I meet my brothers Father in law whos also my great uncle

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Jaspers POV

"I don't want to be apart of a quest with a LIAR" I yelled

"Well maybe you should find your own way to Tartarus then!" Audrey shouted "maybe I will" i said then walked away

Lincoln and Maddy walked after me as I walked away. After a long awkward silence someone finally spoke up "so do we have a plan or.." Lincoln asked "no we don't have a plan" I replied.

"What if we go around of sneak trough the judgement pavilion" Maddy suggested "oh yeah cause that definitely won't alarm hades" I replied but honestly it was all we had and if we got caught we'll just explain we are here to get Bea.

We walked up to the judgment pavilion and waited for what felt like an eternity but eventually the judges switched and it gave us an opening to run trought.

I took out a map I had in my pocket that Nyx had given me it was a shitty scetch of the underworld but it was better then nothing. I really wished at this point we had Nero with us so we didn't have to walk as much.

We walked towards where the map said Tartarus was when the path split. The map was a little smudged and I couldn't tell which one to take. "So one way leads to Tartarus and the other to Hades palace" I said "so which one do we take" Maddy asked "I don't know that what I'm trying to figure out" I replied.

We decided to take a chance and went right if we'd taken a wrong turn we'd be in trouble. We kept walking and as we walked farther things got scarier. There was less and less sounds and less structures, it started to smell horrible and I felt a constant wave of panic.

We kept walking I knew we were close then the path just stopped. I stopped walking and had to pull Lincoln back when he walked past me. He fell back and got angry before he realized he'd stepped one foot of the edge, if I hadn't pulled him back he'd already be in Tartarus.

"Well we took the right path I guess" Maddy said "yeah" we both replied neither one of us sounded happy with that. We looked around for a while trying to see if there was a nice staircase or something but it was just like the edge of a cliff and you couldn't see the bottom.

We walked along the edge trying to find any spot that wouldn't kill us on impact from falling from. "So how much of the prophecy has happened so far" Lincoln asked

"Well the dark sun part for Leilani, and I guess you got the truth part Jasper" Maddy answered "so we still have most of it to go" I asked "yeah" She replied.

A few moments later Lincoln stopped "do you guys hear that" he asked "hear what" I asked but Lincoln had already taken off running, I looked back at Maddy who shrugged. We tried to run after him but either he was to far or being so close to Tartarus was already affecting us.

We kept searching for him calling out his name but eventually we gave up I only hoped we'd find him again. I sat down on a rock and Maddy sat next to me. "What are we doing" I asked looking at Mads who was starting off into the distance "oh not you too" I said waving my hand I fronted her eyes.

She got up and started walking I followed not wanting to lose her too. She stopped at the edge of the cliff and I grabbed to her to make sure she didn't fall.

She bent down as picked up something "a pair of shoes really!" I said annoyed "you will restore what's been lost a long time ago" she muttered "huh" I asked "the prophecy my line it's about these stupid shoes really" she said laughing a bit "wait those are Hermes shoes the winged ones?" I asked "yeah pretty sure Percy took them the first time he came down here and lost them" she answered.

"Well good job we both got our parts over with" I replied. After a while of searching around we somehow made it back to the original path.

"Look I know you were mad but I think we'd be better off going back and all working together" Maddy said "yeah probably that if they even made it past Cerberus" I joked Maddy punched me in the shoulder but laughed.

We started walked back the farther I got from Tartarus the better but it didn't really change much I think the adrenaline of dying was starting to wear off and my body realized there wasn't any sun. I suddenly felt really tired and my muscles ached.

We kept walking even slower then before now and made it back to the cross in the path that's when I realized I'd lost the map. We again took a guess and went left which seemed correct because when we first came we took a right so going back would be left.

We soon realized that was not the case in fact we'd royaly messed up we were now standing at the entrance to Hades palace. "Do we turn back or.." I asked "I think it's to late now" Maddy said pointing at the front door was creeped open slightly. We walked up trying not to disturb the not so friendly hellhounds outside. As we walked up we heard voices form inside.

"No please explain this once again, what give cause for sending Four demigods down to the underworld without notice?" A scary Erie voice roared "seven actually" a more familiar voice replied

"Excuse me" the first voice replied. I peaked my head around the door trying to see who it was but accidentally bumped into it causing the door to open slightly more. The room went quiet and the 10f tall man with Dark hair turned around.

"There's Seven of us here actually and we are here to retrieve Bea Castellan" Audrey told the man. "Of I've had my fair share of experiences with that one" I finally recognized who the man was it was Hades.

"You'd think after the first two times that girl would get the hint to not come down here" Hades ranted about Bea I wondered how many times Bea had come down here or what she's done to get a reputation like that.

"You at the door enter" he called to us so we did me and Maddy walked in trying to not make eyes contact "more of Apollo's I'm assuming" he asked we nodded awkwardly "you said there was seven of you where's the last" He asked

"Where is Linc?" Audrey mouthed "we lost him" I answered a loud. I looked at the group and saw Katie was on the ground in a ball this didn't seem to alarm anyone else.

"Lost him of corse my he's probably dead by now either way let's get whatever this is over with so you can all return to where you're supposed to be" Hades said no one replied.

"I don't think your father would be very pleased with how you all are acting" Hades continued

"None the matter first let's deal with you" hades added

A/n kinda short but it's fine. Also y'all just ignore Katie she's fine.

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