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I woke up and found my self in a car. last night scenes were messing up in my mind. I got faint in that dark room but why I am supposed to do here in a car. what is happening here. where they are taking me. what I will do.a hope came into my mind that may be he is sending me home. I was praying that all this was a night mare I dod not scream or shout bcuz I know there is no use the car was full of guards.where they are taking me what I will do I have no idea that what is going to happened but the nxt moment I was in front of my apartment where yeonjun was already waiting. they carefully put me out of car and one of the man called some one and say that we send her safely but I don't care o immediately ran toward yeonjun and hugged him tears were automatically coming from my eyes

                    yeonjun pov

in morning I called YN bcuz she did not came to cafe I called her to ask whether she is ok or not but she did not picked I got worried bcuz she always picked my call at 1 ring I called her many time but she did not answered that made me worried I decided to went to her home to check might she got I'll or something else but when I knock there was no one she also changed her password that's why I was not able to enter her apartment. all this made me too much worried she never missed my calls nor she changed her password but what happened now but then nxt moment I saw her coming out of a black car with full of guards she was crying that make me panicked I was about to go to her but she came first and hugged me like I am going to leave her. honestly it was the best moment of my life. the car left from there

yeonjun: YN what happened what is going plz don't cry shh I am here tell me what happened?don't cry I am with you tell me what happened to you where was you who were they where were u at night

he took her inside her apartment and try to calm her. he hugged her and gently massaged her back to calm her down and after some time she calm down he asked her all things and she told him everything that happened with her

YN: (crying) yeonjun I don't want to go back to him he is dangerous. he will caught me I am scared

yeonjun:shh don't cry angel who is saying to go to him don't worry nothing will happen ok I will help u we will find a way ok don't worry I am with u don't scare I will save u

he feed her as she was hungry

yeonjun: go and take a warm shower it will make u feel good don't worry let's tell police might they will help us

after they went to police station and start telling them the situation but hearing the name of JEON the officer immediately closed  the FIR file

police man: sorry but we can't help u

yeonjun: why u can't why are u here if u can't do ur job ur job is to give protection to the person who came here for ur help how can u say that ??

YN: plz help I am in danger...

policeman: sorry but we can't u are complaining a person who is the power holder of Korea. he owned this we can't help u

they try to convince him but all in vain they went to other people but no one support them and after loosing their hopes they went back to apartment

she was crying

YN: no one is helping me I don't want to go to him I hate him plz I don't want to

yeonjun: plz don't cry I will help u let's think something else

they two were thinking a way to get rid of this then suddenly yeonjun spoke

yeonjun: YN!! ran away......

YN: huh?

yeonjun: yes u have to leave Seoul as soon as possible we can't get completely rid from this but It can help go pack ur necessary things I am informing mom that u are coming

YN: but what will u say to ur mom?

yeonjun: don't worry i will handle go hurry and pack ur stuff

she packed her stuff and they were about to leave for the bus station.but at the door of her apartment yeonjun spoke

yeonjun: YN!!

YN: what??

yeonjun: I know it's not a right time but I want to tell you something...

YN: just speak dumpling

he put so much courage

yeonjun: YN .... I LOVE YOU....

YN: ........

yeonjun: I always had feelings for u but I never told u that might u will reject me but I really want to tell u about my feelings I really cared for u ur presence make me feel happy and better u are most precious in my life. I promise I will give u happy life I will protect u I love u but I don't react if u reject me but plz be my friend forever be my side forever I will...............

he got cut of by her sudden hug

YN: I also love you yeonjun I also love but I never tell u bcuz I thought u own too much ur kindness ur care melt my heart u are the person I want to live with my whole life I always thought u more than a friend i am really thank full to the things u did with me helping me in my all problems and also now u are helping me knowing that ur life is also on risk I am thankful. I can't forgot ur all favours I love u

yeonjun: thank you YN thank you to accepting me I promise I will love u till the end my life

they both were hugging each other

enjoying their best moments after they both broke the hug. they two were looking into each other eyes both were lost in the ocean of brown eyes untill yeonjun spoke

yeonjun: c-can I-i ???

she nod as yes

and then they two shared their first gentle and passionate kiss which was filled with full of love and desires


To be continued

I am Soo sorry for late update bcuz I was too busy

See u soon

Take care


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