Chapter Twenty Eight: Connected Through Body and Soul

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(Giselle’s POV)

We arrived in less than two days to Ùndil’s castle. We walked into the castle following Remel and Meile. We kneeled and water started circulating in one area; coming from the fountain at the back. “What is this? An angelic bender and a fire bender crossing my lands?” A soft, song-like voice said. “We wish to find a way out. If possible.” I stated. “Young girl, I am not bound to either of you. Why should I help you?” the water crystals spoke again. “I am bound to two of the same kin, Harry, prince of the Northern water kingdom and Liam, prince of the Umqra. Where are they?” I looked up, the water crystals had dissipated and in front us stood and tall and slim fairy. Her hair was blue and her eyes yellow. She wasn’t wearing much… fairies never do. Blue leaves covered her body, revealing her back and stomach; only having it cover the important parts. Her face was soft but still stern. “If you lead us to the Outer Lands, we’ll lead you to them. They are our friends and companions.” I stated. She nodded, “Young Savior, do you know what I am?” she held her head up, and I shook my head. “I am a summon spirit. I have a master and I grant them more power than they already possess. You are connected to Luna; priestess of the West, in other words the Light Kingdom Gracea. Your friend here is connected to the fire Lord of Ardentisque. I will message the Summon Spirits and we will all gather in the light kingdom.” She nodded. “I will come with you.” I felt Kellan grab my hand tightly, water crystals started surrounding us and our feet were lifted off the ground. I saw a pink flash in the sky. “They will all go to the light kingdom now.” And with that her glass arm carried us off…

(Quickly to Harry and Delùniël)

“We change our course.” He said in a low hum. “What? But my friend is out there. We can’t just leave him.” I stated angrily. I never liked Daryn, but this time I felt I couldn’t ignore him. He’d saved my life before now; it was my turn to save his. “Young warrior, your friend will come do not worry.” He said again. And with that final statement we were whisked off to the West.

(To James, Aiden and Vanessa) (Aiden’s POV)

“Vanessa, you seem different.” James said. Her head shot up, “well ever since I woke up here, I’ve felt weirder. My eye sight is better than it was so I guess it came back—” She was cut off by a deep and dark voice. “I really am sorry about what happened to you in my Realm. I never expected my master to crash out of the sky like that.” A dark shadow-like figure protruded from a newly written tattoo on her body. “W-Who are you? And how did you just come out of me like that?” she didn’t sound freaked out although her facial expressions could tell you otherwise. “Please calm down, I mean you no harm. I am your Summon Spirit, Kùdîn, the lord of the underworld; Tenebris. That tattoo symbolizes our bond and shows that I am now a part of your skill.” It was slowly vanishing now, “Use my power well.”

“YOUR FRIENDS ARE COMING. Ùndil must’ve agreed, oh finally. I’ve been tired of waiting for Giselle, they’ll all be here by nightfall.” Luna stated barging in excitedly and walked out again…

(To Merle and Liam) (LIAM’S POV)

Two against one doesn’t usually seem fair, but in this case it was. Élan was a powerful opponent and certainly didn’t get his title for his looks. By our luck water does okay against wind, but it wasn’t easy beating him. ‘TURBULENCE’ slashes of winds came rushing all around us, like a tornado. “ARGH!” I heard Merle cry. By this time we were both covered in cuts and blood; but Merle seemed worse now. She stayed kneeling, I ran to her side but I was interrupted midway by a sword. “FIGHT!”  He yelled, and so I did. I felt a surge of energy; ‘I give you a taste of my power, soon to be joined to you, finish and save your friend.’ I heard a soft and crystal-like voice in my head; I stuck my sword in the ground and started mumbling an incantation that was new to me.

‘Water like soul, soul like body, and body like heart,

New power has entered me and I shall not lose,’

“ICICLE RAIN” and that’s what finished it. He lay sprawled on the floor, I didn’t care all I cared about was Merle. I ran to her side, leaving my sword planted in the ground. “Liam… I’m sorry I didn’t help you…” tears were running down her cheeks; leaving a trail of dirty tears. “No, you did great just keep your eyes on me.” I whispered, I started to try to heal the wound that crossed her stomach, but her hand stopped me. “No Liam, I want this, I…I…I don’t fear death.” She whispered. “Just stay, here until I…” she took a gasp of air, tears were flooding my eyes; I dared not blink for I thought if even one second passed she’d slip away. I brought her into my lap and gently rubbed her forehead. “Liam… There’s something I’ve always wanted to say…ever since…we were kids…” she started gasping more frequently for air. “Anything Merle, just name it.” I said in my most steady voice. I felt her hand try to touch my cheek; I took her hand and reinforced it onto my cheek. Her watery eyes looked up at me, “I’ve… I’ve never loved anyone; not even Daryn… as much as…” I could feel her hand start to go limp, and faintly I heard the small word escape her lips. “…you…” her body went limp. “That’s love for you.” I heard Élan say behind me. “I’m sorry… but as a Summon Spirit; my job is only to obey the one who controls me. I cannot go easy on a fight that did not count my wielder.” He said calmly. “Bring the body, we’re burring her in Luna’s kingdom.” And with that I was lifted onto green transparent wings; floating in the wind…


I ran up the steep slope of the mountain side as the sea of lava started to rise, I was headed to the mouth of the mountain. I had no clue what had happened, I’d woken up to scolding hot weather and my shirt and shoes were nowhere to be found.

I made it to the entrance. It was an Audience Hall. And the keeper of the hall was sitting on his thrown.

[AUTHOR’S NOTE: Okay hey! Guys! Sorry to bother you in a pretty important part but if you know who Jim Moriarty is from Sherlock you can imagine the king of this place talking in a way like that (BUT MORE NORMAL if that’s possible) he’s a huge jokester so anyway bye!!]

“Well, you finally made it. Why not sit down? Rest a bit?” he motioned to the table set with food and water. I stood my ground. His face fell, “I don’t get too many visitors around here. Most argue it’s too hot,” he said; making a face and different voice on the last words. “The food isn’t poisoned if that’s what you’re thinking.” He gave a sly smile. I turned my gaze to the table, the food wasn’t poisoned but the water was. “I see you know my trick. Intruders get killed.” He said with a straight face. He floated upwards, his hair was flames and he had a tongue like a lizard. “D’you know, I was supposed to get some guy named Kellan land in here. But instead I got—” His head shot up and we spotted a purple flare shine in the distance. “Actually, I was joking c’mon, jump on.” His foot grew bigger (it was the foot of a bird like Aiden’s) and I grabbed hold of it and we were off.

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