the yellow metal ram ranger

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Last time on power rangers elemental beasts
The rangers went to a gym and they got to do a special free trial.
But evil doesn't wait for you to finish your workout and were called to action. But their new friend Mia followed them to the fight. They fought but got hurt badly by the biobot when Mia received the morpher she then proceeded to beat down the bot in human size and zord size.

Later that night the same day as Mia getting her morpher.
We begin with Aizawa who gave his husband a kiss and heading out for his nightly patrol.

00:00 am
In the base Ty was happily asleep in bed with a beanie since he was wearing a durag under the thing. When the door burst open making him jump out of bed very obviously shirtless and in some blue running shorts.
Min was standing there looking at the blue ranger ominously. "Call the others I sense a new ranger getting up I ain't wasting a moment on this."

In Mias house she had her hair undone wearing a black shirt with a hello kitty character that said sleep sis and long bottoms. When her phone went off she awoke not happy since her rain sounds where interrupted by the call. She grabbed the phone and answered. "What!" she growled into the phone not looking at the number. "Hey how was your sleep." Came Ty over the phone. "I was quite enjoying my beauty sleep which I need before you get me snappy."
"Well I agree with you their cause the coo coo psycho robo bird broke down my door and said their was a new ranger." "Right I'll be in base soon just need to wake up and get my dressing gown."
She then hung up and began to get ready.

In Togas room she was waiting for her parents to stop screaming about her father sleeping with a bunch of strangers either being a man or woman she couldn't care. She wore a loose pink crop top with pink hearts on white bottoms and a oversized pink cardigan that she wore showing a shoulder. Her phone then went off and she answered. Ty repeated what he said to Mia . "Right on my way now." she got up and put on converse. She then ran out of her house seeing empty beer bottles laying around. She then went out to the front door and went to an abandoned place. She then teleported out. 

Midoriya was finishing off writing something for the big three. He turned the laptop off and was settling down with his All Might camouflage hoodie and green rugby shorts. His phone vibrated in the drawer. He begrudgingly took it out and answered. Ty then rapidly went over what happened. "Okay I'm sneaking out now." He then hung up and grabbed his morpher and shoes and snuck down the stairs past his mother who was deeply asleep from so many nights of helping Mitsuki. He silently put his shoes on and opened the door and locked the door behind him.

In the base the three rangers appeared on the first floor. All the rangers were there yawning Mia in a fluffy black dressing gown and hair tied up. Ty had a casual sea designed kimono on. "Okay so now that everyone is here I recently detected some strong grid energy and it is still going strong so we need to investigate the source cause it might be a threat or." Min dropped of letting the rangers finish. "A confused or worried ranger." finished Mia. "And if they don't know then our enemy might take care of them." She remembered the voice from the earlier fight. "yes and i know that voice but I can't put a feather on a face."

"Well that will be put on the back burner so that we can help this person best. Min i believe their are only four more left but three to form the megazord." "Yes but we are in a race against time since our enemy is getting stronger by the attacks."

"so we need to go now but Min your on standby until something happens. The rangers nodded and then teleported away.

They appeared in Tokyo with a bunch of passed out drunk salary workers around. "Dear god the smell." Mia gagged covering her nose. The rangers then left the area they were and began to walk around not knowing who they were looking for. But unfortunately they were stopped by a police officer and a pro hero who looked at them suspiciously. "what are you kids doing out this late." The pro asked who wore mostly black and had yellow goggles on. Midoriya recognised the hero as erasure head. "yeah our friend got out of the dorm and we're looking for them." Ty said putting his hand on Midoriya's shoulder. "what does your friend look like and where is your school so we can take you back?" "You can't take us back the school has a strict curfew and if your discovered that you broke it you get two week suspension, half a month of detention and they cut your rooms internet access." Mia came out with sounding like she was genially scared. "Our friend also has a shape shifting quirk that makes it impossible to tell if you don't know them." "so you kids snuck out off your strict school to find your friend even though it would be hard to tell if it is them and you knew the very strict consequences? well that takes guts i like it i wish you all my luck in finding your friend." He then walked away the officer behind him.

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