Chapter Thirty Four - What It Cost

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Jet's POV

The cool spring morning air dances across my skin, making me shiver. Jackson wraps his flannel around me, smiling at me. I thank him and shove my arms through the sleeves as he pulls me into his body and kisses the top of my head. It smells like him. Cedar and sandalwood. I lean my body into his while groaning, so fucking tired. I'm exhausted, but Caroline needed help setting up for the march and she's done so much for me that I couldn't say no.

"I know, mon ange. But the day is just starting so I need you to fucking rally," Jackson tells me.
"Ugh, I know, but I don't wanna," I whine.
"Listen, baby," he murmurs to me in my ear, "we do this march, sneak away in the middle of it, I take your beautiful ass home and fuck you till sunset. Then I'll make you dinner. We'll take one of those bubble baths you love with the bath bombs. I'll comb out your hair the way I know you love. And then I'll fuck you until sunrise." I can't stop the blush that overtakes my face as my mouth grows into a wide smile. A familiar warmth gathers between my legs and I have to bite my lip to chill myself out. He leans even closer to my ear, his lips brushing against it, "Be a good girl and you'll get all of that and more."

"Where are the damn Planned Parenthood pamphlets about accessible birth control?!" Caroline rages. I turn out of Jackson, who's hand slides down my back and grabs my ass. I shoot him a dirty look as he smiles proudly at me.
"Jackass," I murmur. "They're over here, Caroline. Chill," I tell her, grabbing the stack of pamphlets from the folding table in front of me.
She grabs them from my hand roughly, "Don't tell me to fucking chill."
"Caroline, everything is going exactly to plan. Today's about celebrating this beautiful thing that you've done, try to enjoy it. Just relax," Connor attempts, wrapping an arm around her.

This isn't going to end well for any of us.

She shoves his arm off with a huff, "Fuck! Off! Connor!" she rages.
"Caroline, that's not fair to him and you know it," I intervene.
"I don't need your opinion, Jet," she grumbles.
"Alright, let's relax here," Jackson attempts.
"No one wants you here, Jackson!" she yells. We all fall silent as her words settle on us.

Damn. We went from 0-100 real fucking quick.
Usually Caroline waits at least a few hours before she starts voicing her dislike of Jackson.

"That's not true at all, Caroline," Connor snips, narrowing his eyes.
"Where the fuck do you get off speaking about him like that?" I retort. This has been almost a daily occurrence lately and I'm fucking over it.
"Jet, it's fine-" Jackson starts, grabbing my wrist.
I yank my wrist from his grasp and walk toward Caroline slowly, "What is your fucking problem lately?!"
"Maybe you would fucking know if you bothered to fucking care!" she snaps.
"What the fuck are you talking about?!" I question.
She starts laughing slowly, "You're not nearly as smart as the act you put on for the world is."

Jackson grabs my wrist again as Connor attempts to pull Caroline back by the shoulders. We both snap out of their grasps, practically fucking snarling at each other.

"I can't know if something is wrong unless you talk to me," I argue.
"Well maybe I would if you didn't completely fucking toss me to the side now that you have a boyfriend!" she thunders.
"That's what this is about? The fact that I've been spending my free time with Jackson? Are you fucking serious?! Sorry that I'm fucking happy for once in my damn life!"
"Don't even try to play that card on me! Don't you dare try to say I'm not happy that you're happy! I'm just saying, it would be nice to spend some time with you occasionally... you know... like friends are supposed to do!"
"Jealousy is an ugly thing on you."
"I could say the same thing about ignorance on you."
"Oh, now I'm ignorant? Please, educate me on why I'm ignorant."
"You're so fucking blind, Jet! You think he loves you?! You're just another easy lay to him."

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