the pink wind eagle ranger

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previously on power rangers elemental beasts

Midoriya learned more about the power rangers abilities and the morphing grid.
he then attended a meeting with the big three of UA sir nighteye and all might. they discussed future plans and then disbanded with nighteye walking him out of the agency giving him a gift to thank him.
then he and Min began hunting for the blue ranger in a port town.
After a while of wandering some kid attempted to steal from him and was alerted that the thief was in fact the blue ranger. a chase ensued but the kid who revealed their name to be Ty.
Midoriya invited him for food and Ty told him about his story. then an explosion sounded at the port the two ran to the seen seeing a biobot attacking
Ty sees Midoriya morph by accident. Midoriya out numbered is joined by a now newly morphed blue ranger. the two swiftly beat them with teamwork. then the biobot grew gigantic as the from an unknown source.
the rangers used their zords for the first time Midoriya the dragon and ty the swordfish.

Midoriya's middle school
three weeks after meeting Ty
Midoriya at in between morning classes in silence watching the live feed of ty in ranger form as he easily made swiss cheese out of the bots.Midoriya began to think "thank god for Ty being able to do this while i'm in school." he remembered that Ty had told them he had not had an education since he was eight so he and Min had began to help out with catching him up on his education. which he was doing quite quick no less and Min was forging his identity and records slowly add it into the governments systems so that they don't get wind of it.
"hey nerd." A voice that sounded like a brat that midoriya recognized instantly. He rapidly put his phone away as his old friend katsuki bakugou approached. He knew what might happen.

After school Midoriya rushed off before anyone could find him and hid pulling out his morpher and used it to teleport.

He appeared in the first level of the base seeing nobody their. He made his way to the elevator and pushed the button that took him to the common area which was still quite big.
The doors opened to reveal Min and Ty doing school work. The two looked up seeing him and waving. "Hey welcome back how'd school go please tell me that it was a free day i don't need more school work." Ty asked. "Oh just fine and no we didn't do much the school went all up in chaos with a bunch of things like a virus in all the computers, something caught on fire, the roof above a classroom collapsed, some of the teachers got sick from expired coffee and apparently the entire electric, water and heating went kaput." The two looked dumbfounded from that. "How is the school still standing!" Min exclaimed sounding horrified. "At some points i wonder the same."
Here you know leave the school work for a while i need to check something in the lab. That peaked their interest so Min took off the two behind them.
They ran into the elevator midoriya pressing the button for the lab bringing them to the floor they wanted.

They arrived and seen the lab was like a sci-fi tv show with a mix of a chem and tech lab. their jaws dropped at the sight. Min flapped over to a device and perched near it.
The two followed intrigue radiating from their eyes. "what is it?" Midoriya asked stars in his eyes. "This is our scanner and it can scan anything and break it down to the core. but it depends on what you select with touch screen he said taping a screen on the table."
"I'd like you to select device cause I've noticed you don't have full access to your ranger powers. Ty you should have the ability to control vast amounts of water like a good bit of the ocean but at the moment it seems like you can only control like a large pond at most." What the two were shocked at the info "and what could i do." "your dominion is over lighting and electricity so you should be able to call on the power of twenty times the strongest lighting bolt recorded."
Our jaws were on the floor. "well come on scan." Ty pulled out his morpher and placed it on the scanner and scanned it, on the screen was a diagnostic of the morpher. Min looked over it. "Ah there is our problem it seems that the morphers are locked behind obtaining the zords."
"Well we should focus on the other rangers and make the zords a second priority. but who is going to awaken next that's the question." Ty said face grave.

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