together we work

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last time on power rangers elemental beasts

The rangers do the UA entrance exam but while the rest did exams Yoshi Ty and Howl explored the school bumping into the big three and befriending them before having to run to fight of a new biobot that they meet before.

But later they got into ua and had an uneventful first day but ran to fend of the biobot that appeared again and defeated them with a change in leadership and a new weapon. When the biobot grew to giant size they formed the elemental beast megazord.

Two days later after lunch

the rangers were in their different class waiting for their teachers. Midoriya was in a small class with not many students waiting patiently when the door opened and Nighteye walked into the room. this shocked Midoriya who didn't know the teacher.

"hello everyone my name Mr Sasaki I will be your strategies teacher. This may come as a shock to you all but I am not the only new teacher in UA since this is a new course in the support department and very recent being added only this year. So let's get right into it I will explain the course and get to know everyone."

Mia was in class and was checking her nails when the door slammed open and Best Jeanist strutted into the room and everyone began screaming in joy and horrer. "Okay calm it save your voices for screaming later in the week when I have you designing."

With Toga and Isis who were sitting together chatting about a new online crasse when Edgeshot appeared. "Okay everyone let's get this underway." they just sat their stunned since nobody seen him and he just appeared their.

With Ty who as general studies students had to had to pick two extra class and he chose cooking classes and a class about marine life and diving tech as his extras. And lunch rush was explaining safety rules and would not be cooking for a few weeks since they had to run over procedures and hygiene rules.

With Howl who had picked chemisty and drama. his teacher ectoplasm was talking with students on subjects they wished to cover and the experiments they would like to do during the year.

Yoshi picked art and story planning and both were taught exclusively by midnight and nearby was his one on one the pro hero ryuko the dragon hero.

Midoriya and Mia both had half hour study periods since their classes were close to how long the hero training was. Isis had picked music and Toga picked up french as an extra subject.

After school in the lunch hall as the rangers and big three discussed their day with the classes.

Mirio was telling them about the demon teacher known as Aizawa. "Yeah he expels students without a care and from what I hear someone has already met the guillotine." "Day ONE!" Added Neijire.
"Oh my god you got to be kidding me day one like our first day of the school year or first day of course classes." Asked toga
The school year said Neijire. The rangers jaws were on the floor "Now I'm glad we ain't in the hero course then. Commented Howl.
"Oh enough about rumours." said Mirio "How was your day?" Everyone gave raving reviews on their teachers. "So question Mirio do you guys have a part time job?" Asked Ty
"Yes of course we do have part time jobs we aren't paid for the hero work." Said Tamaki who spoke for the first time that anyone had heard him speak.
"Well my first day at my job and I a bit scared." "Don't be you'll do great." Said Mirio "Oh we also volunteer at a nearby daycare for a bit. Every week you want to sign up." He mentioned nonchalantly. "Um sure we will." Said Midoriya after looking at the others. "Right apply at the website and they will look over it." He then passed them a page and the conversation then sifted to a new topic.

Later in the day during the evening.
They were in the base when Ty came into the lounge wearing a black dress shirt and trousers. He had his hair tied back. "Well time to go to work." he said. "Oh good luck!" everyone said before he teleported out.
"So who's actually going for an interview soon?" Asked min. Everyone present raised their hand!

power ranger elemental beasts (an mha x power rangers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now