the blue water swordfish ranger

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previously on power rangers elemental beasts

Min a robotic owl woke up for the first time in 100 - 150 years detecting the power of the morphing grid.
Izuku Midoriya was attacked by a sludge villain near dying as grid energy flooded into him but All Might saved him. he grabbed onto the heroes pants and was taken into the air with the hero. the hero was asked if he could be a hero without a quirk and told the child he couldn't be a hero.
Min discovered Midoriya and told him about power ranger and that he is one.
an explosion went off and the two discovered his friend Katsuki Bakugo was in danger. he morphed for the first time but was on a time limit quickly defeating the villian and getting out. later on all might found Izuku and asked him that he would recommend him to the support course if he helps him with one for all. he agreed and both left.
Midoriya went to the rangers secret base and obtained his morpher. a biobot attacked and was defeated by Midoriya.
The staff of UA met at midnight discussing the new ranger
now let the show begin.

11:00 AM
Midoriya woke up groggy and tired from the previous day of excitement. he quickly opened his bed side draw and seen his morpher and phone cleverly hidden among books and more objects. he grabbed them both and stuffed his phone in one of his pockets and hid his morpher in a hidden pocket no one knew about.
He dragged himself out of bed and went to the kitchen to see his mother in a pink dressing gown and slippers making breakfast for the two. "good morning sweet heart. sorry i didn't see you last night Mitsuki and Masaru were under distress with a fashion line and needed help with it." the small woman by the name of Inko Midoriya smiled at her son. taking a stack of pancakes off of the heat and pilled them neatly onto a plate. she carried them to the table and put them down as a bunch of topping for pancakes trailing behind her before landing on the table.
the boy sat down and began adding toppings to his pancakes. "don't worry about it mom i didn't get back home for a while anyways." Midoriya spoke adding some strawberries onto his pancakes. "oh and i'm heading out later at around 1:30. Also why are you up so late your normally up at 07:00?"
"oh well that's cause i got here around one in the morning because it took longer than expected. Seriously who says they can't make it because of some last minute party with friends." Inko explained putting whipped cream on her pancakes and jam.
the two then sat quietly eating breakfast. Then when they finished Midoriya offered to do the dishes because Inko looked a bit tired and recommending she go back to bed. She agreed and went back up and slept for another hour.
The moment he finished the dishes he realized he never did any prep work the night before and just watched YouTube.  He sprinted up the stairs and prepped for the meeting with all might, Nighteye and the big three for an hour thirty minutes before the meeting.

12:30 PM
Then once that prep was over he began to pack his bags stuffing in his laptop chargers, a few note books filled with hero analysis and an empty book to take down his own notes. and then quickly got dresses into a white shirt and black trousers and green blazer which he stuffed his phone, keys, wallet, train pass and earbuds into his pockets. and put his morpher into the inside pocket of the blazers.
he went down the stairs and called out to his mother as he put his shoes on. "hey mom i'm heading out now i don't know when i'll be back but i should be back before six. he began bouncing trying to put his second shoe on. "okay sweet heart i'm going to go help Mitsuki and Masaru again in 30 minutes anyways."
"okay bye!" he said finally getting his shoes on and getting out the door. he quickly got down to ground level and rushed to an empty alleyway. he took out his morpher and used it to teleport to the base.

He opened his eyes to see Min on their perch staring at Midoriya who was putting his morpher back inside. "Hello i didn't think we'd be going to find any new rangers now." Min said blinking. "no not just yet i have that thing with All Might soon so i stopped by to grab you and some of the morphers." Midoriya said grabbing min. "hey you unhinged barbaric dragon faced psycho unhand me now or i'll hit you with a bat." min began yelling rapidly moving his head side to side. Midoriya gave him a look of excuse you. "your going to hit me with a bat when one you can't even lift a bat. Two you couldn't even hit me and three with what bat." he proceeding to roast the metallic bird before stuffing him in the bag. before making his way to the elevator and pressing the button on the second floor bringing him to the armoury.
he left the elevator and went to the morpher stands and grabbed three the white, yellow and blue morphers. and stuffed them in the bag along with Min. Min turned their head 180 and and glared at him. "hey what do you think your doing tossing morphers in here. i could get dented or worse you breaking them."
"Sorry just in a bit of a rush." He popped the bag on one of the pedestals. "Got to teleport to the train station and grab the train hope it's not packed like sardines and then get to Nighteyes hero agency all before 1:59 so you better last hope their ain't many people on it and their ain't delays so we can get the meeting done quick and then we can go ranger hunting okay."
"Okay but please be quick I want to be back before six that's when Sabrina the teenage witch gets it's season one rerun." The tiny owl said before jolting to attention.
Hey what's up?" Midoriya asked opening his bag wide. Did a biobot appear in the city? Min proceeded to shake themselves. No not that I sensed grid energy but when I sensed it was for a moment then vanished as quickly.
"Strange they might have a quirk that can block signals." He pondered. "But what is grid energy? I've never heard of it before and I keep up with that type of stuff." Well grid energy is a type of power that comes from another dimension called the morphing grid or the grid for short. And the grid is full of this unlimited energy. The previous rangers theory was that it could power the entire globe forever and only the tiniest possible amount by our standards would be taken and that energy could easily be replaced by the grid. And grid energy is both powering the entire base and your zords and your morphers that transfer the energy more reliably to you which gives you your powers. Min explained like they'd been practicing this explanation for years.
Midoriya's jaw was on the floor when they said grid energy could power the entire planet and not put even the tiniest of dents in it. And then near went through the floor when when they said it was powering a bunch of ranger stuff.
"Oh and i should mention it's 12:45 and the next none busy train will arrive at the station in five minutes." Min added making midoriya panic and quickly zip the bag and teleport out of there.

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