Chapter Twenty One: The Paradise of a Child

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I slowly got up from my bed, my waist and legs ached in pain. I grabbed the robe and covered myself, grabbing Remel’s locket and diary; I made my way around the castle to find somewhere peaceful to read. I decided to try the central gardens, since everywhere else seemed to be under construction.

I nestled myself under a gigantic cedar tree, next to a fountain; this place had to be the only place untouched by destruction, or snow. I opened the diary, and I was disappointed. The pages were completely blank, with no sign of writing anywhere. I flipped every single page, but no words. I gave up, and took out the locket. I lied in the grass, facing the sky and swung the locket like a pendulum. It kept time, exactly like a watch. “One, two, three, four, and five…” I kept counting. The sun came out from behind a cloud and shone right through the locket; making the center jewels a bright purple. I gasped, I moved the locket out of the sun; it was still glowing. I grabbed the diary and waved it on top of it. The diary started to vibrate and I had found the key. I opened the diary to the first page and saw some ancient rune writing, and couldn’t make it out. The locket stopped glowing and the diary stopped vibrating, yet the words remained. They were similar to the letters on the book my mother gave me before I left. I ran my fingers over the scripture, they moved; spelling something different and this time I could read it. It was a quote from a book of legends I had read when I was younger.

Pedo mellon a minno

I couldn’t believe my eyes; this was ancient elvish, from the ancient tale of the Ring. I had obsessed over this legend ever since I was younger and now it was the key to open Remel’s diary. “Speak ‘friend’ and enter…” I said under my breath. “Mellon” I said a bit louder. The words disappeared and the diary suddenly got heavier and more pages and pictures came flooding in. I opened the first page;

December year 300 on the 25th day.

The date was almost 400 years ago. Another set of words written in English appeared.

Step into the field of forgotten memories.

What was the elven word for memories…? I thought and thought and it came to me. Rina, as soon as the word escaped my lips, the pages started to flip and everything around me became bright and blinding. I closed my eyes tightly, the world was spinning and I felt myself falling. I held down my dress as it floated all around me like the sheets on a bed. My hair became loose, flailing everywhere; I saw a tiny opening below me and I fell with a start.

I land on lush bright green grass. I raise my head and stand up. I’m in a flower field, a village is in the distance and then I see a little boy writing in a booklet. “Remel?” my voice sounds out in a faded echo. He can’t hear me, I’m in his memories; I’m simply a ghost watching his life nothing more. I get closer to him, it’s definitely Remel. “Hey Big Ears,” I turn around to see a scrawny boy and two others not so small, “Is that a diary? How much girlier can you get?” he snorts. Remel simply watches, without a word. “Why don’t you say something Big Ears?” they teased and teased, yet Remel didn’t budge, he just sat there and stared. “Hey! Leave him alone.” I heard a girl say. I turned the same way Remel did, and saw who it was, “Meile why are you defending him?” the skinniest asked. “Because, he is my step brother, shape shifter or not.” She glared at the boys. They ran off yelling and calling Remel names. “Remel, why don’t you stand up for yourself? You’re such a baby.” She said in a mocking tone. Remel’s eyes drifted, tears threatening his eyes. I felt myself turning quickly, as if on a spinning swing.

I was in the middle of what seemed to be a battle field. Bodies everywhere, I looked down to the corpse in front of me; it was Meile. Her eyes were still opened, blood running out from her mouth open in terror. I looked around and saw a figure moving; I noticed it immediately as Caesus. He looked much younger and had both his arms and eyes. “YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLED HER!!” I heard Remel cry, he was at least 16 now in human years. “Remel, I didn’t kill her…” he bent down lower, “You did.” Remel’s eyes opened wide and tears flowed down without hesitation. Caesus let out a sigh, “Seeing that I am a good person, and the one I’m looking for isn’t here, I’ll let you live.” He turned around, showing only his profile. “The next time we meet,” now his back was completely towards us, “I won’t be so generous.” With those words he walked away. Remel got up and walked over to Meile’s body, and shut her eyes. He opened his palm; the locket was pressed against it. A gust of wind blew and I was thrown back to normal time. Words appeared on a blank page, “You are at the middle of the journey. Rest and come back tomorrow.” I closed the book and looked around, it was already nightfall but there was something else I had to do. I ran to the prisoners’ cell underground. “Where is he? Where’s Caesus!?” I yelled. I went around and looked for his cell. “Right through there ma’am” a guard said. I went up to the bars. “You bastard.” I spat, he looked up. “If it isn’t the lovely Savior.” He said groggily. “What have you come here for? A story? A reason?” he asked seriously. “I want to know why you didn’t die.” I said, he shot me a glare. “I only have one way to die, not by sword, not by magic. Nor by hanging or shooting.” He kept listing things that everyday soldiers used. I took out the locket and for some reason the jewels in the center turned lime green. He gasped, “GET THAT INFERNAL THING AWAY FROM ME!” He was against the farthest wall, curling himself into a ball to try and protect himself. I had found my weapon, but I wasn’t finished. “How do I kill Hathran and live myself?” I asked. “Put that monster’s locket away and I’ll tell you anything you want.” He begged. I took his word and put the locket away. I sat down, legs crossed, as did he. There was silence, “You’re sick.” He said. “What?” I pushed further. “That jewel on your neck.” I opened my chest to view the jewel, “It’s poisonous without a crest. Its venom is spreading through your body; the disease is called the ‘angelic blood disease’. The cure isn’t known. But if you find a way to transfer it to one body to another, you’ll be cured and… well that’s all.” He said. “How did you know of this?” I asked stunned. “I have the same disease… my hand,” he lifted his gun formed arm, “prevents it from spreading throughout my body. This, beautiful girl, is my secret; I cannot be killed until my disease is lifted or spread through my body, causing me endless torture until I die.” He smirked, “which is, your fate, my dear. Your disease will spread throughout your body; turning every single drop of good blood into cold poisoned blood. And then finally, killing you in the worst way you fear the most.” He pronounced every word diligently. “You will die. And Hathran will rule.” He spat. I suppressed tears that were wanting to flood down. I quickly got up, and before I left, I shone the locket straight in front of his bloody face, making his eyes grow wide in fear, “I will avenge him.” I said and left.

I turned the corner to the stairs and bumped into Aiden, “oh uh hey Aiden, what’re you doing here?” I asked, afraid he might’ve heard about my sickness. His gaze faltered; looking down at my chest, straight at the stone. I quickly followed his gaze and immediately covered it. “H-Harry was looking for you.” He stammered, looking up again. I nodded and started up stairs, “Giselle?” I turned around. His eyes were innocent; and worried. “Are you alright?” he asked. “yeah.” I quickly said and ran off.

The truth was I wasn’t alright. I hardly even knew what to call the emotion I was feeling at the moment…

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