Chapter Twenty: Overturned

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I withdrew my swords from the corpse, making it land on the floor limp as coal. I flew up and saw the whole scenario; Merl was in trouble and Remel confronted the demon about to attack her back. He transformed into his wolf form and jumped in front of the arrow headed for her and got shot in his right leg, causing him to come back to his human form. His leg was bleeding like crazy, but he didn’t even wince in pain. He got up and killed the demon that shot the arrow. “Well, if it isn’t the weak link that got his mother killed.” I heard a soldier say.  I looked down to my left, and saw Harry in trouble. I flew down to help but as soon as soon as I reached him, I was pushed out of the way with him. I looked up to see Remel getting struck across his stomach. Again, not wincing by the contact, he got up and slit the demon’s throat. He bent over, when we all heard Daryn yell. “FEEL THE PAIN YOU INFERIOR BEING! FEEL THE PAIN OF MY MOTHER YOU KILLED.” Caesus yelled. His hand was in the same position it was when he attacked me. I looked to find where Remel had gone, but he was nowhere to be found. “AAARGH!” I heard a familiar voice yell. Caesus was being run through by Remel’s sword. I flew down and I was immediately attacked by a soldier. I fought my way to Remel; getting struck on my waist and arms on the way.

Once I got there I could barely hear Caesus’ last words. “Damn….you……I should’ve…killed you……back……then…” Remel withdrew his sword, now bending over into his wound. I kept fighting and fighting to get to him, but the more I fought the more I seemed to drift away from him, he couldn’t die like this, I wasn’t going to let him think he was alone. I saw three soldiers charge at him all at once, “REMEL!” I screamed, his head shot up at me, his gold eyes sparkling with tears, he smiled, and the soldiers reached him; stabbing him three times: once in the stomach, once in the back and once in his left side. He simply stood there, waiting until their grip got loose. His body started to glow green, and I could hear an incantation escape his lips. ‘Master of godly thunder, lend me thou strength and power and run my enemies through’ he gave one last deep breath and yelled. “FINAL JUDGEMENT!” Thunder came rushing down upon the whole enemy army. We had won. I ran to Remel; catching him as he collapsed. “Remel, look at me, c’mon look at me! You’re alright, okay? We’ll get you healed and everything’s going to be alright.” He smiled, blood covering his mouth, running down his chin. “Giselle… It’s alright…the... prophecy is overturned...” he murmured. “No. No! It’s not alright, Remel, look at me you’re alive…” tears started to trickle down my cheeks, dripping on to his chest in my arms. My wounds were bleeding badly but I didn’t care, I had to save him. “You’ve got to let me……go.” He murmured again. “No… I won’t…” I whispered.” I squeaked, holding back sobs. “I… I’m just glad… you’re…” his breaths started to quicken, he started coughing up blood. “Remel?” his eyes met mine, they were lit up; happy even, but filled with tears. His eyes grew wide, as if blinded by something. “take me… to the… sanctuary…” he gasped. I nodded, and lifted him up. I flew him to the sanctuary, where I was followed by Aiden. I gently put Remel on the floor, and he limped up to the altar. “I… I want you to have…this…” he said with difficulty. “Remel let us heal you! Dammit!” I shouted, he turned on me; falling at the attempt to walk. I quickly came up to him, putting him in my lap again as Aiden stood by near. Remel handed me a leather bound book; a diary and it was already covered in his blood. “TAKE IT!” he said demandingly, I took it. “Now… I can join… her…” he said calmly. “No, Remel, stay with me look at me!” I kept saying it over and over. He looked at me again, “Safe,” he whispered, “you’re… safe…” he finished. His eyes drooped, and closed. “No. no. no. no. no. he can’t be… no…” the tears were streaming at free will, I felt arms tugging my arms to get away from the corpse, I started flailing and kicking and screaming. “NO! I WON’T LEAVE HIM! I WON’T!” I was screaming at the top of my lungs, I couldn’t let him go. Not that easily…

I woke up, my vision blurry and my head pounding. There was a figure at the end of my bed; sitting in a chair asleep. It was the man we’d first in countered when we entered this city. His name was Peony; he was the royal personal guard, and had been so for many years. I looked out the window; the sun was shining brightly, I could see some roof tops still smoking from attacks. I looked down into my lap and noticed I was clenching my fists around a leather bound book and the locket Remel had given me previously. I started to cry silently, Remel… he was gone, and I wasn’t even finished my mission yet. “Ah, you’re awake.” Peony said in a groggy voice. “Yes… I am… and may I ask what happened?” I said softly. “Hmmm, you blacked out after putting up a good fight over Remel’s body. Remember?” he said coming up to my bedside. He poured me some water and I took it gratefully. I nodded and he continued, “You wouldn’t even let go of that diary and locket, so we decided to let you keep them. Your wounds were bleeding badly and we had to get you wrapped up or you could have died. We couldn’t leave Remel’s body there so we brought him into a separate infirmary room. And we have Caesus in custody.” He sat back down on the chair. “Custody? He’s dead!” I raised my voice. He shook his head, that couldn’t be possible. “I’m sorry sir, but he is dead; Remel—I saw it happen with my own eyes!” I squealed, holding back the urge to snap someone’s neck. “He survived… Miss, you don’t understand; this man; this demon, he cannot be killed so simply…” he paused, “Your wounds should be closed right now, but you should stay here a bit before leaving…” he said slowly. My head shot up, “leaving?” I inquired. “Yes, don’t you want to? I mean, revenge. Finish your mission?” he said, getting up again, heading for the door. “Did Remel have any family?” I asked quickly. “Beg your pardon miss, but I believe if you read that little book there, you’ll find out all about the little lost boy.” He said, bowed his head and left, closing the door and leaving me to only me and my horrid thoughts…

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