the white ice leopard ranger

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previously on power rangers elemental beasts

the rangers were reluctantly awoken and forced to hunt down the new yellow ranger but turns out the ranger was from another universe. so when a biobot attacked the new ranger they stepped up to help defeat the biobot.

the morning of meeting Howl outside an 1950s American diner

the rangers all meet up all but one still looked tired and haggard like old people after not sleeping for eight hours.

Midoriya wore a green sweater and under him was a shirt that said to tired need food jeans and converse.

Ty wore a blue shirt and jean jacket with navy jeans and running shoes.

Toga wore a hello kitty shirt and skirt with boots.

Mia the only one actual put together and looked like she came off a run way with makeup on hair done and she wore a black dress with slits and a beige coat with heels.

Howl rocked up in a white shirt with a giant yellow graphic design and track bottom's with yellow splashes and strange collar around his neck.

"Hey what's with the collar?" asked Midoriya. "It's a translator. " He said In perfect Japanese. "Oh good for you. Now let's go in here for some breakfast." Mia said pointing at the diner. "Sure sounds great." Toga said.

They all went in quietly. A young man who looked older popped up from behind a desk hello and welcome to deans diner table for five.
"Yes please." "Then please follow me." The young man picked up some menus. He lead them to a booth and set the menus down. "Here you are your server will be with you soon." "Thank you for your help." They all sat down and began talking to each other. Okay so um howl normally we explain this in the base but given the circumstances we should probably get it over with before something else happens. As all of them looked in the breakfast options
"Hello how may I help you?" A girl appeared "I'm Isis and I'll be your server today. What can I get you to drink?" She asked disinterested. They all ordered their drinks and the server left. "Okay well let's speed run this." Midoriya then gave a rushed explanation of everything that happened and about their world. And just in time too since their server had arrived with their drinks. She set them in-front of the person that ordered them. "Now have you decided what you want to eat or would you like to have a bit more time?" "Oh we'll order now." Said Mia. The server took out a pad and pencil.
"I start with you." she said looking at Midoriya. "Oh I will have the breakfast tacos." He stuttered out being put on the spot. "And the person with the scaly blue dog head." "Oh the full  American styled breakfast please." "And now across from him with the dreads." "The waffles and eggs scrambled please with maple syrup." "The bun head with the hello kitty." "Oh the blueberry pancakes." "The lastly the jacked business lady." "I would like the strawberry smoothie bowl with honey and chocolate granola."
"Ok everything will be out soon." She said before walking off. "Right we are two rangers away from the megazord and we need to hope and pray that we find both soon." Whispered Ty "Yeah and the UA entrance exam will be in 5 months" said Midoriya . "crap I forgot to study." "Sorry what is UA ?" Asked Howl. "UA is a school designed to help train heroes to fight crime and protect the public." "So why are we not training to be heroes?" Cause in our world vigilanteism is highly illegal and what we were doing is vigilantism. So if we did get discovered we could be in jail by the next half hour." "So why do you want to go to ua?" "The school also is designed to help train people who support heroes like making tech or helping them become popular through marketing." "Ah so we will technically be under their noses." "Yep that's a good reason. But we need to begin studying since it's a few months away." "Yep so for a while we'll be nose deep in books." Admitted Toga. "Yeah" agreed the rangers.
30 minutes later their food had arrived and they dug in

power ranger elemental beasts (an mha x power rangers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now