The halloween rave

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(sorrry this chapter was suppoeded to be up for halloween but I was over confident in my writing speed so I must apologise.)

last time on Power Rangers Elemental Beasts

The rangers discuss jobs while Ty goes to work for the first time but on the second day a biobot attacks taking out the rangers temporarily leaving out Isis Yoshi and Ty available.

October 31st Halloween night 3:00pm

The rangers were in the base giddy running around in getting ready Ty Midoriya and Isis were making sweet treats for some of the children.

Yoshi was grabbing a list of children their allergies and what type of candy they weren't allowed for everyone if they needed it.

Howl and Mia were looking for their things like wallets keys and halloween bags to keep them in. Matching of course

The sweet squad was mostly done with their job they just needed to harden and other would need to take time to bake.

"Hey do you know where Toga is?" "Um she said she would be in the training room." replied Isis.

"Want to go see her?" asked Isis. "Sure" then everyone take a break we're going to see what Toga's up to.

Yoshi put the list down and the other two stopped before Mia began to scream at the top of her lungs. "Hey didn't she say that she wasn't going with us?" "yeah" Yoshi answered "she was going with some girls from the hero course." said Howl as she walked into the elevator.

They then emerged from the elevator to see a Toga in her work out gear and screen playing something as she was dancing. From the speakers came "lost in love me land"

"What the.!" They all said in unison making her pause the game. As a scene began to play. "What are you guys doing here?" "We should be asking you that question." They replied. "Playing just dance your turn." "came down to see what you were up to."
"How and why do you have just dance?" Asked "I think the previous rangers have the thing set up to buy the game every year and I discovered it a while ago and would play the game on my own."

I challenge you to a Just Dance off! Said Ty "let's go fish face." replied Toga who was matching his energy. "I choose the song though." Ty removed his hoodie he had on for a graphic tee underneath making sure to keep the back from going up.
He chose the song and they were off  with the others watching

They danced the full choreography and Toga proceeded to get near all perfects while Ty hardly got any and didn't get past 1 star.
When the results showed Ty was on the floor trying to recover his breath with Toga not even batting an eye when the results showed. "Two left feet."commented Toga. "Well I'm done for today anyways what you need help with?" She said turning the screen off and putting the controllers away.

Later in the night when everyone was getting into their costumes. Ty dressed up as a pirate captain. Yoshi as mario, Midoriya a ghost, Mia went as supergirl, Isis as batwoman, Howl as a police officer, and toga emerged from her room in a special costume that she asked mia to make. she emerged in a costume she found from a game she liked to play.

 she emerged in a costume she found from a game she liked to play

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