Chapter 10- Wedding Time

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A/N: Enjoy this easy going chapter ;)

Last Time: "We want to spend time with our families and what better way to do that than at a wedding!"

"Sloane is looking at you with hope shinning in her eyes and you just can't deny her. "I'll be there" you then focus on Fei "what do you say Fei?" She tilts her head "sounds like fun."'

Warning: Throwing up and minor cursing


Readers POV. 2nd Person:

You and Fei are yet to arrive at the dining hall where the wedding is set to take place. You've managed to find a nice dress/suit that was left behind while Fei found a form fitting suit similar to the ones she famously wears. You're doing some final touches on your hair in the mirror when Fei comes up behind you, wrapping her arms around your middle. She has a crow on her shoulder already which she previously told you she'd be keeping around during your stay in the hotel. She claimed that she wanted to be ready for anything. Being satisfied with the way you look you direct you gaze to Fei. She seems lost in her head, so you nudge her a bit hoping to distract her. It works and her head tilts towards you. "Sorry, I was just thinking about how amazing you look." Her comment makes you blush, you quickly look away trying to hide it. "No, no let me look at you" she's laughing as she says this. She keeps trying to spin you around, but you turn away every time she gets close to taking a peek. Eventually you're both in a fit of laughter and heavily leaning on each other. You and Fei compose yourselves before making your way to the dining hall, after all you have a wedding to attend.

The doors to the elevator open to reveal a beautiful site. Balloons, streamers, and other decorations litter the room. You gape for a moment just taking it all in when Sloane makes her way to you. "Y/N! FEI! I'm so glad you guys made it!" You smile at the bride "we wouldn't miss it for the WORLD." Fei and Sloane laugh at your poorly made joke. You chat with her for a few minutes before she leaves to greet other guests. You're standing there enjoying the moment when Allison shoves her way past you, you ignore her, not letting her sour mood ruin your night. You roll your eyes and begin to look around once more. Your eyes eventually land on Luther, he greets you with a curt nod and that's the most of your interacting with him.

Fei and you mingle with a few guests until it's time to take your seats. You're at a table with Fei, Diego, and Lila. Luther and Sloane are standing under their homemade arch with Klaus. Klaus begins his speech only to be stopped by the elevator door opening. Everyone looks back to see Reginald step into the room. The whole room sits in tense silence, waiting for his first move. Klaus greets him with joy as the rest of the group merely ignores him when he finally takes a seat at an empty table. Not realizing how awkward that was, Klaus begins with the ceremony. You're zoned out until you hear Klaus state "you may now kiss the bride." You refocus just in time to witness the bride and groom kiss. Standing from your seat you start to cheer for them, mostly Sloane. The others follow your lead besides Ben and Reginald. Shooting a quick glare Ben's way, he reluctantly stands and begins to clap.

All is well until Reginald insists, he makes a speech. No one wants it to happen but with Klaus pushing it and Lila stating that the man has the right to speak, he's given the okay. Reginald's speech begins strange, though the middle is genuinely sweet, the end is him talking about the end of the world. Once he finishes, the group reluctantly claps before returning to our seats for food to be served. You turn to Fei "that speech was definitely bullsh*t right?" She snorts before responding, "without a doubt."

You're enjoying a nice meal with good conversation when Klaus comes sauntering over. Normally his presence would generally be a neutral thing for you but with him teaming with Reginald lately... you're not so sure. Diego mumbles out "god no" right before Klaus reaches the table. "Hello, my siblings and sibling's lovers." You roll your eyes at his theatrics and decide to get straight to the point. "What do you want Klaus?" He puts his hand on his chest in mock hurt "my dear Y/N am I not allowed to talk with mi familia?" Diego responds for you "no." Klaus huffs "I just wanted to talk about dear old dad." Fei is the one to speak this time "absolutely not, this is meant to be a fun event." "Pleaseeee, it will only be a minute." You just want him to leave and the fastest way to do that is to give him what he wants. "Whatever, go on Klaus." "GREAT! So, we all know the world is ending but dad has a way to fix that." Lila looks intrigued "go on." "He says we just have to follow him, and all will be well. Hes changed okay, he's a good man now." That's your last straw "he's changed?! Yeah, okay Klaus just move on please." Klaus finally takes the hint and walks away leaving a tense table behind.

Music starts blasting from the speakers set up all around the room which somewhat startles you. Fei stifles a laugh, so you lightly smack her shoulder. "Sorry love." The nickname flusters you, thankfully Fei continues speaking. "This party needs some excitement... Y/N would you care to dance?" She stands and holds her hand out to you. Without hesitation you grasp it- allowing her to drag you to the dance floor. You spend the rest of the night dancing and laughing, it's by far the best time you've ever had.

Fives POV. 1st Person:

"I am never drinking aga-" I'm cut off by my own nausea. Leaning into a potted plant I throw up managing to catch Reginald talking to someone in the process. I stagger forwards trying to figure out who he's talking to only to pass out right before I can.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I appreciate the support! Please feel free to comment, I really love reading them!

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