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he again tied her hands that he opened sometimes ago and shout at maids don't dare to open the door.he closed all the lights and went out,leaving her cry alone

he went to his car and start driving in too much speed that may cause accident but he is professional (offcourse he is Jungkook). after the drive of 30 minutes he went to a mountain he decided to went to a good place that's why he decline to meet Mr park he went to a mountain and sat there on a bench. there was the whole complete view of big Seoul from that mountain that mountain was the largest mountain of Seoul
[now plz don't think that why there is a mountain in Seoul when it's plain area... as u guys know plain areas have mountain but they are greeny and look like parks and some are like sand mountain which have dry soil plus greenery]

the sun was setting down and very few stars were twinkling in the sky that was making the sky more beautiful.he was sitting on the bench thinking about his mother and a lone tear escape from his eye. he was crying yes he was crying.although he was a powerful mafia who had no fear from anyone who is so hard and strong but for his family he was Soo weak weak like a glass for his beloved one he was Soo soft and kind.the day he lost everything the day when his whole world die brutly.he was missing his mom and thinking about her yn at the same time.he love her but she hate him made his heart ach.the way she said him womanizer made his heart broke into pieces.it was true that he met women but after YN he stop every thing even stop seeing women.he lost interest in women. he was crying cuz of his mom and cuz of YN.he had mixed feelings.

jk: (crying) I wish I never saw u YN .....

he did not saw her first in cafe. he already saw her somewhere else and then he start remembering that beautiful day when he first saw his angel

flash back

it was spring season.the cherry blossom tree were felling their pink leaves.he was sitting near a grave.his sight was blurry due to tears. he was crying in front of his mother who was sleeping peacefully.it was her death anniversary that's why he came to met his mother.even he was so powerful and heartless but he was so soft for his family.his mother killed brutally which he was hiding in himself.he want to tell his pain he want someone to heal him but there is no one except YN but there is a reason too that she is not ready to accept him.although he took revenge but now no one can brought his mother back.
after spending some more time he decided to leave but when he was about to leave he saw a girl sitting between two graves on a little long distance that he can saw her clearly.she was crying and her eyes and nose were puffy and she was holding flowers which she placed on her chest with her both hands.she was continously crying.seeing her don't know but his heart ach.he felt something new in his heart.he killed many people who begged and cry in front of him for their lives but he never felt this kind of feeling before.he felt a big thump in his heart.he was wondering that his eyes become soften seeing a girl and he was wondering to felt a new strange feeling.his heartbeat became fast that he don't know why.he want to go to that girl want to hold her hands in his and want to give her a hug want to cresses her back and said her that don't cry he want to wipe her tears but unknownly he didn't lift up his feet.he want to go to her but he was not stepping.why? is it bcuz that God don't want them together yet is it fate that God want them to be together after? or his mom want his son's good?he saw her once more and then went to his car direction even he don't want to leave her alone in the cemetery among her dead parents.but after 3 years he again saw her .saw her in the cafe that same innocent and pretty face, that big and bright doe eyes,and heart shape glossy and rossy lips.he again felt his heartbeat became fast.he remembered.... he remembered everything..... remembered her every features.she is still like 3 years before.fragile like before, innocent like before.angel like before.he didn't forget her he remembered her face and now after 3 years that face is again Infront of him with a big charming smile with a strawberry scent in her body.this time he don't want to lose her he don't want to left her now he want her he want to do all those things that he want to do 3 years ago he want to make her his now he want to hold her he want to took her in his embrace forever.he already had eyes in her he was already bounded with her 3 years ago but fate want them to be together now. he want her and he did ..........

end flash back




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