Chapter Five - Tequila: Part One

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Jet's POV

I tip the shot glass back, feeling the tequila burn my throat as I swallow it down. I double-tap my shot glass on the bar and flip it over. The bartender lifts his eyebrow at me, looking between me and the shot glass. I glare at him, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Alright, relax there, killer," Caroline says, "That was your sixth shot, you might want to slow down."
"Why? Why would I slow down?" I ask her. I have a slight buzz. Slight. Not strong enough yet to make me forget the screams and the blood and the feeling of ribs cracking under my hands as I perform chest compressions, but enough to make it not sting as bad.
"Do you want to end up at work getting your stomach pumped?" she wonders.
She has a point. I would never live that down. "... no," I simply state.
"Then you need to slow down and drink a glass of water," Caroline tells me.

Someone hops up on the bar stool next to me. The familiar smell of his cologne hits my nose before I even have the chance to swing over and look at him.
"Cap and Coke please," Theo says.
I glance over at him. He looks at me. We stare.
Boy, this is so much fun.
"What do you want, Theo?" I mumble. I flip my shot glass back over. The bartender complies, filling it back up with tequila. I throw it back and set it back on the bar. I look at the bartender, who sighs as he fills it back up. I throw that one back and flip the glass upside down again.
"I wanted to apologize," he offers.
"For what?" I wonder.

Theo laughs quietly to himself. Caroline tenses next to me. I flip my shot glass back over. The bartender fills it back up. I throw it back.

"I thought that would be obvious," he sasses.
"Should I leave?" Caroline asks.
"Yes," Theo snaps.
"No, you're perfectly fine where you are," I tell her.
"I would like to talk about what happened earlier," Theo explains.

I finally turn and look at him. His eyes search my face, looking for what? I don't know.

The sound of Jackson's scream fills the air, suddenly cut off. "Get the fuck out of my room!" he spat at me, like I was dog shit on the bottom of his shoe. "Thank you for living," I whispered. "You're okay, just relax," I told him, running my fingers through his perfect brown hair.

"I said some things that were not cool," Theo starts, "but I do think they were necessary and they needed to be said."
I physically pull myself back from him as Caroline chokes on her drink behind me, coughing hard.
"And which part exactly needed to be said?" I challenge.
"That when we're in the hospital, I'm in charge, not you. You're a nurse, I'm a doctor. You're supposed to listen to me," he elaborates.

He doesn't seem to have a problem with me being in charge while I'm riding and he's screaming my name, but whatever. A little submissive bitch in the bedroom and a wannabe dom in the real world. Now that's pathetic.

"Actually, that's no longer the case. Nurses are supposed to work with doctors to provide the best care for their patients. If a nurse feels something is incorrect or a mistake, they can refuse to do it and challenge the doctor to ensure the best outcome. Pretty sure I saved your ass hundreds of times when you were a dumbass resident," I fume.

Who the fuck does he think he is trying to tell me what to do? No one tells me what to do. Fuck that. I dare him to try that shit. It won't end well for him. I'll kick his scrawny ass. I'm a thicker girl but I still have a lot of muscle under all of this flub. Fucking try me, I dare you.

Theo sighs and looks at the bartender and Caroline, "Can we please go somewhere private to talk about this?" he pleads.
"Oh, you didn't want to be private about it earlier when you were shouting it to the entire PACU," I laugh. "You had no problem absolutely humiliating me in front of my patient."
"He wasn't your patient anymore, Jet!" he roars, standing up from his seat and walking closer to me, "I mean, you caught a right hook to the jaw from that dick!"
"He was delirious! He had no idea what was going on! He was fucking scared and I was in his face trying to hold him down so he defended himself! That doesn't mean that's who he is as a human!"
"Jet, yes it fucking does! How are you not understanding this?"
"Theo, you are the one who doesn't understand, you don't get what it's like coming out of anesthesia! He was in pain and he was scared and he wasn't fully awake. He didn't even fucking remember it, jackass! That's not who he was, obviousl-"
"Oh please Jet, don't be so fucking dramatic. You had a crush on him! That's why you stuck around! And he fucking punched you for it! And you still stuck around!"

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