the black earth bull ranger mia

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last time on power rangers Ty joined midoriya's school
later Ty stands up to midoriyas bullying but unconsciously used morphing grid energy to stop him from attacking his friend.
But after school they head to the mall and visit a charity shop but see something unexpected the pink rangers bow which was powerless. then Min senses the pink energy and they track it down to a girl called Toga. but the eagle console went out of control and snatched the pink morpher then chased after it but were distracted by a biobot which they took down with the help of Toga morphing.
She then after agrees to help the rangers.

Friday after school

The three rangers are gathered in the common room doing homework. and discussing their day at school. "Hey is it me or am I the only one getting random surges of strength? Cause I have accidentally shattered five sinks today." Toga asked.

"No your not i destroyed a vase my mother got at her wedding from my dads mother. i pretended that I dropped it and she thanked me for it and I quote I always hated that hideous vase."
"Yea I think we should find a way to excuse the random bits of enhanced abilities." Toga said aloud.
"How about joining a gym and we can use the excuse of us working on our muscles." Ty suggested.
"Yea I like that." Midoriya said taking his phone out and began googling something. "hey if were going to begin working out how about we try this gym?" He showed the places website to them.
"The place is called Hero Factory and seems to be unknown but the place has five star reviews."
"oh sure but how about tomorrow since its the weekend but i don't got work out clothes. Toga admitted. "Do you guys?"
The boys then shook their heads. "okay lets ditch the homework and go shopping." She threw down her homework on the table while standing up. "I agree!" Ty also tossed his homework down.
"wait our homework is near finished!" Midoriya looked at them. "And the history HomeWorks due first thing Monday." "That's why i'm stopping I can hardly stand all the history of Japanese heroes and their rise in popularity after the fall of vigilantism." "Yep except my history homework is on the first American heroes and how they changed the world."
"Yea you know what I'm kind of bored." the broccoli haired ranger tossed his work beside him. "And Monday is still a bit off I got time lets go." The ranger took out his morpher "so teleport straight to the mall or we go via train."
straight to mall. the two confirmed and they were off just as Min came out. "where'd you guys go?"

They arrived just outside the mall and went into a store on the first level and came out with a new gym outfit.
Toga bought pink yoga leggings with pockets and sports bra. Midoriya got a green compression camo bottoms with three green lines to the side and light green sleeveless zip up hoodie. Ty got a dark blue tank top with deep pits and a shark print on the front with dark blue shorts. and they all got gym bags each their respective colours.

They returned to the base with pizza. and enjoyed the day homework forgotten.

The next day
the rangers assembled in front of the gym in regular clothing and Toga with her hair tied up and made sure they had everything and a Min stuffed in Ty's gym bag.
They went into the gym and went to the front desk. They approached the man at the front desk. The man who was very muscular looked at them. "Why hello how may I help you?" He smiled at them. "Um hi ugh we're new to the whole work out thing so we like to use the free session." Midoriya said sheepishly. "Oh sure go right ahead but I would love to show you around and help but I can't exactly leave the place."
"Hey boss who are these lot?" a muscular girl approached the group in gym gear. "oh hello Mia how are you these lot are new to the place and gyms and need help." "oh I just finished my class I can help them." "are you sure?" she looked at him like really.
She turned to the rangers and said "hello my name is mia majima." She then turned and began to walk. "well come along." She gestured to the rangers to follow her.

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