the green lighting dragon ranger midoriya

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this is the story of a team of rangers with a strong connection to the morphing grid

(this is not connected to the main ranger dimension)

in this world of powers and heroes a team of ranger must rise to defend the earth from the evils its people help create

a small blue owl robot opens its eyes for the first time in years. "rangers rangers their are new rangers at last!" the little owl that went by the name Min. "But these rangers feel different. But different might be good. Different might be able to stop him and maybe make their bonds stronger. Wait I can wonder later I have to go meet the first ranger." Min hurriedly open his tiny wings activated their levitation drive and propulsion engine and flew out of the underground base and pulled up a map with a flashing green dot.

Under a bridge a few minutes later
a boy with dark green hair walks on unknown to what is about to happen to him. He walked like a miserable puppy. "Why me what did I ever do wrong to be punished with such a miserable fate." The 14 year old who was called Izuku Midoriya slumped down to the ground and began to cry relentlessly.
Then after a few minutes of crying a loud bang of something metal traveled violently through the air making Izuku jump up in surprise smoke surrounding some liquid like creature. The being burst out of the smoke revealing a villain made of sludge.
The sludge villain lunged at Midoriya wrapping it's foul body around him trying to force its way into the boy's body. As he struggled to resist, breathe and stay conscious all at the same time.
Unknown to both nearby lights began to flicker as a green aura began to pour out of him small bolts of lighting began striking anything nearby but did no damage. As the grid began pouring raw energy into him the monster was blown away by a strong gale. The energy disappeared instantly as Izuku collapsed to the ground coughing up the residue from the villain. A figure walked over and rubbed the his back and held out a flavored water bottle. "Here have this it should help you feel better just drink then spit it out should get the taste out young Midoriya Izuku.
"Thank you mi-" Izuku looked at the person to see it was his idol all might the number one hero standing their holding the bottle of flavored water. "Y y y y your ALL MIGHT!" He yelled not realizing he snatched the bottle and that his favorite hero said his name. "Well make sure you get home safely and visit a therapist for any traumatic experience from this. The hero grabbed an empty bottle and stuffed all of the villain into it. I'll be heading now to drop this dude off to the police grab my shopping and rush home before my Ben and Jerry's melt's I've got k-dramas to cry about. The hero listed off while walking in front of Midoriya putting the villains bottle into his pocket. "Wait!!!" Izuku surged forwards grabbing onto All Mights pants as he jumped high into the air.
As he was rather high up in the air he felt his trousers slowly falling down himself.
He looked down to see Midoriya just barely hanging on.

We switched over to min as all might is making a perfect combo of cursing in his head as he quickly changes course.

"Oh for the love of could you not have stayed where you for a few more minutes... wait how are you moving so fast! Wait now you're getting closer to me and what's this power source? It's like a rangers but not wait is it? it can't it's feels like your ranger Yoichi's does this mean your alive no it's something else but connected to you. Well I can discover what it is when I get to you now come on min you can do this. The little owl bot pushed itself to the limits trying to reach the two power signatures.

With the two boys both very panicked

All might landed on the roof sliding to a stop. Izuku let go of the heroes leg falling to the ground. The hero whirled on Midoriya grabbing him by the shoulders. "Kid you are both curious, stupid and have a death wish. Now what was so important that you grabbed onto my leg and risk dying." The hero spoke quickly while emitting steam.
"I was wondering if I could be a pro hero even if I don't have Quirk?" The boy blurted out
"you can't be a hero young man to be a hero you need a quirk to help keep yourself safe. and with villains nowadays getting more and more dangerous." while all might spoke the steam coming off of him increased till his huge body poofed out and where all might stood someone who looked like a smaller skinnier person stood
Midoriya jumped up and moved back. Who are you?! ugh I thought I had more time then that. I am all might my quirk has recently for the past few years has been on a timer so now after three hours this happens. he points to himself and turns around walking away and through the door.
the boy dropped to his knees and was like that for a few minutes.
their seemed to be something was in the distance and rapidly approaching. min tried to stop but failed. "no no no no no!" Izuku was startled as Min barreled right into his arms.
ow ow ow OW the both complained together. the two looked at each other and spoke at the same time WHAT ARE YOU?" and "GREEN RANGER!" the two looked confused. "excuse me what? "
"I'm Min the power rangers adorable robotic owl. green ranger where's you the rest of you guys."
"i'm Izuku Midoriya sorry what in gods name are you talking about also green ranger what's that about. " you know the power rangers a team of people super powered individuals that protect the innocent you know those power rangers."
I know a lot of heroes but i have never heard of any power rangers.
wait give me a second. Min closed their eyes and used the internet to download everything that happened since the years quirks were first born. (around 100- 150 years) oh that explains everything. Min looked mournful about something.
"hey um are you okay?" the boy questioned. "Yea just i didn't think the world became this bad. back then heroes only fought to protect people not for money and fame and those who want to actually protect people are punished."
Midoriya was about to speak when their was a giant explosion.  "whats that." the boy spoke. "theirs a villain on **** avenue that has a hostage a blond boy who is exploding every thing."
kacchan's in danger. Midoriya said going down the fire escape ladder still clutching min.
he ran down the streets panic filling his every step propelling him along.
he arrived to see the sludge villain trying to invade Bakugos body. Bakugo was slowly dying while heroes were just standing around. Midoriyas body began pulling in grid energy from the sight of it.
Midoriya get to the ally way your body's pulling in grid energy and your about to morph.
when he heard that Midoriya sprinted towards an ally trusting min.
when he got in the middle of the ally the grid energy came in full force a green light enveloping him

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