the red fire lion ranger

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Previously on power rangers elemental beasts
The morning of Howls arrival causes the rangers some trouble as they are pushed into a fight once they have finished their food and are on the losing end when the tides turn with the arrival of the new white ranger Isis.

A few months later three weeks before the ua entrance exam.

The scene is set in a park after school hours as the rangers are gathered around a bench some sitting others standing all in uniforms except Howl who was still learning Japanese and also being the only ranger who could go fight a biobot during school hours.

"Thank goodness for this break it's been none stop studying for months." Said Isis. "Yeah we have hardly seen each other outside of beating some scoundrels. Added Ty who was playing Tetris with his school supplies.
"Well I don't know about you lot but I will happily take this over books!" Toga commented.
"Well can't argue with that." Added Mia. That then sent them into a laughing fit since they were so wound up.

"So what you guys want to do cause I am going to get food." Midoriya got up. "oh count me in." Isis got up in a more western uniform and the two went to get hotdogs for the groups.

But on the way they passed someone who was drawing on an Ipad. which caught their attention for a second but they didn't care.

Before the rangers could get to the stall a biobot appeared  with a sword and its appearance was very bland like a model doll. a circle glowed where it's face was and attacked the rangers while summoning scoundrels too. "oh hell no!" They cartwheeled to the side and activated their morphers. ELEMENTAL BEASTS RELEASE!

begin morphing sequence
They stood on octagons their energy enveloping everything but their necks and faces. And behind them was their respective beasts. They released a roar before they jumped high pulling his arms in and opening them as the energy burst revealing their suits with white gloves and boots within a gold belt. They dropped back down to the octagon. The beasts melted into energy that wrapped around their head to resemble the beasts head with its jaws open. They clamped close and turned into a helmet.
Sequence finished go get em rangers

white elemental beast ranger! green elemental beast ranger! they respectively called while summoning Midoriya his dagger and Isis a pair of leopard claws. come on we need to be quick their might be more. Isis said as the two began fighting the scoundrels.

On the other rangers side.

The rangers were conversing quietly "So what about the job hunt Ty why would you need one if you're surviving well enough." "Oh well it's going good there is one that I'm going in for an interview after the ua exams the job is being a bar porter and it's cause me and Ty were using a special fund set up by previous rangers. Plus Midoriya is going in for a job at a convenience store." "I should probably find one too" said Toga
The topic then moved to be about what upgrades they would get if they could. they then heard something teleport and looked to see scoundrels and a humanoid female biobot. (look up spice girl from jjba) The scoundrels charged as people screamed and the biobot charged an attack. ELEMENTAL BEASTS RELEASE! they called front flipping into the fight.

begin morphing sequence
They stood on octagons their energy enveloping everything but their necks and faces. And behind them was their respective beasts. They released a roar before they jumped high pulling his arms in and opening them as the energy burst revealing their suits with white gloves and boots within a gold belt. They dropped back down to the octagon. The beasts melted into energy that wrapped around their head to resemble the beasts head with its jaws open. They clamped close and turned into a helmet.
Sequence finished go get em rangers

they summoned weapons Toga her bow, Ty his sword sword, Howl his elesaber and Mia her axe.

What is that thing charging? Asked howl. "I don't care it'll be destroyed before it gets a chance." Toga charged an arrow and fired. one of the scoudrels dove in front of it and took the shot just as she was done charging.
She released the energy that hit everything as beams but only damaged the rangers and nothing else they hit. "What the!" Toga said running and tried to use a bench to get some height to shoot. But instead the bench was soft and collapsed entangling the pink ranger. "Wait what happened?" Asked Mia
"Allow me to introduce myself.":The biobot said. "I am Elastina and my power allows me to turn anything into elastic." she then ran punched Mia who then cut her with the bull axe. "Ah amazing! We're fighting rubber!"

power ranger elemental beasts (an mha x power rangers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now