the highway race

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Last time on power rangers Elemental Beasts the rangers split up for Halloween Toga going off with friends and the other rangers escorting kids. But terror strikes when a new general pops up with Toga forced to face her and a more animalistic biobot that could turn to fog. But after the chaos and the rangers figuring out the solution which ended in a new weapon and zord

After the Halloween break
As they were walking through the hall of the school Midoriya not paying any attention to were he was going as he was looking at something on Yoshi's phone. a new manga he was reading online and was recommending it to him.

He suddenly heavily hit someone's shoulder as the two dropped their things.
The both got on their knees to pick things up while apologising to each other. When they looked up to see who they were apologising to when their eyes met and Midoriya felt rather flushed in the face at the stunning young man before him their red and white hair was strange yet soothing his mismatched eyes cold yet held the slightest bit of warmth.
Hey Midoriya/todoroki called the people they were with.
The two then hurriedly grabbed their things and were gone.
"Hey Yoshi you know who that was?" "Um I think toga talked about him she heard he was the son of the number two hero his name was Shoto Todoroki and that he doesn't talk often from what I hear.

With shoto todoroki who was partially listening to the conversation two of the girls were having as he was thinking about the green haired boy he bumped into. "Hey remember that bat zord we saw a bit ago." That took him out of his world. "Wait did you see the rangers in person." Todoroki asked. "Yes wait you like the rangers." "Yes who doesn't like them." Replied Mina. "I even got videos of the fight with the bat zord." "hey can you send me them." "sure

back with Izuku and Yoshi

As the two sat on a large edge in the wall that people used as a bench. "hey Midoriya your in the support course what do you want to do later in life." Asked Yoshi. "I originally wanted to be a pro hero but now i want to be a pro analysis and strategist. You?" "my parents want me to be in a respectable job but me personally i want to be an mangaka." "can I hear some of your story." "well i kind of have two one is like modern day since nobody wants to touch the age of quirks with mages secretly hiding. the other is like an isekai with our other life he whispered. and five ancient creatures acting as the power source.

(those two prompts are available to those who wish to use them.)

"My god do you have art." "yes on my iPad i was actually working on it when we met." "show me please." "um sure. which one you want to see." "the mage please." he handed over an ipad and they began to look.

the first sheet was one that said


role main character

magic fire

he was originally from the city of tokyo when after the attack was forced to move to the city of kamakira where life up roots itself with magic a mystery

the next ones appearance looked like Ty in appearance but more formal wear with a note to their hands gloves are magical items.

"That is really good." he handed back the iPad "thanks just don't know how to start the thing."

" Don't worry it'll come soon. Now show me more of that manga." To which he pulled out his phone and began talking away.

In a dark room we see the two biobot generals arguing. "We need to get the rangers." screamed black swan. "We need to focus on the upcoming assault on the hero school." Countered gladiator "those multi coloured brats are the biggest problem we have." "No the attack is the closer of our problem" " Where is blood hound when you need him. They'd agree with me." Screeched black swan "He is on a mission from our master he is the only one with stealth capabilities." Spoke a figure with blue hair. "But we will go with black swans idea since we now have a new biobot. Hope those highways are clear. Or else they may say goodbye.

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