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She left him dead in an alive body.


He was smirking at her......

She fell on the floor on her knee in regretion. Tears were continously flowing from her eyes.The bullet didn't come from the gun from the first.he was smirking on her while he also had tears in his eyes.all the time he was doing acting.he was not sleeping from the first.he sense something fishy in her behavior before when she was behaving different

Flash back

When she went to washroom,he was already doubting something fishy in her behavior. A corner of his mind was doubting that she was near the library.cuz a cup was placed in table near library and another was in kitchen.other she was behaving different on nothing.she went to washroom and he went to the wardrobe to took his night suit.when he was taking his night suit he saw something odd. The arrangements of things was looking a bit different.his watch that he placed on the table was on another table.his and her some clothes arrangement were also change mean they was not on the same order like before.in anger she hang the clothes back but she forgot to hang then in the same order like before.in anger she did another big mistake.he was so clever enough to remember things....
And the most biggest thing why some of her clothes were placed fold when they had to hanging in the cupboard?..
From there he was feeling something more fishy.


He thought in his mind.he was active now

He came out and unfortunately the bedsheet was fold from a corner.so he decided to make it right. He decided to make their bed and blanket.he opened the blanket and spread it all over the bed so he and she can took it. He thought that maybe she is tired that's why she is behaving like this......And later he came toward pillow side.the pillows were in right place but he was making the whole bed so he didn't mind to place them again.
She was in the bathroom unknown with the things that will be going next.
His eyes got wide.he was so shocked to see a loaded gun under her pillow.
Why she had a gun? Where she found it? What is she going to do?what is running in her mind?? His mind was full of questions. Later his mind start working.he was arrangeing all the things in his minds.he was unknown that she heared his conversation and misunderstood.he thought that she was behaving so well so she can escape......

Both was misunderstood.......

An idea came into his mind.he thought to see what she will do with the gun and what she will do after so he pulled out all the bullets from the gun so no one will hurt and put the gun back at its place.also he locked the door from inside and put the key in a chain and wear it in his neck.In confusion and fear she didn't not check the bullets that time.she was just thinking the time when she first check the gun when it had bullets.one thing about which he was sure that she doesn't hate him that's why she didn't pulled the trigger that time when he was sleeping(but he was not sleeping).now he knew the reason why she pulled out a gun.she misheard his conversation and thought that he was going to kill yeonjun and she decided to kill him(jungkook) and ran away....
But he ruined her plan but he was sad that she still don't trust him and care about yeonjun.she can talk to him but she didn't
This was hurting him so hard and he was angry too cuz what happened if he didn't went to wardrobe,he didn't make the bed,if he didn't see the gun and didn't take out the bullets.what if he lose her for really??

Flash back end

What will happen next? Do u think things will get better between them?
Wait for _______🌚🌚

To be continued 🥀 🥀🥀

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