Chapter Three Goodbye Forever.

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It was 1am when I woke up. I felt a pain in my head; I got up from bed and found my way to the washroom. I noticed a small ‘x’ shaped scare on my neck, and it’s never been there before. I looked out of the window. A gasp slipped through my mouth, I looked down from the window, and there were four people outside. One girl and three men. I could see that the girl’s eyes glowed red and there were (what looked like) blood stains on the front of her dress.  She looked familiar, although I couldn’t think of who I’ve met that looked like they were going to kill someone. She looked slightly older than me. She was yelling something and in a wisp of wind, they were all gone. I ran to my mum’s room, she was, herself, looking out her window to the burning house. “Mum… what do you think happened to Anne, if those people are looking for me, why couldn’t they see our house?” I asked her, coming over to her side. “Anne, I fear hasn’t made it through the night. Giselle, there’s a barrier on the house; it’s invisible to unkind eyes. Once it’s gone they’ll find it, anyone could find it. Giselle, you aren’t safe here, you have to go. I haven’t taught you enough skills yet, so you’ll have to find people you can trust to teach you all elements. I’m scared this’ll be the last time I see you, but you have to go now.” She turned toward me, tears in her eyes. “What must I do?”

I grabbed my bag from under my bed and started to shove extra clothes and food in. My mum walked in, she had a cloak and a familiar looking outfit in her arms. “You’ll look just like a warrior.” She said handing it to me. I went into the washroom to change. I walked out of the room, packed and ready for challenge. My mum braided my hair then said, “you really do remind me of him.” She said.

We ran outside, and got my horse from the stables and I got on. “You’ll have ride hard to the earth kingdom of Ghenki. Here’s a map. Do you have the book? Yes, alright be careful. Alright… good luck.” We hugged. Part of me was scared but at the same time I was excited, I didn’t want to leave her, “mum, what’s going to happen to you?” I could see the tears building up in her eyes. “Taylor, sometimes you have to learn to let things go. I’ll be fine, just don’t look back. RIDE!” she slapped my horse and I was off.

I was excited but scared. I heard a sharp scream. I couldn’t help but look back to the place I called home; the upper level was engulfed with flames. I wondered how they managed to miss me riding off. They seemed to go in the opposite direction, when it hit me. The reason they couldn’t see my house was because of the invisibility and protection spells, when I left, my mum probably transferred the spells to me so I’d make it to the fire kingdom. When the spell was lifted the demons found my house and my mum and well I don’t know what came next. I just hope she’s alive. It was three days before I reached the fire kingdom of Uhuro (we lived on the outskirts). I got in town, and it was pretty packed, it must be market day. I removed my hood, revealing my dark hair and green eyes. As I walked past stands of food and gems; one stand grabbed my attention, there were two young; girl and boy, behind the stand, and there were selling weaponry (swords and stuff). My mum trained me in the Gallian sword skill (since I didn’t know how to bend) anyways, this skill, requires two swords and no shield. I guided my horse and made my way to the stand. “Morning miss! Nice day isn’t it?” the young girl said. She had her hair in a bob shape and it was flaming red, her eyes were a gold color and she was a couple inches shorter than I was. “Yes, it’s very nice” I said and smiled. The young boy now came up. “My names Liz” The girl said. “I’m Giselle.” I said, not letting my gaze fall from the pair of swords I was holding. I hadn’t had time to grab any weapons at home and they were probably all gone now. “No one ever noticed this pair of swords before.” The boy said. I looked up in alarm. He looked a lot like the girl, the only apparent difference were the hair colors. His was brown not red. “I’m Kellan” he said. He looked strongly built, and as I looked at Liz, so was she. “We’re twins, if that’s what you’re wondering.” She said. “Are you both fire benders?” I asked. “Yes, we are. How about you? You don’t seem like an ordinary girl, dark hair with green eyes? Odd combination don’t you think?” Kellan smirked, sending uncomfortable chills down my spine. I didn’t feel safe. I held his gaze. I heard a scream from the crowd. I still didn’t move. It was only when Kellan started yelling at me to take the swords and my horse and follow him and Liz that I did move. At that moment I realized, the protection spell was gone. We reached a mountain path, “I wonder why the demons are on the hunt again. An angelic bender hasn’t been found for 15 years, and the last one got away.” Liz said a bit out of breath. Kellan turned to me. “What kind of bender are you?!” he asked approaching closer to me. I could see flames about to explode at his fists. “Well, I don’t know anything yet.” I answer with my hands ready to reveal my swords. He calmed down when he realized what I meant. “So, you’re the bender they’re hunting.” He said in a low chuckle. We stayed silent for about five minutes, when he turned to me again. “We’ll teach you fire bending if you let us accompany you.” By this time, the city was cleared from any demons and music played again. Kellan and Liz were studying me intensely. “Well, I do need to learn…” I said thoughtfully. The next stop was the earth kingdom of Ghenki. It was more than a week away (by horse) and considering what the plan was, I had to learn and perfect all four elements before the demons invaded everything… “Fine. You can join me...” I finally said. “Well, I guess we should get going, you know out of this village. Where are we going?” Liz said. Kellan was still silent, until he said: “you’re planning to go to the kingdom of Ghenki aren’t you?” he said blankly. I slowly nodded. “Well, we can’t leave before you put a protection spell on. Here” He raised his hands. I felt a warm sensation on my body…

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