Chapter Twenty Seven: The Floating Monuments of Ventus

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(Liam’s POV)

“Liam, are you awake?” I squinted; Merle was sitting next to me with a camp fire going. “Oh thank goodness, we landed in water and you passed out.” She explained. “Water? But I don’t see any…and we aren’t wet.” I stated looking around. “There seemed to be some sort of air pressure under us preventing the water to affect us. What you drowned in was actually fake water and you passed out because of the impact.” I sat up, “What happened up there?” I looked up; there wasn’t a hole or crack to be seen. It was just a normal blue sky. “We’re in one of the Summon Spirit Temples.” She stated simply. I looked at her; “What? Aren’t those just legends?” I asked. She shook her head, “no. They’ve felt the presence; they obey only to the ones who are connected in power by element. We’ve landed in Ventus; the home of Élan the wind warrior. He’s not exactly what you’d say easy to talk to… and we’ve got bad luck; he isn’t connected to either one of us. He’s connected to Aiden and he isn’t here. If we don’t get out of here we’re going to die.” She lay down and was soon fast asleep…

(Harry’s POV)

Where was he, where was he when I needed him. “DARYN!? WHERE ARE YOU!?” I yelled at the top of my lungs. No answer, I had landed on rocks; but he didn’t follow me. I couldn’t see any sign of life anywhere just rocks everywhere. ‘You are lost young traveler.’ I heard a deep voice say, “Who’s there?” I yelled, I felt movement behind me and I turned around to see rocks forming a figure. “I am not connected to you… Where is the one named James? I was told he’d fall into my realm yet you, a water bender, have come instead.” The figure spoke in a soothing voice. “My sincere apologizes, but I know not what you speak of; I am lost and I’ve lost a partner.” I spoke diligently, trying to hide my fright. “You are scared young warrior. I can feel it through your body. The ground beneath you is more than just bare rock, young master.” The rocks now completely disappeared and before me stood an elderly wizard of sorts; faintly visible facial hair, a short cloak; showing his body but still his face remained hidden. “Sir, I’m sorry for any impudence but who are you and where am I?” I asked following his lead; and sitting cross-legged on the ground. “I am Delùniël the keeper of the city of bones; Petrae.” He removed his cloak; he had long silver hair—not from age—it was his natural hair color. His eyes were a white glazed over look…he was blind. “Yes young one, I am blind; but my eyes are not the only things that see…If you wish to find your partner; I’m afraid he did not land in my realm; but in the neighboring realm; Ardentisque, the city of fire. You were unconscious when you fell but not so that you couldn’t control your body. You sent your companion flying.” He gave a low chuckle. “I shall come with you; maybe I shall eventually meet this ‘James’ the stars keep talking about.” He gave another low chuckle. “Excuse me, Sir, but I don’t know where to go.” I sheepishly asked. “Well, start by using your head son, how’d you get your friend all the way over there? Bending; so since there isn’t any water here; I’ll be the one bending.”

I felt stone wrapping around me; the man turned into stone and had started to transport us…

(Liam’s POV)

I woke up to giant gusts of wind whooshing everywhere. “Merle, what do we do?” I yelled over the wind storm. “We have to get to that mountain.” She pointed to the East.

We started to walk and after climbing and trudging through these weird type fields we reached the entrance of the mountain. ‘WHO DARES TO ENTER MY DOMAIN’ a voice boomed. “It’s him…” Merle whispered. ‘YOU ARE NOT WELCOMED HERE; WHERE IS THE CURSED IMMORTAL I WAS TOLD TO RECEIVE AS A NEW MASTER?’ the voice boomed again. The ground started to rumble and stones started to fall from above, I grabbed Merle’s hand and we ran in. We stood in front of a hall made of emerald, the ground shook again, but this time we felt a huge gust of wind and an enormous glowing figure appeared in front of us. A tall, skinny man appeared in front of us. His skin was a light green and his hair was long and white. We kneeled, “Why have you come. I have been watching you since you set foot into the portal. I have no need for a water bender and a healer. Go away.” He floated, crossed legged in front of us. “Sir, we wish to have your assistance. If you take us out of your domain we can take you to Aiden.” Merle stated calmly. “If you wish to collaborate with me; you must fight me and show me your strength…”

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