Refuses for race

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I know this is out of pocket as I promised another chapter however I think this chapter will resonate with some people and inform others.
The reason I am writing this chapter is because my mother experienced something very similar. Although me and her are both white I thought that the experience would translate well into the theme
Although I may be white I will try my best to cover the topic and I implore you to research racism as it is rather harmful

So trigger warnings for the following


racial verbal abuse

Assault on a person of colour

If you are still here welcome if you left then see you in the next one
spoilers for future story points

All the rangers but Isis and howl who were working were walking in a row of restaurant's that had been highly recommended and they would try to find a intriguing restaurant that would be nice.

They looked over to a traditional Japanese restaurant they agreed and slowly walked over.

Yoshi Toga Mia and Midoriya all entered without a problem and had walked far into the restaurant. however Ty was stopped in his tracks by a woman. "Um sorry but you can not enter this establishment." "sorry what?!" "you cannot enter this area." the woman said in a slower tone. "why can i not enter the restaurant." "I am sorry but we don't allow foreigners to come in here." "I beg your pardon."

"Please leave the area and don't come back." "No i won't leave i would like to go in and eat with my friends." "I am sorry but please to leave." the woman raised her voice. "NO THAT IS RIDICULOUS."

"Is there a problem here?" said a new voice. he turned around to see people with black jackets and looked like ruffians. Lyes i want to go into this restaurant but this person is stopping me." "This person is being unruly and we asked him politely to leave but he is refusing." The woman lied in a sweet manner

"listen here punk! get lost and don't come back ever again." said one of the men trying to get in his face. "no I just want to to go and sit with my-----" is all he got out before he was punched in the face and thrown to the ground. "listen here you black punk you think you are all that but how about you go back to Africa and ride some zebras or something." one of them said before kicking Ty in the face. The group then walked into the restaurant.

Ty began to tear up and run away from the cursed building.

inside the restaurant they sat confused as to where Ty was at as he was right behind them. Should we go out and see if something is wrong. Suggested Toga then they got a call through from Ty. they hit the answer button extremely fast. "Hey Ty where are you?" "Hey sorry i was feeling a bit Ill so thought I would just head on home instead." "oh dear lord we will bring something back and get some rest."

However in an alleyway stood Ty tears slowly streaming down his face. "Don't worry I will." He said a fake happiness in his voice now. He hung up a strong phantom pain in his back as he saw flashes of a man in a bird mask. He was then teleported back to the base by Min.

An hour later the rangers were back in the base food in hand. They were about to meet Ty when stopped by an angry Min

"Who the hell do you think are bringing that racist crap in here."

"Excuse you!"said Yoshi

"Do not dare say excuse you! you know what you did going to that peace of crap restaurant."

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