Santa slay and the krampus biobot

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I know I promised the other one which is important to the story but closer to Christmas you get a special.

December 24th

The rangers were laughing crying and smiling as they watched hallmark movies that had the exact same plot with some differences on a tv that would have cost a fortune if they didn't have it before the model was even considered. they were all laughing at the bad dialogue and cringe love interests Isis was developing an ulcer from all the bad tropes they had and they kept getting worse by the second. and by the end of the third one it was like expelling a festive demon that refused to let go from Isis body she was shaking that badly.

And when they put on the Santa clause trilogy when it finally died. Min sat on a rest out of it while they had a food and hot chocolate all ready with time for one more movie that they could watch.

Min then shot up like am otter who had ingested a large cup of coffee with triple strength caffeine. "Guys I'm sending you a location go meet the person their immediately and they need everyone."

"Right give us a sec." they said all pulling their morphers out off wherever they shoved the things. they teleported out immediately to go the mysterious location.

In a large park where it snowed heavily and during the morph min put some warm clothing on them. in the centre of the park looked like a sleigh with a man in a Santa costume. "Sir are you okay?" called Howl who was still cold as the rangers approached. "Oh rangers it is amazing to see you!" they all looked like someone just slapped them. "How do you know who we are?" said Ty who was summoning his blade. "How would I not know who you are! you are the elemental beast power rangers you saved this world countless times and no matter what." he paused before he was behind them. "You are all on the nice list and I checked it twice before I went out to deliver all these presents."

"OMG your Santa!" They yelled except for Yoshi who was sceptical of it. he approached and whispered something in his ear. they looked absolutely horrified with what was said. "You better take that to your grave." "I am no gossip." Santa said.

"would you like to come to our base to warm up? "I need to take my sleigh away from the crash sight." "Everyone pile in then we can teleport as a group." said Midoriya who was getting cold without his heated blanket.

Everyone climbed on and were gone in seconds

Back at base

They appeared in the warehouse and were much warmer from the heat. they went up to the living area and were ambushed by Min crying "SANTA!" who flew into the jolly mans arms. "oh Min how have you been after all that?" "I'm doing amazing especially through that." "You lot meet before." asked Toga who was downing a mug of hot chocolate and marshmallows. we meet long before you all. he and some old fiends would help me with presents and keeping me safe with some unreasonable people. you referring to the villain scum that walk the streets. replied Howl who was getting his jacket ready to go. and I'm going to go out on a limb and say you have something you need help with. several things actually I need help to recover my rain deer all 12 of them have scattered across the country, their is a dangerous Biobot up in the city that shot me down while I was crossing the country. and finally I need to find my sack and other things I store in a bag.

If it's not rude what was in the bag. treats food from Ms Claus and also my list and other essentials.

I think we can split up our forces if four go and find the deer two go Biobot hunting and the last one and Min will find the lost bags.

"sure me Isis Ty and Mia will find the deer." said Toga. "me and Yoshi will hunt the Biobot down for Santa and to make sure he is gone entirely." "So that just leaves me and min to recover the lost item." "well you got what is basically a super computer with you." Commented Min. "Wait before you go her."  He passed them ankle length coats with fur trimming and each in their separate colours. "These should keep you warm." they all took them thanking him profusely. "I would never send someone into the cold if I can't suffer it. This isn't even my normal coat it is a present from my lovely wife." "I knew something was different." "yeah those tricks would have helped but we cannot change the past only the future. now I can't keep you all but for those going reindeer hunting here take this." he pulled out a map. this is map that tracks the reindeer with magic. "thanks!" They said pulling their coats on.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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