Chapter Eighteen: The Wedding

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“Giselle!! Aiden’s awake!” Harry said, running towards me grabbing my hand. We ran to the healing room and went in. “*groan* W-Where are we? UGH! Why does my chest feel so heavy?” Aiden said, attempting to get up. Merl turned around to face him. “I’m glad you’re awake. Your chest is just recovering, wings are a heavy burden.” She giggled. Aiden’s face lit up, I knew he liked; Aiden was an easy book to read. “Are you the one who--” “Healed you? Yes, not the one who saved you though; if your friends here hadn’t brought you here in time you’d be dead.” She said, continuing to wipe up the blood on the table. “Giselle!” he said, now fully getting up. I had a perfect view of his whole body; bandages covered his chest and shoulders, his pants were somewhat ripped and his head was still damp with fresh blood. I hesitated to hug him since Harry was here, but he engulfed me into one anyway. Harry was soon pulled in to his chest as well, “well, now since all of us are feeling up and at it, allow me to personally invite you to my wedding.” Merl said. “YOUR WEDDING?” Harry cried. “DON’T TELL ME YOU’RE MARRING THAT IDIOT OF A BOY!” he yelled, I had never seen him get angry before, and this was way over angry. “Harry, he’s a sensible man and he happens to be a first class bender as well as an archer.” She said, remaining calmly. “THAT STILL DOESN’T MEAN YOU SHOULD MARRY HIM!” Harry continued. Merl didn’t answer her back to us. Her body started to glow white, she turned, and she was upset and had her staff at the ready. “HARRY THIS IS MY CHOICE; I’M DOING THIS FOR MY KINGDOM AND MY PEOPLE. IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO ARGUE WITH ME ABOUT THEN FIGHT ME!” she said, her voiced echoed throughout the room, Remel burst out of the ground in front of me “STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!” He yelled in a voice I’d never heard before. They both immediately stopped, “What’s going on in here?” a voice said from the entrance. “Daryn…” Merl said. “Why is everyone yelling?” a man with long red hair, tied in a low ponytail, and bright green eyes walked forward. I could feel Harry tense up when he walked by. Was this Merl’s fiancé? “Ah, Harry I haven’t seen you in a while… since the attack I believe?” Harry didn’t answer; he didn’t even look at him. “And you still hate me…” he said under his breath, “You must be Giselle,” he said turning to me. “Oh uhm yes…” I said, blushing. He was extremely attractive it wasn’t realistic. He nodded, now turning to Merl, “Shouldn’t we be getting ready for our wedding?” he said smiling. Merl nodded happily, and glanced to Harry who was still looking angrily at the floor. “Remel, would you be as kind as to lead Giselle here to the dress room and assist her?” Remel’s head shot up and I could’ve sworn I saw him blush. He nodded and came towards me, “Harry there’s already and outfit laid out in your chamber.” With that, Daryn left.

Remel lead me to a beautiful room, which was designed as a large walk-in closet. There were manikins and dresses everywhere. “Uh… you can choose any really…” he said, he sat down in a room outside the one we were in. I grabbed his hand preventing him to leave just yet. “Wait, you’ll help me chose right? I want Harry to like what I wear and well I think you know what he’d like.” I said smiling. He nodded and sat down in the chair outside the changing room. I grabbed a couple of dresses and walked into get changed. The first dress I tried on was really frilly and had big puffy long sleeves. I walked out and Remel immediately said no, “too much uh well everything’s uh… covered….” He mumbled. I giggled and agreed.  I tried on more and more yet none seemed to fit both our tastes. Finally, I walked out in a white and gold dress; it was strapless and there was gold thread weaving a gold external corset to the soft white silk under. It was a long dress that resembled a ball gown and it was extremely light. “Uh…” I was speechless, and by the look on Remel’s face I could tell he was as well. “You look… uh… nice.” He said. “So much fabric yet, I feel like I’m not wearing anything.” I said a tad embarrassed. He laughed, and grabbed my hand. “We need to do something about your hair.” He stated. I was brought to another room and sat down; a woman with a trampy outfit came in and spoke a language I couldn’t understand. She put my hair down, and started to comb it and proceeded to wash it; she started to snip the bottom and then placed some sort of dye in only a strand of my hair, near the front. She turned my chair around so I couldn’t observe what she was doing. When she was done she turned me around, my makeup and hair were done to perfection; I had a light gold eye shadow and black eye-liner, pink lip gloss and the dye she’d put it was a bright red. She turned to me handing me her hand to get up, she smiled and said with a thick accent; “You will blow away prince ‘Arry. Red show strength as savior.”

I walked out into the hallway, and I was greeted by Remel, Aiden, Vanessa, Kellan, James and Liam. All completely transformed as well. Remel had a suit on that revealed his chest a bit, and the vest was embroidered with gold flower like shapes with his usual puffy-sleeved white blouse. Aiden had a similar arrangement yet he didn’t wear the suite coat; his vest was a cream silky fabric with apple green embroidery.  Vanessa and Kellan matched; a blood red one-shouldered ball gown and a black fabric embroidered vest. Interestingly enough, James and Liam matched as well; James wore a vest with blue embroidery as Liam wore a blue fabric matching the embroidery of James’ vest. We all looked pretty clean-cut for a group that was pretty dirty… “So who’s walking in with Remel and Aiden?” Vanessa said. She was right; we were an uneven number without Harry present. “Wait, where’s Harry?” Remel asked. “I have someone to walk in with, don’t worry.” Aiden said smiling. “I guess I’ll walk in with Remel then.” I said smiling at him. Again, I thought I saw him blush but I wasn’t sure since it disappeared in a second.

We gathered in front of the hall doors to escort Merl’s way into her wedding. At the last minute, I saw Harry sitting to the side, covered by the stairway’s shadow. He looked angry, I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I ran over to him anyways. “Harry,” I said simply. He looked up, pain in his eyes. “Giselle…” he said. “Uhm...” I stuttered. He pulled me into a hug, “don’t worry about me please.” He said, and he vanished up the stairs. I resumed my place beside Remel, and the music started to play. First; Aiden and a mystery girl walked in, then James with a lady of the court, then Liam with another lady of the court, Vanessa and Kellan, Remel and I and lastly, the bride; Merl. Daryn was dressed to the nines; waiting at the steps that led to the alter. The ceremony went on, and when the priest pronounced the last words, something happened…

“You may kiss the bride,” I watched them kiss, and a pang of pain rushed through my head. “I pronounce you the new King and Queen of Alteressia, the Northern Water Kingdom.” My mind was racing, I heard voices everywhere and my focus was out of it. Then, I heard it. I heard Harry, he was yelling in pain and I saw a man; his right eye covered by a metal eye patch, he was a demon, I knew it. ‘Where is the girl?’ He kept saying it over and over. ‘Where is the one who betrayed you, the one who killed your mother?’ He said. The voices faded and everything went back to normal. “Giselle, are you alright?” Remel whispered, I instantly hugged him as tightly as I could, not wanting him to go. “H-Harry…” I started crying, I looked around and everyone was gone. “Harry? What about him? Is he alright?” he asked. “I don’t know. I heard him screaming and… the roof, where’s the stairwell that leads to the roof?” I asked, standing up straight. “It’s the one we were standing in front of before coming in, why?” he asked, helping me up. “Just in case… where did everyone go?” I asked. “The reception, if you’re feeling alright we can go together if you’d like.” He said smiling hesitantly. ‘Harry’s a lucky guy, she’s wonderful.’ I heard Remel’s thoughts and smiled. He liked me, and I didn’t mind it…

We got into the great feast hall, and Remel turned me towards him and bowed, “may I have this dance?” he asked with a slight joking tone to it. I nodded and he swept me to the dance floor, we danced and danced, for how long I didn’t know. We stopped, and sat down to eat. After we danced another dance and I had to get some air, I left and went outside. I thought I’d explore a bit so I decided I’d got to the roof, but it seems, I had interrupted some business between Liam and James, so I soon returned to the hallway. “Are you lost?” a voice said. I ignored it. “DON’T IGNORE ME!” it shouted. “Wouldn’t it be better if you showed yourself?” I stated calmly. “Why don’t you look behind you?” it said. I turned around; a tall man, who looked exactly like the man from my ‘vision’, was standing there cross-armed. “Are you looking for something?” he asked. “No, I was just getting some air. If you have business with me, state it.” I said honestly. He advanced, so that he could speak the words clearly in my ear, “You, the last heir to your race, will fall tonight; the night of the king.” He walked passed me, I turned around to say something but he had vanished….

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