans over to you and Fei "I like this guy" you push his head away. Klaus continues "well I've been helping dad with his dad duties, and I found myself in the basement and there was this like crazy red glowing thingy... it was super shiny and cool... anyway it like pulsated and I had a thought-" "That would be a first" you distantly hear Five mumble. "-I thought 'oh wow that's probably what's killing everyone and everything' and here I am now." Klaus looks so proud of himself that you can't help but smile towards the man you once called a best friend. Fei speaks up from your side "so we need a plan to trap it." "I know what we can do" surprisingly its Lila who speaks up. However, you can't help but be suspicious of her, after all the last time you saw her, she was trying to kill you with her crazy adopted mom. "What's your plan then?" Five questions, seemingly just as put off as you are.

All remaining members are gathered 'round Lila as she starts explaining her plan. "So, I need apocalypse dude, monkey man's girl. and the cube thing over there." She loosely gestures to Viktor, Sloane, and Christopher. Christopher unhappily beeps in response while Luther stands protectively in front of Sloane. "She is NOT going near the thing that's destroying the entire world." Sloane manages to talk Luther down as Lila continues on with her plan. "Me and apocalypse dude will use his powers to contain the... what do you call it again?" She looks towards Five as he responds "Kugelblitz." "Right, that... we'll contain it as monkey man's girl moves it- that way, we can trap it inside cube thing." You can't help but feel mildly impressed, it seems like a well thought out plan. Everyone else seems to have the same general consensus. This leaves you and the remaining people upstairs while Lila, Viktor, Sloane, and Christopher head into the basement.

Fei takes your hand in hers and leads you towards the couch/sofa. She takes a seat and pulls you down with her that way you're practically sitting on top of her. Normally this would make your rainbow appear, but you've gotten used to Fei being a touchy person... at least to you. The siblings that haven't already seen you and Fei together look somewhat disturbed. "When did this happen?" Five questions as he points towards the two of you. Fei shrugs in response while you merely lean into her to hopefully avoid the question. This plan fails. "Seriously Y/N when?" When no one responds he sighs "look... I'm not upset by it." You must be hearing things right... right? Your head shoots up to look at Five. You see him staring at you with a somber expression on his face. "You deserve some happiness after we mistreated you for so long..." Five trails off only for Diego to keep on talking for him "He's right... you deserve it." Their words bring tears to your eyes. Before you can wipe them, Fei turns your head towards her and removes them herself. You compose yourself for a moment before responding "I don't forgive you guys... but I am willing to LEARN to forgive you." You quickly add as an afterthought "you have to earn it though." Diego chuckles "we wouldn't have it any other way."

The heartwarming moment is brought to an end by the group returning from the basement. Some look a little worse for wear but thankfully none of them look majorly injured. No one says anything we just stare at them, and they stare back. "The mission was... A SUCCESS!" After Lila utters those words, it feels as if a boulder was lifted from your shoulders. Around you the room pops with cheers and celebration. You're so in your own world you fail to see Fei's head move closer to your own until her lips hit yours. Taken by surprise you take a few seconds to respond. Fei must see it as a rejection and slowly starts to pull away but your quick to lean into her and kiss back. It's everything you've ever wanted and more. Its magical. The two of you in your own personal bubble. Eventually the need for air takes over so you pull back. Fei has a blinding smile on her face, and you have a feeling your face mirrors her own. Your lips are still mere inches apart as she whispers, "I've been wanting to do that for a while." Your smile stretches even wider than before "me too." Fei licks her lips before connecting hers with yours once again. It's just as magical as the first time but before it can continue a dramatic cough ruins the intimacy. Pulling away and looking up you see the entire group staring at you. "I can feel your eyes on us" Fei speaks up, her tone dripping with annoyance. Klaus, who has been unaware of everything, yells, "let's celebrate!"

"Celebrating" is just drinking and dancing in Klaus' eyes, which has never been your scene. You're in the corner with Fei and Christopher just chatting about the day's events so far when you notice Christopher starting to shake. Fei doesn't have any of her crows with her, so she misses this. "Chris? Christopher are you okay?" You wait for him to acknowledge you, but he just keeps on shaking. Fei summons a crow and recoils slightly once she sees what's happening. She puts a hand on your shoulder and cautiously moves the both of you backwards. "Chris... what's going on?" He shakes and shakes and shakes and shakes until all you see is a bright light consuming you...

A/N: ...whoops
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