Chapter Twenty Nine - Reunion

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Jet's POV

What the fuck did he just say?!

"W- what?!" I fumble, completely fucking shocked. "What the fuck did you just say to me?"
"Marry me," he says again, his voice a little more sure this time.
"Jackson, we have been together like a little bit more than a month-"
"Marry me." He grabs my hands as his are shaking.
"We keep rushing things, we need to slow down-" I reason.
"Marry me."
"I- I-"
"Marry. Me."

He stares me down, his amber eyes locked on me unmoving. Everything in the world pauses. Babies stop crying, hospice patients stop dying, concerts fall silent, movies stop playing, birds stay suspended in the air with still wings, the sun stops setting. The world stutters on its axis as it comes to a grinding halt. A collective, sharp gasp has been inhaled by every person on earth as they await my answer to him.

Do I want to marry him? Yes. 100% yes. I've known that since the first time we really kissed, since his eyes landed on mine. Ever since that night that I held him down, told him to relax, told him he was safe, he has held a permanent residence in my mind. I mean, I was even thinking about him while fucking Theo. But love at first sight isn't fucking real and this is the real world and shit like this only happens in romance movies and books. I don't make rash decisions like this. I'm methodical. I'm sure. I'm well-planned and well-thought-out. I don't act on impulse.

But I also trust my instincts more than anything else in this world. It's what makes me such a great nurse. Caroline says it's because I'm an "empath" but I can just feel energy shifts and changes and can predict the way that things are going to go down almost to the exact detail. I remember arguing with Dr. Evans one night about a feeling I had about a patient that came in with seemingly no symptoms. I told him that she was going to hemorrhage internally and we would be coding her within an hour. 45 minutes later she had a full-blown aortic dissection and was being rushed to the OR as I rode the bed doing compressions. Ever since that night, what I say is what goes, and no one questions it. It has yet to steer me wrong.

Sandy used to tell me all the time that if your heart knows something is right, you'll feel it in your whole body. She used to tell me about how she knew on the second date with her husband that they were made for one another and that he knew it the moment he saw her. She said if your entire body is screaming yes but your brain is screaming no, that's just your fear talking.

Fear has ruled my life for too long. My need for approval from everyone has dictated every decision I've ever made. I want to be a stupid girl in love with a boy who fucks up sometimes and makes mistakes and loves fiercely and stumbles and falls but gets back up again. I want to live my life, not watch it from the sidelines. I want to call the shots from now on.

"Y-yes," I stammer. Jackson's eyes widen. I let out the breath that is shaking, I let out the fear I feel so deeply rooted inside of me. "Yes, Jackson. I will marry you."
"Seriously?!" he marvels, practically shouting at me.
"Seriously," I repeat, feeling a new sort of high that I've never felt before. Like I'm walking on stardust while drinking a dopamine cocktail. Like the first time you ever listened to your favorite song.
"You're being dead-ass serious right now?" he stammers.
"Cross my heart and hope die," I state.
"You want to marry me?" he whispers, eyes wide, tears licking the brim of them.
"Nothing would make me happier," I gush as my smile grows so wide that my cheeks begin to ache.

Without warning, Jackson tackles me, his lips meeting mine. We fall back onto the bed laughing into one another. He attacks my face and neck with little pecks, making me giggle uncontrollably. He flips us over so I'm lying on top of him, his arms pulling me as close to him as they can. I kiss him again, craving the pressure of his lips against mine.

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