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time skip

at night YN and yeonjun took their leave and decided to went to the night club which they planned on morning. they went straight to club after cafeteria that's why they had their casual dresses. they went inside the club but their bad luck,Jungkook was also there.he got her information and now he knew very well that what he had to do.they two went to the counter and sat on the chairs and start tossing their glass of soju 
YN: I am sooo happy. I am very excited for jimin's concert u know I already but ticket online in advance. want to come?

yeonjun: (fake anoyyed) no enjoy ur jimin 

but then she hugged her from side

YN: AAAA!! c'mon we will do fun (puppy eyes)

yeonjun: (blushed) but......

YN: puuuuuzzzzzzzzzzz (pout)

yeonjun: ok fine u always win with ur puppy eyes and pout

he crasses YN hairs

they both were enjoying but someone was looking them with deadly eyes
                      jk pov

I was sitting on the sofa in the club sipping my wine. there were many sluts who was trying to impress me but I don't give a shit to them. my work is to find people weakness and use them with that and then they are just a rubbish for me. it's fun to see how people beg to me. I love when people got scared and begged from me for their precious life. I was sipping my wine when someone caught my eyes."YN"!!!
she is here with that blue hair guy named as yeonjun.but I think I have to do my work now

jk: (to his men) go and took that girl here

I want her. she is mine. she is already mine from the time I saw her. she is my property.i want her with the tag of my name. she is JEON JUNGKOOK'S property

the two men went toward them. they simply went to YN and try to drag her with them this was so strange and sudden. yeonjun punched one of the men on his face but the other caught him the people was watching them.yeonjun try to free himself to save YN but the man punched him on his stomach

YN: (angry) (loud) hey who are u? leave me ... hey stop it u bastard .. I will kill u .. leave me

she try to free her self but then Jungkook came towards her with his one hand in pocket

yn: Mr JEON??.......

he signal his guard to free her and they did so yeonjun was still trying to free him self. yn was about to went toward yeonjun but Jungkook caught her from her wrist

YN: (angry) what kind of behavior this is Mr JEON?? leave my hand and my frnd...

jk: call me Jungkook princes..

yeonjun: leave her hand u bastard (loud)

YN: mind ur language Mr JEON and leave my frnd

jk: be mine!!!!!

YN: what (shocked)

jk: yes!! be mine u know u are mine from that time I saw u .....

YN: what the hell u are saying?? what is this ?how can u say these things to some one ??

jk: listen !! YN u have to accept the fact that u are my property now and no one can't have an eye on JEON property

YN: listen Mr JEON, first of all stop these non sense.stop ur shits and leave my friend

yeonjun: leave her u asshole.......(loud)

jk: I already said u I am not mr JEON, ...JUNGKOOK is only for u and u know it is very easy for me to take what I want and when it's come to what mine's then I can destroy every thing to achieve what's mine

YN: (shout) stop ur non sense. I am not a slut who will became greedy of ur money or gave myself to u I am not interested in u and I don't give a shit that who are you leave my hand

he let her hand go

jk: oh so my angel is bold enough to shout well I like bold women I like ur boldness but u know it will be a sec for me to broke ur boldness and ruin ur innocence u know I will destroy anything to achieve u I can destroy u too to make u mine I will.....

SLAP!!! >>>>>

she slapped him which make everyone wonder. he got too much angry his guard came to caught her but ho signelled them to stop

jk: baby u did a great mistake so just wait for the conclusion that what will I do now. u are not only I want U ARE MY OBSESSION AND I CAN GO TOO FAR FOR THIS (smirk)

YN: u are a sick man. let go yeonjun

she grabbed yeonjun arm and went out side while she was burning in anger how can someone talked these kind of shit with her. she did not realize that what she did with him without knowing who he is. yeonjun try to calm her

yeonjun: how can a person like that. he is a crazy man I am sorry YN I was the one who said to came here I am really sorry

YN: no no it's ok I was the one who agreed

they two went to their home yeonjun walked her to her apartment.

YN: wanna grab a coffee

she said while standing at her door

yeonjun: I said u go u need rest go and don't try to came tomorrow

YN: b- but........

he pushed her inside her apartment carefully and close the door from outside

yeonjun: bye cupcake rest well

he sat down outside of her apartment door

yeonjun: (sigh) how I confess my feelings that I love u. I am afraid that might u will reject me

a lone tear fall from his eyes and after some time he went to his house


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