Chapter Twenty Five: Tortured

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(Vanessa’s POV)

I landed with a great thud on what seemed to be a field of wheat. It was dark, making me feel exposed and unsafe; and vulnerable to whatever was out there. I picked up my sword that was laid on the ground beside me. “Where am I?” I whispered to myself. I looked up; the sky was clouded over in dark clouds; they weren’t ordinary rain clouds, they were just dark. I looked around, hearing sounds all around me; but there was one problem; I couldn’t see past the circle of trees around me. The enhancement spell I had put on my eyes 10 years ago was gone. I heard a howl that distracted me from my current sight problem, I started running; sprinting to the trees, but as much as I kept running the farther the trees seemed. More and more howls came from behind me; but still the more I ran the farther the trees were.

I could feel movement behind me; wolves. They were chasing me, they weren’t any ordinary wolves; they were Werewolves. “We’ve got her guys.” I heard one say. I felt something latch on to my leg. I pounded the ground; making earth fly in all directions. The hand that was latched on to my leg was now gone and I turned to face the enemy; I took my sword out and planted it in the ground;

“Oh gods of mother earth grant me thy power and crush my enemy!” I whipped out my sword from the ground; “RAVASHING LANDSLIDE!” rocks flew everywhere, crushing only a few in the many that were following me. “This one’s a powerful one, we better take her out as fast as we can.” I heard a voice say. “BANISHING SORROW” I saw a light fly towards me and everything went black…

(James’ POV)

I felt hands grab my shoulder and back; slowing my fall down this dark crack. “James, calm your mind.” I heard Aiden say. I closed my eyes and did as he said. I felt our feet touch soft supple grass. I turned around and looked at Aiden; blue wings, scales contouring his face, his arms feathered and his finger nails longer and black. He smiled at me, “so, where are we?” I asked. He looked around; as did I. it was a peaceful flower valley. The grass was green, flowers growing everywhere and a small stream ran through the middle of it. “James, remember those rumors of hidden realms underneath the world?” Aiden asked, I nodded, “you mean like the six hidden kingdoms; Gratiae, Tenebris, Lacrimam, Ventus, Petræ, Ardentisque” I asked. He nodded, “Ever thought for one moment that they were true? I think this answers it. We were all separated into the six realms.” “but we were only split into five… where’s the sixth?” I asked. “I don’t know… we won’t find any answers or anyone if we just stay here, common.” He gestured to keep going and I followed. I felt a sharp and quick pain pass through my head and I heard a scream. “Aiden, did you hear that?” his head shot up, his eyes lighting up, “Vanessa. But, it’s gone. What’d you suppose?” we shook it off, and kept walking. We reached a small shelter and set up a camp fire. “Don’t you think it’s odd? I mean we get separated; and we find that we’re all transported to these kingdoms that no one knew existed? Someone must be behind it, if it isn’t Hathran than who is it? No one’s attacking us.” I stated as I moved the wood around with another stick. Aiden was silent for a bit and then he rose, “I’m going to have a look around, you’re right it’s too mysterious.” Before I could persuade him to ignore my comment he left.

It must’ve been an hour before he came back. “I did some hunting; we aren’t the only ones here.” He dropped a dear on the floor next to me. I started to skin it, and he helped. “So, James; anything new? I mean a guy like you must have a girl back home.” He said in a joking tone. My face fell, “uh… I guess.” I stated nervously. “What do you mean ‘I guess’, you’re a powerful dude and you aren’t bad looking.” He laughed. “Um that’s not it it’s more… a personal reason…” I hesitated. “I don’t get it.” He scoffed jokingly. “I do have someone, just… It’s Liam for God’s sake!” I cried out. His face was bewildered; I knew he wanted to laugh or scream or I didn’t even know. “Go ahead, laugh at me. People usually do…” I mumbled. He rose and came beside me, “why on Earth would I laugh?” He smiled, “I was just trying to make conversation. It just came out of you; I never expected it. You don’t seem like the type to be I mean; you’re really just chill and mysterious I guess.” He nudged my shoulder, “I won’t tell anyone bud. I promise.” He smiled and lied down on the floor, “better get some sleep; we’ve got a day of walking.” And with that the cave went silent. I did the same and soon I fell asleep.

(A couple of hours later)

“James, wake up. Now.” It was Aiden, I woke up and stretched. “Shh. I think I found our destination.” He signaled and I looked down from the cliff we were on. “Aiden, are you mad?! That’s a full pack of maybe 20 Werewolves. We’ll never make it out alive.” His face went bland; “did you see who’s with them?” I looked down again; Vanessa. She was covered in blood and full of dirt. “OI YOU CAREFUL WITH HER! We’re bringing her to Queen Luna.” One of them said. “Luna? Isn’t that the ruler of—” “The Kingdom of Gratiae; otherwise known as the kingdom of Grace and Light.” Aiden finished. “Let’s follow them.”

We carefully followed them and we arrived to a huge castle; it was built of gold and it was extremely tall. “My faithful servants, what have you brought me; a mere human? No. you brought me three humans.” “Shit. She knows we’re here.” Aiden whispered. The Werewolves looked around in confusion. “They followed you; you have their companion. Humans; come out we won’t harm you.” She spoke out her voice clear as crystal. Aiden grabbed me and we walked out. Her eyes widened, “you are not human…” she stated. I looked to my left and saw Vanessa lying limp on the ground, “what have you done to her?” I asked. “She’ll be fine. In fact my Werewolves were the ones who saved her. She was being attacked in the neighboring kingdom by my rival’s Werewolves. I sent mine out to help; they tortured her and if my servants hadn’t saved her she could’ve died.” Aiden shot me a glance of relief. “Please, come in. You are my guests; you shall find rest in this kingdom.” She motioned inside and we followed…

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