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I woke up and found myself in a luxury room the room was decorated with black wallpaper. the room was fully luxurious and furnished. the bed was of king size and was comfortable.

I was suffering from a bad headache due to cry last night also my neck is paining bcuz they injected something

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I was suffering from a bad headache due to cry last night also my neck is paining bcuz they injected something.i was worried about yeonjun. he shoot his leg he hurt him I hate u Jungkook I hate u with my whole heart. it's a bit relief that yeonjun is in hospital but what I supposed to do now.I want to ran away from him.yes YN u have to ran away from this physco. I supposed to have a happy life with yeonjun but I end up here. but what I could do at that time I had to save yeonjun from this devil. but what I do I accepted just to save yeonjun but now I don't want to ruin my life but suddenly I got interrupted by the door unlocking sound and tears started forming on my eyes after seeing the person.he came out from washroom.

jk: good morning princess..did my princess slept well?(smirk) see princess this is my...nah.... correction....our bedroom.
u like it right??

she was just watching him with teary eyes

he slowly started coming toward me and I started to back off on the bed

YN:I-i a-am s-saying you d-dont c-came -near-me I-am-warning you

but he was still coming.she standup from bed and try to ran but he caught her in no sec.sje tired to free her self but he was strong

YN: (trying to free) I said leave me (loud)

jk: (shout)shh of u try to move once more then u will be responsible for my nxt move.....

his shout made her flinched and she stop moving bcuz she can't trust him he can do anything.he put her in corner of bed and sat to her level. he held her both hands but she pulled them back. tears were in her eyes. he pulled up her face to faced his

jk: see!! I already told u that u are mine. U are my property. I already told u that there is no escape from me so remind all this in ur head. u was the one who forced me to do these things with u cuz I already gave u a chance

YN: (crying) why are u doing this with me? I don't want any chance when I don't want to live with u. I did nothing to u why are u doing this

jk: bcuz I love u u caught my attention that no one did before

YN: but I don't love u I don't want to live with u

and that's make him angry

jk: (shout) see I am controlling myself too much. I am trying to being nice with u but I think u want to see the real me!! don't make things hard for me and u u are fucking mine took this into ur head that's it

YN: plz let me go (crying)

jk: stop it and go fresh up and then took ur breakfast

YN: no I don't want to I want to go home (crying) I dont want to be here plz leave me

jk: I already said go don't make me repeat

YN: but what u did with yeonjun where is he you shoot him u hurt him where is he ?

hearing yeonjun name his blood boiled he want to calm himself but she was making the situation hard.he held her both shoulder and jerked them while she tried to free herself

jk: (shout) I am warning u first and last time to not to mention him Infront of me i was trying to handle everything carefully but I think you really need punishment

she got flinched with his shout tears were rolling down from her eyes

YN: I-i a-am sorry.p-plz- don't -h-hurt- m-me i-i-a-am r-really-s-sorry

she started hiccupping,seeing her condition,he got soften.he felt guilty on making this condition of her

time skip

after taking shower she went to wardrobe and got wondered seeing all expensive clothes she got shocked after seeing the price tag.sje wear a simple white over sized hood and jeans.
she was looking in mirror thoughting how miserable she is now but a knock made her to came out of her thoughts

maid: ma'am sir snd me to u he is calling u downstairs for breakfast

she came out and saw a maid who was waiting for her.she passed a smile to YN and she smiled back but a sad smile

maid: u are looking beautiful ma'am. my name is hana and I am the head maid here. sir is calling u for breakfast

YN: don't call me ma'am my name is YN

maid: but we are not allowed.sor strictly ordered us to call you ma'am

YN: (sigh) fine

maid: ma'am sir is calling u for breakfast

yn: said him that I don't want to....

maid: b-but ma'am sir will be angry

YN: plz unnie try to understand (sad)

at this the maid went downstairs and informed Jungkook hearing this he got angry and went upstairs himself and found her sitting on bed

jk: why did not u came when I called u??

YN: I don't want to eat

jk: come and eat it breakfast

YN: I said I don't want to

jk: don't make me repeat YN (a bit loud)

YN: what is now u want me here that it's I am here now what the thing is bothering u. You just want me here now what matter that I ate or not.....

jk: MATTER?? u are saying what matter to me ? listen YN ur presence,ur soul,ur body and ur everything matter to me. what u eat or what u do everything is my responsibility now

YN: I am not ur puppet or slave

jk: I am saying last time otherwise consicuous will be worst....

but she was still sitting

jk: (shout) stand up and come with me

he held her arm and took her downstairs for breakfast.

after breakfast she went to the room again and he locked the door from outside bcuz he don't want to took a risk although the mansion was fully secure with guards. he strictly ordered the maid not to open the door just once for lunch and insure that she took her lunch properly and help her if she need something or call him of something happened after he went to taehyung office.





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