Chapter Thirty - Tequila: Part Two

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"Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, everybody!" I sing along with Lil Jon and everyone else in the bar.

I grab the shot glasses from the bartender, throwing two shots of tequila back like it's my job. I slam the glasses on the bar, licking salt off of my hand and biting the lime Jackson holds for me in his hand as he stares at me in bewilderment. I am zooted and feeling fucking great. The bartender refills my shot glasses. I reach for them but Jackson's hand stops me.

"Whoa, baby, slow down," he laughs.
"Whhyyyy????" I whine, stomping my foot.
"Drink some water, okay? You need to hydrate," he reasons, shoving a glass of water in my direction. I roll my eyes but drink half of it anyways. The cold water actually feels really good against my throat, but I'll never admit that to him. "Good girl. Now we can do more shots."

I let out an excited squeal and giggle as Jackson grabs my wrist, bringing it to his mouth. He licks the underside of my wrist, his eyes locked on mine as my skin bursts into flames of desire underneath his tongue. Aaannndddd my panties are even more wet now. He shoves my wrist into the salt plate, his eyes still on me, my first semicolon tattoo now covered in the salty texture. This makes me giggle again.

What? I'm a giggly drunk. And a lovey drunk. And I will tell you how much I love you in a four-page text message that'll make me cringe in the morning. And I make new best friends in the bathroom usually. And I compliment random hot girls. So what? It's better than being an angry drunk like my dad.

"Can you hold this for me for a second?" Jackson husks, picking up a slice of lime. I nod and go to grab it, but he stops me. "Open." Confused, I open my mouth. He slides the lime between my teeth. "Good girl. Keep it there."

He smirks at me as he grabs the shots from the bar, throwing both of them back. He grabs my wrist, licking and sucking on my skin while groaning, clearing the salt, my semicolon visible again. He then grabs the lime from my mouth with his, some of the juice squirting back at me. He backs away from me, pulling the lime slice out of his mouth, sucking the last of the juice from it, his eyes never leaving mine.

At some point during all of, uh, well, that, my jaw dropped in awe. It remains there as a sudden need to jump his bone overtakes me. He smirks, his thumb running over my exposed hipbone. He knows exactly what he fucking doing to me. And it's working. Yeah... yeah I need to fuck him, right fucking now.

"I have to pee!" I yell over the music.
"Okay, do you want me to grab Caroline or Susie or Adelaide to come with you?" he shouts, starting to look for them around the bar.
"No," I state firmly, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look back at me, "no, I don't."
He furrows his eyebrows, his eyes darting across my face so quickly it makes my head hurt, "But women always pee in pairs, it's like a rule or something, I'm pretty sure."
"I'm not going to be alone," I tell him.
His brows furrow even harder, "But you just said-"
"You're coming with me," I tell him, pulling my bottom lip into my mouth.
His eyebrows shoot up as his eyes widen. "Uh, Jet... we're in public... at a bar..."
"'So?' The tequila is making you brave, you don't even sound like yourself," he explains.
"So, let's take advantage of it!" I exclaim.
"Jet, you can't consent when you're like this," he tells me, bringing my ear close to his mouth. "And with after what happened today with Bohr-"
"Let's not talk about him," I interrupt, pulling back slightly from him so I can whisper in his ear. "And I can consent. I am here, begging you to fuck me in the bathroom. Please, Daddy, come fuck your bride," I pout, biting on my lip while looking at him in the way that I know makes him hard.
He sighs, scratching the back of his neck as he looks around the bar, "You want me to fuck you in the ladies' room of this shit hole bar?"
"Nooooo," I drag, rolling my eyes. "Come on, I have some class you know. I want you to fuck me in the unisex staff bathroom with a lock on the door of this shit-hole bar."
He sighs again, shaking his head in disbelief at me as he laughs lightly at me. "Lead the way, mon ange."

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