Chapter Thirty Six - Take Me First

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Jackson's POV

"You're sure you're alright?" I ask Heath, looking at the graze wound on his arm.
"I'm fine, seriously," he nods.
"Well, at least go get it looked at by triage," I tell him, securing the gauze over the bleeding skin.
"Okay, Dad," he grumbles, rolling his eyes.
"Jackson!" a familiar voice booms. I turn to find the director walking toward me in an expensive suit and top-of-the-line gas mask.
"Sir," I greet, sticking my hand out to shake his. He has gloves on as he shakes my hand. A cool chill runs down my spine as the hair on the back of my neck stands up.

Something is wrong here.

"You did it. You got them," he says. "Genious technique, using Connor's girlfriend's march as a coverup."
"Sir, that's not at all what happened here," I tell him, feeling myself getting frustrated as my anxiety surges. Where's Jet?
"And to think that I ever doubted you and your ability. You showed me up, just like you always do," he chuckles. "I knew I could count on you to get this taken care of."

Is he fucking kidding me right now?

"Sir, I mean no disrespect, but you are taking this much lighter than you should be," I criticize. I look past his shoulders, trying to find her. Panic courses through me with every passing second that I don't see her.
"Was this not your plan?"
"No!" I shout, my eyes suddenly on him as my anger hits a boiling point.
"It wasn't?" he wonders, his brows furrowing and head tilting to the side.
"Not at all! This was a fucking terrorist attack! People are dead! There's a fucking poisonous gas floating around! Civilians died!" I exclaim, becoming aware of the fact that I'm using my hands to exaggerate.
"Now, Jackson-"
"No! How can you count this as a win when so many people are dead and hurt? And if they somehow made it out without any physical injuries, god knows they're fucked for life mentally."

Anger continues to bubble in me, replacing any last feelings of fear. I was scared. Now I'm just pissed. They shot Jet. They could have killed her. And the director thinks it's a genius plan, well executed with innocent blood spilled over our hands. He doesn't give a fuck that all of these people are hurt, that families lost beloved members today, that children became orphans that will be thrown into the broken system that almost took me from the world. He doesn't give a single fuck about anything but the things that will make him look good.

"You need to look at this objectively. Yes, some innocent people died, but think of how many lives you saved!" he smiles. "I know that this seems really bad, but you'll look back on this day in a little bit and be happy. You'll realize how much of a difference you truly made. You'll see it the way I do."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I spit. I roll my eyes, catching Jet in the corner of my vision, a man with a red armband running up behind her. Wait, what?! I look back to Jet, my hand going to my hostler to grab my gun. "Jet! No!" I scream, trying to warn her, taking off in a sprint toward her.

Everything happens in slow motion as my heart stills in my chest.

A millisecond of confusion passes over her face as the guy presses his gun into her side and fires. I raise my gun and fire a single headshot, his dead body falling limp as his brains scatter on the ground. Her face contorts in pain as she falls to the ground, a scream of pain escaping her mouth as the sound of her head smacking the concrete sends a shiver down my spine. Her eyes are locked on mine the entire time.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" I scream, watching her eyes close slowly. I finally get to her, practically throwing myself on the ground next to her. I grab her face roughly, "Jet, baby, come on, open your eyes, please!" I beg.

Her eyes struggle to open just a bit, rolling to the back of her head as she passes out. "Hey! Hey! Jet! Come back! Come on, please?!" I beg her desperately. My fingers fumble to find her pulse on her neck. It's there. It's fast and weak, but it's there. "Jet! Please! Don't do this, just look at me! Please!" Tears obscure my vision as her face stays unmoving and her eyes remain closed. I rest my hands on her cheeks, waiting for her to lean into them like she always does. But, she doesn't. "Please!" I scream. I pull her into my lap, cradling her unmoving body as indescribable fear overtakes me.

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