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Previously on power rangers elemental beasts
The rangers were hanging out at the park but when they split up both sides were attacked by biobots but with the help of the new red ranger near beat them but were attacked by another biobot that beat them down.

The day of the UA entrance
The rangers were doing a tad bit of training on the beach with their elesaber and balloons on their wrists. "Why are we doing this instead of studying." Asked a confused Howl. "It's one to take our minds off the exam and also to help Yoshi who has no experience outside of the one fight three weeks ago." "Well we should rap this up and soon cause the exam starts in two hours."
"Well then." Ty then swung his blade multiple times bursting the balloons seconds. "Well than I win now let's get back to base and get less smelly." They than teleported away.

In the base as they were about to go shower they were stopped by Min "wait guys I need to talk to you." They turned to see Min coming they're way. "I need to say that we now have all seven zords needed to form the elemental beast megazord but that means that yoshi the red ranger you will need to step up and be the leader." "Wait what." They all said in unison shocked. "Wait why me?" Asked Yoshi, "well the red ranger is supposed to be the leader and you're the red ranger."
Yoshi was slightly panicking but midoriya put a hand on his shoulder his hand. "hey don't worry i know you'll do great."

Those words helped him but there was still something eating at him inside "um thanks but hand." "oh right don't like touching sorry." He quickly took his hand off him. "so can we get changed now. and make our way to midoriyas house." said Ty "Yeah then as my first order get showered changed and meet up at midoriyas house and walk to the entrance exam."

"YEAH!!!" yelled the team

As they walked to ua in their middle school uniforms except howl who wore a yellow polo and jeans. they were studying with asking each other questions. they were walking when they heard someone saying "hey you lot their with your books out." that made them look up.

"you certainly can't mean us." said Toga with her eyebrows in her hairline. "yes you lot what do you think your doing studying right before the test." they all looked at the dude like he had 10 head breathing fire and reciting Shakespearian poetry.

the person who had glasses blue hair and jets on his legs and doing a chopping motion. Yoshi was working up the courage to tell him to go away Ty was preparing to roast him and make everyone nearby laugh at the persons stupidity. But both where beaten to the punch by Howl who grabbed their hand and forced it to the left making the strangers back bend with it, "listen here you nosey brat. Who the hell do you think you are cause I think you were dropped a few times on the head cause you don't seem to know any god-damn manors. Cause if you did you would know to mind your business and not be nosey. But if you simply must know we are here early the hall doesn't open for another half an hour so we are going to use that time to study and revise so mind your business learn to shut up and quit thinking you're the boss of everyone. Okay buddy!" He then let go of his hand and the stranger dropped.
Their was silence for a moment before people began to clap and whoop.

Howl then turned back book still in hand and said "okay so where were we again?"

2 hour 35 minutes later

The rangers were sitting in the exam hall close to each other all waiting for instructions. Then one of the teachers came in. "Okay everyone if you are going for the support course please make your way over to this door." he pointed to a door to the left of the stage. "If you're going down business studies take this door." he pointed to the one right of the stage. "And if general studies you can head home or go out on the town." they all got up with Midoriya and Mia heading to the support course. Toga and Isis made went to the business course while Ty, Howl and Yoshi left since they applied for the general studies.

power ranger elemental beasts (an mha x power rangers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now