Chapter Twenty Six - Crimson

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"Code blue. Fourth floor. Med Surg. Bed 22. Code blue. Fourth floor. Med Surg. Bed 22. Code blue. Fourth floor. Med Surg. Bed 22."

I groan loudly as I'm pulled from my sleep. Someone kisses the top of my head. I freeze, stiffening my body as my eyes shoot open.

"Relax, baby, it's me," Jackson coos, brushing my hair out of my face.
I raise my head off of his chest, blinking a few times to adjust my eyes to the land of the living. Jackson smiles at me, his hand running up and down my back. I smile back and kiss him softly, our dry lips meeting. "I thought last night was a dream for a minute there," I mumble, sleep laced thick in my voice.
"No, mon ange, it was not a dream," he hums, brushing my hair out of my face. I nod, resting my head back down on his bare chest.
"I love you," I murmur.
"And I love you," he echoes.

My eyes flutter shut again as the sound of his breathing pulls me back to sleep. I'm almost totally konked out when a loud pounding on the door forces me awake. I groan even louder, making it clear that I'm pissed the fuck off, as I bury my face into Jackson's neck. The pounding continues, getting louder and more intense with each second.

"Oh, for fucks sake!" I huff.
"I got it baby, stay in bed," Jackson offers, shuffling his body out from under me. He tosses the pillow at me from where it fell last night. I giggle, catching it before it smacks me in the face. He smiles at me, grabbing his boxers from the floor and pulling them on. He shakes his head at me and then drops his smile scary fast, his normal resting bitch face taking over, his eyes hardening, making him seem cold and ruthless. He slides the lock and opens the door. "What?" he spits.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I hear Theo ask. Great. This is totally gonna end well.
"I could ask you the same thing. Can I fucking help you with something?" Jackson growls, towering over Theo, leaning towards him to make him feel small and insignificant. I mean, Theo is 6'0" so he's tall, but muscles are not a thing for him, so he looks like a string bean.
"Well, it's almost time for Jet's shift to start..." Theo drags, backing away from Jackson. His eyes float down Jackson's frame, widening to the point of almost falling out of his damn head when he sees Jackson's morning wood. I snicker, watching Jackson roll his shoulders back and lift his chin. I can practically see his arrogance just from looking at his back.

I admire the tattoo that takes up every square inch of skin on his back. An angel- no wait... that's Icarus. He has a thing for Greek mythology too? There are beams of sunshine cast across his neck, melting into his shoulders, where the horizon over the sea rests on his upper back. Icarus soars towards the sun, feathers falling from him with drops of melted wax mixed in. In Icarus' reflection in the water, you see a demon mirrored, his wings like those of a bat. His talons reach for Icarus as he screams. Skulls litter the bottom of the tattoo in piles, Persephone's crown resting on top of one of the piles with a pomegranate cracked open. It's absolutely fucking beautiful. Light and dark. Angels and demons. Self-destruction in the name of the image displayed to the world.

"Okay, Jet's a big girl, she can handle herself," Jackson argues, crossing his arms as he flexes the muscles in his back.
"I just wanted to make sure she didn't oversleep. Sounded like she was up pretty late last night," Theo spits.
"Oh, did you hear her last night?" Jackson asks, sounding dumbfounded. A blush overtakes my cheeks as I bury myself under the blankets, hiding from Theo's gaze.
"The whole hospital heard her," Theo grumbles.
"Oh, sorry about that! Guess she just can't help it. She loses control when I make her feel so good. She's a screamer when she cums. Well, you should know that though..." Jackson drags, scratching the back of his neck. "Oh wait... I forgot... you never made her cum. That's a shame. She's a squirter."
"Jackson Alexander!" I exclaim, shoving the blanket off of my face to stare at him.

"Kinky as fuck too. Honestly, she's the best fuck I've ever had. I'm not quite sure what you were doing wrong with her because there's no way you could ever hear her really moan and not want that beautiful noise to continue over and over as she slowly starts screaming your name and sinks her nails into your back and bites her lip as she squirts all over you. When she cums on you, god, there's nothing like it. So how the fuck did you ever stop fucking her because I can't get enough," Jackson husks.
"Jackson!" I chide.
"Am I wrong?" Jackson challenges. I hide my face again.
"I don't need this shit. Can you please just tell Jet to get her ass to the ER for her shift?" Theo scolds.
"I can fucking hear you, Theo," I snap.
"Fuck you, Jet!" Theo quips.
"Already did that," Jackson responds. "Now, get the fuck out of my face before I lay your ass out for speaking disrespectfully to her."

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