Chapter 4- The Exchange

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A/N: Welcome back once again! I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far!! I can't wait to share the rest of the chapters I've got for you. Get ready!!!

Last Time: "We just want our brother back so how about you head on back to your family and tell them we want to make an exchange. Marcus for the briefcase you're looking for."

"You take a calming breath and feel Fei's eyes on you but before she can talk, you take your leave, heading to your room. "

Readers POV. 2nd Person:

The next morning arrives, and you're already dreading the day just knowing you'll have to see more of your siblings. The exchange is meant to happen this afternoon, which leaves you with little time to prepare yourself. You sluggishly make your way out of bed and out of your room. Opening your door reveals Fei who looks like she was just about to knock. Her arm is raised, once she realizes that your there, she quickly puts her arm down. "Oh! Hey Fei. What are you doing here?" "I was meant to grab you for team breakfast this morning" she states trying to regain her consistently used neutral expression. You wished that she would let her guard down when she's with you, but you suppose that you don't know each other well enough for that- even if you've told her most of your life story. You bring yourself back to the present- enough to respond, "I'll follow you there then." She merely turns around and starts making her way to the dining room where the rest of the Sparrows are waiting.

'This feels familiar' you can't help but think. Fei sits down leaving only one seat left open, one between herself and Jayme. You sit down and take in the array of food placed in front of you. Some of the Sparrows talk amongst themself but you're too busy gathering food to eat, after all you've been busy as of late trying to save the world, you haven't had a good meal in a while. You feel the heavy stares of the Sparrows, so you decide to look up, revealing the lot of them looking at you, some in mild confusion others with disgust. Sloane speaks up first "Y/N are you not used to meals like this?" "No not at all...I actually don't remember the last time I've eaten anything. I've been sort of busy." Sloane looks upset by your words "well you have to eat so take as much as you'd like!" You give her a grateful smile "thanks, Sloane." She returns the smile before she resumes eating.

You finally go to begin eating but a scoff coming from your side takes your attention away from the task. Your eyes land on Jayme as she says, "of course the newbie comes along and steals all our stuff, first a room and then our food." You distantly see the other Sparrows pause to look at her, but your gaze is trained on Jayme. "What's your problem?" "My problem is YOU obviously!" Before you can snap back Fei speaks up "get over yourself Jayme, Y/N is welcome here by everyone besides yourself." You feel reassured by Fei's words, glad to know that it's only Jayme who dislikes you. "Y/N doesn't belong here, they aren't one of us!" Jayme continues to fight despite knowing it's a losing battle. Its Fei who speaks again "Y/N is one of us...more than you, at least at the moment." That stumps Jayme. She looks around at the Sparrows who are all glaring at her; besides Alphonso, she quickly stands and leaves the room. Fei releases a breath and turns to look at you "I once again apologize for her behavior." "It's no big deal, I mean she's not completely wrong." Christopher makes a loud beeping sound. "He's disagreeing with you" Fei translates. You tilt your head "why is he disagreeing?" Ben finally speaks up "you do belong here, we all like having you here... especially Fei." You can feel a blush sprouting and a small rainbow forming above your head. You desperately try stopping it but it's too late, it's just barely visible but you know Ben had seen it. He snorts "you guys are disgusting." You risk a glance at Fei only to see that she too is turning red. However, she quickly calms herself and states "let's just eat, the Umbrella's will be here soon."


You and the rest of the Sparrows are waiting near the door when it suddenly swings open. Fei quickly stands and summons her crows; the rest of the group also stands into a defensive stance. You can see that it's Viktor and Allison with none of your other siblings. Viktor is timidly standing to the side while Allison glares at everyone and anything. 'What happened to her?' The Sparrows are still playing defense until Allison says "alright calm down I'm only here to say one thing..." She trails off and you know exactly why, she's looking directly at you. Like when Luther was here Fei is somewhat standing in front of you but that doesn't stop Allison from having a clear view. Her eyes narrow "Y/N... I should've known that you'd be a traitor." You can feel your heart drop. You a traitor? You've been betrayed by them your entire life; you finally escape and now you're the traitor? You can feel a storm brewing, the air becomes thick, and a small drizzle appears above you. Fei must know how angry you're getting because she turns towards you and reaches out a hand to place on your shoulder. Right when her hand connects the storm disperses.

You look at Fei with wide eyes "how did you do that?" She looks confused "do what?" You go to respond but Allison beats you to it with a slow clap  "oh WOW you've tamed the weak one, congrats." Allison continues "Y/N here is unstable with their powers once emotions are involved, I'm sure you've witnessed it before." You think back to the table this morning where you inadvertently summoned a small rainbow. "Bird brain here managed to stop their little outburst with one touch... impressive, they must REALLY like you." Allison's tone is dripping with sarcasm. You can't help but feel embarrassed and angry. You leave your family and here they are still trying to ruin the good things in your life. Thankfully before it can escalate further, Viktor whose been silent this entire time speaks up, "Allison come on this isn't what we came here for." Though he avoids eye contact you'd like to think this is him sticking up for you. Allison is unamused and rolls her eyes. "Whatever, listen up. We have Marcus and you have the briefcase we want so hand it over and you'll get Marcus back." Ben speaks up "no way, you give us Marcus and THEN you get the briefcase." "Listen pipsqueak that's not how this works so until you give us the briefcase Marcus stays with us." And with that Allison walks out the doors leaving Viktor behind.

Viktor looks conflicted for a moment before he mumbles an apology and follows Allison. You can't help but feel disappointed, you'd hoped that he would want to talk to you. "Well, she was just peachy, wasn't she?" Ben mocks before he looks at you. "Is she always like that?" You take a moment to answer "no, she used to be so nice... I don't know what happened." Sloane hums "we need a new plan then." "I agree" surprisingly its Jayme who speaks up. You all take a moment to think before Grace walks in "I heard you guys talking about Marcus. He's with god now." 'What? With God now?' It seems like Fei agrees with your thoughts because she responds, "what are you talking about?" For a robot Grace seems pretty cheerful when she states "yes, God is in the basement" before walking away. All is silent. "What the hell is she on about?" Of course, Ben is the one to break the silence. Jayme replies, "I have no idea but that doesn't matter right now I have a plan to get Marcus back."


Thats how you and the Sparrows ended up at a hotel named Hotel Oblivion. Before you stand your siblings... all of them. The next few moments happen in a blur. One second, you're watching Deigo wrestle with someone who must be his kid and the next second a mysterious man walks in, blasting a powerful wave of energy. Distantly you hear Luther yell for someone 'probably Sloane', and you can feel someone wrap their arms around you before it all goes black.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading and the constant support from everyone!
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