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after half an hour of journey they came back to the mansion.he went out of the car and she was struggling to came out cause of her heavy dress and heals so he took her into bridal style.she struggled to free herself but he was also struborn like her.

YN: I can walk myself put me down

jk: stop struggling otherwise I will kiss u right now

hearing this she stop struggling and became a statue cuz she can't took risk. they went to their share bed room.
her eyes got shot open after seeing the room.
the room was decorated with rose flowers,heart shape balloons and with rose scent candles.the bed was decorated beautifully with rose petals.she never thought that the room that once was all of black interior could be that much beautiful.he put her in bed and sit to her level and took out heals.
she felt some embarrassed on this that someone is taking out her heals

YN: I can do it myself.leave it

jk: is ur feet hurting?

YN: no I am ok

jk: go take a warm shower u must be will make u feel better. change into a cozy dress

after he went out to took shower in other room

she went to shower but one thing was scaring was their wedding night and she was not ready to give herself to him.why she can do this when forced her in everything.she was scare that how she will handle the upcoming situation how she will stop him.she was afraid that now what to do.she decide to talk with him calmly so maybe he will understand.
she wear an oversized hood and came out of bathroom and saw him drying his hairs with a towel (well looking like a good thing to fuck......... litterly I really want to become YN 😁...)

jk: u look cute in my hood

YN: I-i a-am sorry I d-don't know that it's ur. I will change

she was going back but he held her wrist

jk: we are married so my things are ur's too.dont change it ok

she nod and he took her to the bed.he said her to sit on the bed and he went to the wardrobe.she was scared that what he is going to do now and how she will stop him.
he came with a box in his hands and he sat on the bed Infront of her heart was beating with the speed of light

YN: j-jungkoook p-plz................

he stopped her

jk: shhh..........

he came more toward her. now she was feeling his hot breath on her neck and suddenly she felt a necklace around her neck.he wore her a necklace.
it was a heart shape necklace with a black shinning stone in it and on it's back,name of Jungkook and YN was engraved

jk: it's ur wedding gift honey.if u want then I will give u my whole life as a gift but be mine forever.I know u hate me bcuz of the thing I did with u but I did all this cuz I love u.i know my ways are hard but trust me I really love u and I promise I will protect u till my last breath.dont worry I will do nothing without ur permission.i will do nothing untill it's ur own will or ur permission but plz hug me back when I hug u. it's make me feel better and more,wore that pendant again when u start loving me u must be tired so rest ok.we will talk on morning

then he went to his side and lay down.onlu he know that how he was controlling him self,his beast which was burning inside him for her.
she didn't said anything.sje was wondering that even he is bad he didn't many illegal things with her but he has some respect towards her.he respect my privacy.he insure her and respect her that he will do nothing untill her own will well that was good for her.she was feeling a bit comfortable that night with him later she went to sleep

To be continued 🤧

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