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saying this he called his guards and ordered them to bring someone
and after seeing the person she got shocked.her eyes were shoot open and she sout like a crazy woman

YN: YEONJUN!!!!!!!!!!!

he was injured again.blood was flowing from his head and body.he was looking so weak and he was coughing and his face was covered with blood

jk: u like ur gift princess?(smirk) now sign the paper or see him dead

seeing him in this condition she got panicked.she was worried and crying like a mad.she try to ran toward her but jk pulled her with her wrist causing her to bump into his hard chest.she tried hard to free her self but failed.

jk: now sign this paper or see him dead.but remember I will make u sign this paper in both condition so be a good girl and help ur lover to survive his presious life otherwise I will shoot directly in his head.....

flash back

yeonjun was laying in the floor lifelessly.he was holding some pics of him and YN together.he was not in good condition.after Jungkook took YN,he became ill.he started skipping his meals and his job and he started drinking a lot every night.after discharging from hospital he try to find YN too much but he can't.he even try to took help from police but no one listened him after listening JUNGKOOK'S name.and suddenly his door open and some men came towards him

yeonjun: w-who are u ?? how u came in??

but nxt moment his blood boiled seeing a man in front of him


he ran toward him.he punched Jungkook faced causing his lip to bleed but his guard caught him.he tried to free himself but guards were strong

jk: aish my lip

he touched his lip and saw his blood on his finger

after he punched yeonjun face causing his nose to bleed.

jk: how dare u to touch me huh?
he again punched him on stomach

yeonjun: do whatever you want but if something happens to my YN then I will kill u

jk: (chuckles) do u think u can do anything to me.more ever about yn she is living with me and she is very happy with me.she don't want got it into ur head forgot her and leave this country.u are so lucky that I didn't kill u consider this ur last chance and leave this country....

yeonjun: YN is not that kind of girl.i know she can't betray me.she love only me.u are lying.(chuckle) I know she only loves me

jk: I want u for some thing after go and leave that country

yeonjun: and if i will never (smirk)

his nose and lip were bleeding but he was still brave

jk: then I have my ways

yeonjun: u Mr JEON Jungkook do whatever you want.u can forced her but u can't took her heart forcefully and u know Mr JEON Jungkook it's really sad for u that I was her first kiss not u (smirk)

a hard punch on his face and stomach

even he was beaten up but he was still acting brave.

jk: took him to the basement........

flash back end

she don't want to sign she can't destroy her life with her own hands but what she can do? she have to save yeonjun.she want to save his life she don't want him to die due to need sacrifices and both want to sacrifice she decided to caged with him forever and he want to vanish.he want to save her but how can?? fate was not with him.he was miserable.he was not able to make eye contact with her cuz of shame that he was not able to save her


JK: WHAT? (raise one brow).

YN: after this u will never involve him between us.never mean never.and never try to hurt him

jk: as ur order princess

YN: and leave me plz for 5 min I want to go to him

jk: no this can't

YN: plz I will sign but for only 5 min plz

he dont want to but seeing her crying face his heart melt and he loosen his grip
and after she immediately ran toward him and hugged him like he will leave her.he hugged her back.his blood spread on her shirt.

yn; I am sorry I am so sorry.bcuz of me u are in this condition plz forgive me baby (crying)

yeonjun: (smile) no YN it's not ur fault I thought God don't want us together but u know I will love u forever.

she kissed  multiple on his face without worrying that it's covered with blood.

she took his face in her small hands

YN: I am really sorry yeonjun I betray u plz I am really sorry I cheated u.ur YN is not a good friend or not a good women (crying like a mad)

he hugged her

yeonjun: u are not bad u are so loyal YN don't be sorry.its my fault that I was not able to save u (chuckle) u are very loyal and good in my sight.i love u and will love u forever angel.

YN: plz don't say this I am sorry

Jungkook was jealous with all this but he bear

jk: time up

he pulled her with him.while she was trying to free her self

YN: leave me just 1 min plz (crying)

jk: sign the papers or see him dead

YN: no no plz no I am doing but don't hurt him

at this Jungkook gave him a pen with a smirk in his face while she hold it.her eyes were swallow.she again saw yeonjun who's head was low trying to not make eye contact with him he was crying
she saw Jungkook and said herself

YN: I am sorry YN for everything

after she signed the paper and busrt into tears...............

she loss.she loss she is nothing just a puppet.she sacrifice her freedom,her emotions.her feelings,her will,her life,her soul,her body,her every thing.she is now caged with that devil for forever.
yeonjun passed out due to his injuries and guard took him out side from mension to hospital.

he came towards her and hugged her.sje didn't pushed him cuz she was not in her sense right now

jk:(smile) good girl princess now we are husband and a good wife to ur husband ok.u know I have another good news for u,we will get marry officially after a week.after we will become official husband and wife I am very excited.I love u my wifeu.

later she don't know when she felt asleep





^⁠_(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥


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