Chapter Four: The Desert Benders

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“We should stock up on food.” Liz said, as she placed bundles of food on one of our horses. “The Earth Kingdom is a long ways… through the desert than we get a ship at Omagu Port, and that’s when we get there. Are you sure you wouldn’t want to go to the north and learn water bending first?” Kellan said, while studying a map. “It all depends where the demons think I’ll be going; they know my stronger elements are water and air, they’d expect me to go there. If anything, the earth kingdom would be a better place to hide and practice.” I said brushing down my horse. “But if you go to the water kingdom, you have an element in your advantage. Blood bending is part of water bending. If you learn the techniques and ever encounter the demons, you can blood bend them.” He said still focusing on the map. “They drink blood Kellan, that won’t last a minute.” I said as I come to his side. ”I think Giselle’s right, Kel.” Liz said, adding yet another flask of water to the load. “I guess. Let’s get going then?” he blankly replied. Man! I really wish I could read his expressions. “Why do you guys want to help me anyways?” I asked a bit annoyed. “How many times have you ever encountered someone who might actually restore peace to the world?” Kellan said, approaching me a little too close for my liking. “Not too many times” I said sarcastically, keeping a straight face. Kellan turned to Liz. “She really doesn’t know who she is!” “Well excuse me, Mr. High Prince of Asshole Land! I just lost my best friend and mum in practically one night, and, had to soak up all this information about elements and my dad’s odd disappearance, and this stone!” I revealed my chest, showing the stone. Kellan and Liz looked intensely. Kellan looked like someone had soaked him in cold water and Liz looked like she was about to cry. “Well say something!” I screamed. I felt the anger of the day hit me and I started to cry whole heartedly. I kneeled down on the ground, letting it all out, not conscience that Kellan was now kneeling in front of me.


I felt extremely bad. I had just made all the sorrow and anger show and spill out of Giselle’s mouth. I lifted her chin up with two of my fingers. I looked into her tear stained face and still watery eyes. Even if I didn’t say anything, I felt sorry and I could tell she knew. Liz kneeled beside both of us. She looked sad and sorry as well. “Well, what you guys don’t have to feel sorry for me. You’re right anyways, I don’t know anything.” She sniffed, and giggled. That small giggle made my heart skip. For the first time since I’ve met her, I smiled. I could tell her cheeks get flushed. I think I was starting to grow fond of her.


After a while, of well, crying, we were off. This marked the beginning of my adventure. We reached the end of the mountain pass, and a little ways I could see sand, which I guessed was the dessert, a couple more miles, and I was right, sand everywhere, no joking. The sun was excruciating and I never thought we’d get through it. The nights were cold and well what do you expect; the days were hot. “So, what exactly do you know?” Kellan asked one time, while we rode. “Um, well I basically know that, my dad vanished while escaping demons, I know that I’m an angelic bender, which means I can learn all the elements. I can read elvish. Uh, I’ll be hunted all my life. Yeah, pretty much.” I replied. “Alright, well if we’re going to explain, we’ll need to start with the story about the demons.” Liz said. “Alright, I could use a good story.” But before any of them could say another word, the sand moved and sunk in. Four figures approached me and I blacked out.

I woke up, tied to a post, and on either side of me, Kellan and Liz were, as well, tied up. I heard voices “We can’t kill her now. We need to bring her back to the hall.” I heard a woman’s voice say. “y-yes milady.” Said, a shaky man’s voice. I shifted my view to find out who we were captured by. “PSSTT--- El, what are you doing!” it was Kellan. “Trying to see who our capturers are… now shut up.” I hissed.  He nodded and went back to his slumped position against his post. I turned my head again, this time getting a good view of the lady that spoke earlier. She didn’t look as scary as she sounded. Maybe because she wasn’t all ‘I’m going to kill you”. Anyways, we were at a campfire, they were eating and there was a carriage. “Ahh… looks like the Lost Sister is awake.” I completely forgot that I wasn’t alone…. Shit. “Umm, sorry but who??” I said, testing my bravery. “My, you don’t know what we call you do you!?” she smirked. “We call you the Lost Sister, because angelic benders are part demon. I thought your darling parents taught you that, or perhaps these people you call friends.” She said. I realized I didn’t have my weapons, ok cool, now I can’t set myself free. I turned away from this freak girl and faced Kellan. He was still pretending to sleep… I looked back at the demon. “So, since I’m part demon… uh why exactly am I part demon?” I said, trying to make conversation. “Why do you think you have so much power? You’re a descendant of the four elements. I won’t tell you what your great grandma was, she was an experiment gone wrong. And that’s where the thirst of power and the fight between your kind and mine started.” She then turned around and faced the fire, back to me. I took this opportunity to whisper to Kellan. “Kellan… use your fire bending.” “Are you crazy? They’ll catch me.” He said, looking at me as if I had three heads. “They won’t if you control it right; your feet aren’t tied, same with Liz. On my count ok...” I stared at him. “Ugh. Fine.” I informed Liz, and we were ready. My swords were right near the carriage so I’d have to go for that first. The girl came up to me again, this time with food. “Here you go, you little devil. Eat.” She said sounding like someone had killed her favourite cat. “Let’s see… One carrot.” I said looking at the plate. She looked a little tenser. “Two carrots…” I said observing the plate again. “What the hell are you doing.” She said, now annoyed. “I like counting my carrots, do you mind?” I said, trying hard not to laugh. “And… Three carrots... NOW!!” I yelled. She looked startled. Flames started flying everywhere, I ran as fast as I could dodging all flames, and what not, to get to my swords. I reached the carriage without any trouble. I grabbed my swords, as I was about to I felt a hand on my mouth. I saw a pair of hazel eyes came in front of me; this person was telling me to quiet down and to follow them. I did as I was told, soon to be rejoined with three other strangers as well as Kellan and Liz, I saw the four strangers do some movements with their hands, the sand beneath us moved and we were sucked in to the pits of sand under us…

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