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nxt morning

she got up and found her self alone in his royal room.jungkook already left for his office offcourse he is busy person more he can't be with her all time.he is a mafia and a bussiness man he have too much works to do.she got up and massage her eyes.she was all broke after last they are married.he is her husband there is no escape.she can't do any thing now.she is caged with him now.sje was regretting not to ran away before but what she can do,all she spent her whole day in a same room locked up and getting she can't do anything.she is just a puppet.she decided to take a warm shower to calm her self and her she went for a shower and after she sat on the bed and start reading book.he bought her some books to read to break her was good for her cuz she like reading books.she was reading it just to divert her mind.after some time the door opened revelling maid with food.she didn't argue with maids cuz she know there is no use of skipping she was used to it.sje was doing her breakfast while an idea came into her mind.although it was risky but she decided to try for once

YN: can u help me?


meanwhile Jungkook was busy doing his work in laptop in his office.he was working with many files, scrolling them while typing while this he felt need to call someone.he tried to found his phone but later he remembered that he forgot his phone in his study room before coming to office.first he thought to order his man to brought his phone but the thought of his precious wife came into his mind so he decided to went himself so he can saw his heartbeat cuz he left her sleeping.unknownly a bright smile came in his lips.he went to his car drove to his mansion.

YN: can u help me?

maid: what happened u want something?

YN: c-can u give me ur phone for sometime?

hearing this her face turned pale.

maid: I-i can't.if sir got to knew about this then he will kill me

YN: plz it's a little request.jist for 5 min.plz my life will destroy plz help me

maid: no no I can't of he got to know then it will be my last day no ma'am I can't he is so dangerous if something happens then it will be bad for both of us

YN: plz eomma u are like my mother plz u also know that my life will destroy of I do nothing plz.more he is not here so no one will tell him it will be on between u and me only.if something happens then I will save u it's a promise.

she insisted too much but the maid didn't accept but at last she accepted

maid: ok then only for 5 mins I am outside of something happens I will knock the door

YN: thank u soooo much

after she dailed Mr park no.on it.she try 3 time but he didn't picked obviously he is a mafia so he don't received unknown calls.she was regretting that why she didn't took help from Mr park from the start as he know jungkook so he can help her but poor she ,she don't know that Mr park know from the start that Jungkook love her
after 3 tries he picked the call

YN: h-hello -U-uncle park I am YN

Mr park: oh YN when u changed ur no.?

Jungkook took his phone from his study room and now took his step to stairs to saw his princess.he went upstairs and seeing him sheiver came in maids body and she started trembling.sje was scared to death and due to fear she don't had gut to knock at door also Jungkook will got fishy of her action.
jungkook saw her gestures and he already felt something fishy so he immediately open the door.
after seeing him she got a sudden heart attack.she started sheivering and due to this the phone fell from her hands.seeong a phone in her hand he got super angry.he picked the phone and put it on speaker

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