Daycare daymare

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last time on power rangers elemental beasts

Mia competes in a fashion contest but then however her past came back to bite her in the butt with transphobic slurs and deadnaming but when they leave a biobot attacks that the rangers can't fight but mia gets an upgrade in the form of a new weapon and zord. and when the contest comes round Mia wins the contest and gains small fame and a commission from a pro hero.

Outside of a daycare for public servants like pro heroes politicians and nurses whos schedules were often hectic. The rangers walked inside to see a woman who looked up uninterested in what was going on. "Hello how may we help you today?"

"yes we are here to help with-" Just as Midoriya spoke Mirio appeared.

"hey guys! how are you? come on you are getting on the job training we are desperate." The rangers were dragged into a storm and Toga was very traumatised from dealing with so many children wanting their hair done.

In a brake room the rangers all came out of changing rooms in clean clothes as their clothes were ruined by paint spills.

"Is it like this all the time?" asked Yoshi as he felt really gross. "No just bad timing with the arrival their is this new film that most the kids are going to later tonight with their parents so they are a bit hyper." "Thank god they are down for a nap."

"Yea but we really need a crash course on this place." "you'll get one tomorrow." said Neijire who was approaching. "what took you so long?" "Was in the baby room so took a bit longer to put them down. And sorry Tamaki ain't here he is busy helping fatgum with his hero work he is making food for the homeless.


"But the kids are down for the time so relax we can now go through a few basics"

30 minutes later
The rangers had finished the most basic of changes and were in the nap room checking of the kids with Howl and Toga going to the curtains to check the outside with Isis going to look out the door with the three getting a random feeling.

Howl and Toga looked outside to see a freaky sloth like being emitting golden powder towards the vent that had led to the kids room.

"Hey you what are you doing?!" yelled Toga as they burst out scaring the freaky creature making it hobble towards the fence and jump over it as the two rangers chased it. Howl jumped the fence to see that it was nowhere to be seen like it never existed.

With Isis who looked out the door to see a sheep conjuring clouds. hey lamb chops she yelled running towards the being across the hall as it teleported away.

Midoriya get the adults. Isis yelled coming back in as that made some of the kids steer. Mirio Neijire and some of the others came through the door. "whats wrong?"

"I just saw some weird sheep outside the door." "yeah same for us but it was a sloth." said Howl as him and Toga came back inside. "I'll contact security." said one of the employees rushing out. "Everyone check the room they were right outside." said Mirio as him and staff began checking the room. "Toga Howl Isis write down what you saw. The rest of us will secure the area." said Midoriya who was trying to keep calm in the situation.
"Right but we need to look outside to see what they were doing!"Asked Ty. "Okay Yoshi Mia check where they were seen if anything happens i will help the staff and if things go south Ty will protect them."

They scattered and investigated the area. Mia in the hall found a dark glittering shimmering dust she then sprinkled some into a test tube and sent it off to min who would analyse it.

outside Yoshi was doing the same thing while looking around to check it. "it was round here if that thing appears again i can't morph to protect myself or the kids to keep my identity as the red ranger safe but I can run inside." He then received a message on his phone hey the gold one seems to be a sleeping powder to keep the kids asleep for an extremely long time. and the dark one seems to be like a poisonous substance that needs to be applied for long periods

Yoshi then rushed inside to see the others rapidly waking the kids up. "whats happening?!" Yoshi then said not knowing what was happening. "we have to get the kids out of the building cause one of the security brought up the fact that many of the kids are hight profile and that those things might have been trying to kidnap them." "well i just found a strange dust near the air vent it might have been a drug."

"Crap we need to call the rangers and pros." "I'm on it." said Midoriya immediately calling the police.

"Alright now we need to find who the hell sent those things." said Isis who was finished with that report. "Yes the daycare is calling all the parents to keep them safe and letting us go." "right we get outta here and get to hunting." said Howl as the rangers all ran out saying bye to Mirio in the way out.

Back at the base the rangers changed into new clothes to avoid the possibility of the dust being on them as they were discussing the powers with Min telling them their suits would stop the power affecting them. "Have you been able to track them." "yes and they are still near the daycare but hiding. accompanied by scoundrels and i scanned them the things are rather frail you could easily destroy them without even using a finisher."

"well then let's get to work and destroy that thing."said midoriya "Right!"

The rangers teleported behind already morphed and their elesaber ready. "Miss us lamb chops."commented white. The scoundrels then attacked as the ranger began to fend them off

red countered the slash from the scoundrel and attacked the knees before piercing it's head

blue cut it's torse before kicking it to green.

green sliced his one making it stumble before before cutting the one kicked towards him into two then impaling the one he had into the ground.

pink twirled to parry then instantly went on the offensive and made it look like a chopping board. with the amount of cuts it soon had.

yellow just lopped off the head slicing like he was a samurai

white held her sword backwards and buried the sword in it's neck before ripping it out and making two slashes.

black struck the scoundrel in five points before she scrapped it with earth powers.

now with all the the scoundrels done it left the two biobots that began to run again. "oh no you don't said black as they ran and burst out of the tree line in a cool manner. "Come on slothy we just want to destroy you." Yelled yellow

The rangers then began to try and attack the two biobots but the cursed things kept dodging the attacks.

gladiator then appeared and began to protect the biobot. Yellow then attacked it and began to push the thing back to protect the others

"You are a rather well trained swordsmen then may you consider me your nemesis."

"Alright then let's dance." then the rangers not dealing with gladiator had gotten their attacks in destroying them. "damn it!" gladiator then disappeared with teleportation

once things calmed down they turned to see a bunch of children running towards them as they were right beside the nursery and the parents had came to grab their kids.

"holy-"the rangers were surprised and began began to interact with the children as they all screamed it's the rangers.

"Why did you send out such weak biobots and why did they not grow." Yelled gladiator. "They were supposed to kidnap those kids for extra funding cause our resources are being diverted to another two projects." Said the one who built the biobots

back at base as they were all excited but drained of all their strength. "I think we all learned a lesson on security and that children take a lot of energy."voiced yoshi. "yep they all agreed."

Next time on power rangers elemental beasts

The rangers are invited to attend a wedding of one of Mia's relative's but trauma re-emerges in Ty before they fall under attack by two biobots

power ranger elemental beasts (an mha x power rangers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now