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yeonjun; I don't want to leave u but u have to go to Busan I wish I could come with u but I can't. let's go to the bus station. took my phone I will call u time to time with another phone

they two went to bus station they bid a good bye and she went to her place and yeonjun returned back untill the bus start.
she was sitting on the bus thoughting what to do now what will happen?how to get rid of this JEON tattoo which he made on her neck? she got a relief that now she is save
the bus was still in Seoul limits. she was thinking about yeonjun.imaganing her life with him but she got interrupted when the bus stopped bcuz 4 black cars were blocking the way of bus she saw some men wearing all black coming in the bus. the men took out all the person from the bus one by one at gun point. she got scared by all the scene all people were scared.2 men came and stand in front of her that make her scared but suddenly she saw Jungkook coming out from one black car like a king. seeing this her soul almost left her body she was shocked and start trembling. Jungkook entered in the bus. the people and media started making video but his men did three shoots in air which make everyone to ran for their precious life. he entered the bus and went toward her small trembling scared figure. anger was shown in his face. she was crying he came an sat to her level. he slide his gun on her jawline which made her cry more hard

jk: shh don't cry angel I can't see tears in ur eyes

he wiped her tears with his thumb

jk: trying to ran from me when I already warned u? I already said that there is no escape from me but look what u did.i already said u to come to me by ur own but seem that u did not understand my words u try to ran and now u urself force me to use my ways u try to ran I gave u a week but u disobeyed me why are u behaving like a bad girl and now I will use my ways now I will do whatever I want ..........

she was crying hard she was backing of on her seat

YN: W-why a-are u d-doing this with me plz I am sorry to slap u plz f-forgive me plz l- leave me

jk: first of all don't cry and second I already said u that I forgot the slap already I want you that why I said u to come to me by ur own will but u did not behaved well

YN: W-why d-do u w-wamt m-me ? plz leave me

jk: bcuz I love u that's why

he try to explain

YN: plz let me go (crying hard)

jk: but angel u disobey me means that u nearly betrayed me yah almost betrayed don't u think??

YN: crying hard***

he came closer to her ear and whisper while she try to back off

jk: (whisper) u know what happened when someone betray or disobey me??

he crasses her hair

and then he suddenly shot a guard direct in his head behind him making her jump on her place. she scream due to fear

jk:  he was supporting other mafia while with my side, leaking my important project and other things but poor him I got to know about him bcuz he was living in the world that I made so simply I was the owner who knew everything and he betrayed me and see what is the result to betray me ...........(smiling)

his smiling on this incident making her more scared

YN: (crying hard) p-plz I-i am sorry p-plz d-dont k-kill me... I am really s-sorry to bad b-behave with u that day plz let me g-go

he immediately wiped her tears and crasses her hairs

jk: nah nah!!! why I will kill my angel. I can't imagine this (smile) how will I supposed to do if something happened to u

he held her wrist and went out of the bus.she try to free herself and ran but he was so strong compare to her. when she came out of the bus a min later she saw two men taking yeonjun who was badly injured. blood was dripping from his head the men make him sit in his knee Infront of them
seeing him in this condition she got shocked she was panicking,crying and worried.she ran toward him but jk hold her tight she was crying badly after seeing him in this condition she try her all to went to him but in vain yeonjun try his best to free him self he growl in pain but he was injured and the men was strong enough to held him

YN: (shout) YEONJUN!!!!.......... plzz leave him Mr JEON.he will die plz let him go plz

she was crying like a crazy women she was trying her best to free herself but she can't

YN: plz don't involve him plz his blood is flowing he will die plz leave him I am begging u

jk: (shout) how many time I said u not to call me Mr JEON

YN:(shout back) leave him he has nothing in this

jk: (shout) bcuz he was the one who said u to ran. he deserves this

YN: plz leave him plz i am begging u he has nothing with this

yeonjun: (dry voice) YN don't go with this man

seeing his condition she got too much she tried her best to make him free so she sit and held his leg and begged for his life

YN: leave him

he sat to her level and crasses her cheeks

jk: u know I love when people begged to me bit u are presious to me so BEG MORE FOR HIS LIFE

YN: plz leave him I will do anything you will say but plz took him to hospital plz I will do anything plz

jk:  are u sure??

YN: yes but plz leave him I am begging u

yeonjun: no YN no plz don't go with him he is not good........

jk sudden shoot yeonjun leg which make YN scream like a crazy women. he growl in pain and she cried more hard her head start aching due to crying and scream too much her eyes got red she was try like a crazy to free her self but he was strong

she held his collar in anger

YN: (shout) when I said u I will do anything then why u hurt him

jk:(calmly) bcuz he interfered between me and my princess

she was loosing her all power she want to save yeonjun that's why she accepted to go with him

YN: I am willing to go with u but plz took him to hospital plz (crying hard)

jk: sure??

YN: (shout) how I tell u ?? yes I am sure plz took him to hospital....

jk: hmm since u are willing with ur own so ok

although he also forced her to accept with her own willing but his eyes were only covers with lust which was not making him guilt in his doings

he ordered his guards to took him to hospital

jk: good girl my angel. now lets go to our home (smile)

the guard injected her and jk carried her unconscious figure in bridal style and went into his car. he sat into the car and took her into his arm and kissed her forehead

jk: u are mine (smile)


To be continued

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See u soon

Take care u all


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