Chapter Four - Ms. Green Eyes

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Am I fucking dead? I feel fucking dead.

Everything is light and ... airy? Is that even the right fucking word? I feel like a fucking fairy floating through the universe feeding off of stardust and shit.

There's no way I'm dead.

If I was dead, all of my memories would be flashing before my eyes like a fucking movie, right? That's what everyone always bitches about after near-death experiences.

So... I'm not dead?

But wait, I got shot by that dumbass cop. Fucking pig. That was a bullet straight to the chest, definitely got my lung. There's no way that didn't kill me, right? If it didn't kill me, I would still be feeling the pain, right?

This makes no fucking sense. I'm giving myself a headache trying to figure this out.

Wait, why can I feel small tingles? Is this the stardust? No, it's not stardust you idiot, you're a grown-ass man, get it together. Okay, focus, the fucking tingles. They're in my fingers. Should I move my fingers then?

Wait, I can feel my arms now too. And my feet.

I'm not dead?

These weird-ass tingly things are crashing over me like waves, a bit more of my body coming back alive. I feel a small prick of pain on my left side, kinda close to where I got shot.

I'm not dead!

The prick of pain increases as something moves around in my chest. Hang the fuck on... what's happening? Okay this is really starting to hurt... what tHE FU-

"AHH!" I scream, my eyes flying open. I sit up abruptly, looking at the scene in front of me. I think I'm in a hospital? What the fuck is happening?!

Two large hands grab my shoulders and slam me back down. A shockwave of pain rushes through me as I scream again, wiggling under the hands that hold me down trying to escape. What the fuck?! I'm stronger than these two asshats! The owners of the hands stare down at me, their faces red.

"Somebody fucking help me secure this shit!" a voice yells.
"Well damn, Bob!" another replies. "You should watch your mouth."
"Says you," the other responds.

What the fuck???

A tight pinch adds onto the pain on my side, but the overwhelming pressure that was there is gone. I feel like I can actually get a whole fucking breath in.

"Sir, I would be eternally grateful to you if you could just relax," one of the hand owners says to me, his eyes on mine.

Excuse me? Fuck you!

He slams my body back down onto the bed, knocking the breath out of me, which makes me panic further, thrashing more.

Someone grabs my face, appearing in my vision. She gets close to my face, "Fucking relax!" she yells at me.

What? I stop thrashing and study her face quickly. Who the fuck are you?

She pulls her mask down, "Relax!" she stresses again, but calmer this time.

Holy shit. She's beautiful. I suddenly feel high as a kite as butterflies fill my body. She has the most incredible green eyes. Like... fuck.

Wait... Summer!

I start thrashing again but my energy is fading.

Where the fuck is she?!

Ms. Green Eyes looks up at the room, "Did he come in with anyone?" Her eyes focus outside of the room, past me, somewhere, I don't fucking know. Her brows furrow as she tilts her head, listening to something. Her face relaxes and she looks back down at me, "Hey! Look at me!" she says, grabbing my face again.

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